Registration process
To use the discussion board you must
first register and get a username and password. Visit
for a link to the registration page and later for a direct link to the forum
- The ELENA/asylumlaw discussion
board is the whole discussion area (level one)
- A Forum is a major discussion
theme within the discussion board (level two)
- A Topic is a line of discussion
within a forum (level three)
- A Message is an individual message
on a topic
The first level of the ELENA
discussion board that you come to contains a list of the main discussion forums
of the board (forum column), the total number of messages per forum (posts
column), the most recent addition (last post) and the moderator of the forum
(moderator column). To read the
messages in a forum, click on its title.
You will then
see a list of discussion topics within the selected forum (topic column), the
number of replies (replies column), the most recent message on the topic (last
post) and the user name of the person who started the discussion (started
by). To read the messages within a
topic area, click on the topic title.
You will then
see a list of all the messages sent on that topic, starting with the original
message and working down to the most recent. You can reply to any of the individual messages by clicking
on the small reply link located near the message text. You can also turn on or off a
notification function located at the bottom of the page, that is you are
notified automatically by email when there are more messages sent on this
topic. You can also turn on/off
the notification function when replying to a message.
To start a new discussion topic
within one of the main forums, click on the title of the forum you are
interested in and then click on the new topic button. Choose a title for your topic and place this in the subject
box. Then add the text of your
message in the message box. Choose
whether or not you want to be notified automatically by email when messages are
sent on this topic.
If you click on the search link you
can search any forum from the drop down list placing in the empty box the word
or words you want to search by.
That really is all you have to do
to use the ELENA/ discussion board. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – we can delete
messages easily if you send something you didn’t mean to !