Joint Initiative by December 18 and Migrant Rights International.
1. United Nations
The fifty-eighth session of the UN
Commission on Human Rights will be held from 18 March to 26 April 2002 in
Info for NGOs on the upcoming UNCHR
is available at:
A comprehensive overview of UN
reports and documents related to the UNCHR is available at
We recently opened a UNCHR 2002
page. To-date, it includes under Item 14 ñ Specific Group and Individuals,
Migrant Workers:
- A written
statement by Human Rights Advocates, US. The statement focuses on the right to
life of migrants on the borders of nations and the right to health of migrants
and their exposure to pesticides. We also added a link to a general report on
the 57th Session of the UNCHR.
- A written statement by the International Catholic Migration Commission, Switzerland. The statement focuses on the coming into force of the Migrants Workers Convention, Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, rights of undocumented and of trafficked persons.
The follow-up of the World
Conference against Racism is discussed under Item 6.
UN Committee on the Elimination
of Discrimination against Women
The Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women ñ the UN monitoring body for the implementation of
the Convention against such discrimination -- started its organizational
meeting on January 14th. The meeting will last until 1 February and
will examine reports of eight States parties -- Fiji, Iceland, Portugal,
Trinidad and Tobago, Estonia, Uruguay, Russian Federation and Sri Lanka.
Other UN news: The UN announced
that it is creating a new European based unit for Internally Displaced Persons.
For more information, see:
To find out more about Internally Displaced Persons, see:
Ms. Sandra AragÛn
is the newly appointed NGO liaison officer within the Anti-Discrimination Unit at the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights. She is taking over from Ms. Wiseberg and Mr.
Fenniche. The Unit was constituted to follow up and implement the Declaration
and Programme of Action adopted at the Durban Conference. Tel (41 22) 917 93 93
- Fax (41 22) 917 90 50 ñ E-mail:
2. EU
12/2001 - UNHRC's overview from January to December 2001 on EU
asylum, migration and other related matters, see:
18/12/2002 - The European monitoring Centre
on Racism and Xenophobia has published its third report on developments in racism, xenophobia and
Anti-Semitism in the EU Member States. The Annual Report 2000 was presented to
the public in Brussels on the 18 December 2001 and can be downloaded from
The EU Annual Report on Human Rights for 2000-2001 is available at:
01/01/2002 ñ Spanish EU Presidency, see:
The Spanish Presidencyís priorities in the area of asylum and migration can be found at
4-6/04/2002 ñ
An ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Ministerial
Meeting on migratory flows will be held in Lanzarotes. More information about
ASEM can be found at:
16-17/09/2002 ñ The 7th Conference of European Ministers responsible for Migration Affairs will be held in Helsinki, Finland. The theme of the Conference is ìEvaluation of the situation in the field of migrationî; with as sub-themes: Developments in the policies for the integration of immigrants, and, Trends in migration management strategies. The invitation list (including multilateral and non-governmental organizations) can be viewed at: (under point D.).
3. Conferences,
Manifestations and Courses
For more and for
details, see our international calendar at :
18-19/01/2002 - Migration, Refugees and
Humanitarian Protection in Europe and the Mediterranean Area, Trieste, Italy.
19/01/2002 - National Demonstration for
Migrant's Rights and against the Bossi-Fini Law, Roma, Italy.
20-21/01/2002 - Migrant Domestic Workers -
Acting Together, RESPECT, UK
22 /01/2002 - Gender and migration, San
Diego, California, USA.
24-27/01/2002 - Migration and religious
experience in the context of globalization, Mexico.
28-30/01/2002 - Second World Social Forum,
Porto Alegre, Brazil.
1-2/02/2002 ñ For a successful
non-discrimination policy in school : an European approach on equal
opportunities for youngsters, Brussels, Belgium.
1-3/02/2002 - Labour Rights and Residence
Permits for Migrant Domestic Workers, Germany
3/02/2002 - Anti-Wage Cut Rallies, Hong
5/02/2002 - Conference on Small Refugee
Housing Associations, UK
12/02/2002 - Economic and Political
Migrants and Asylum Seekers, Coventry , UK.
15-16/02/2002 - Strategizing to Combat Trafficking
in Women and Children, Bangladesh.
15-18/02/2002 - US-Mexico border : Militarisation at Our Borders.
18-28/02/2002 - Workshop On Gender And Development, Thailand.
8/03/2002 - Roma Nation Day
8-9/03/2002 ñ Platform for International
Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants,
GA, The Netherlands
10/03/2002 ñ National Demonstration for
Migrantsí and Refugee Rights, Brussels, Belgium
4. Jobs
PICUM (Platform for
International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, Brussels, Belgium) is
hiring a temporary fulltime researcher and halftime administrative assistant.
Deadline: 04/02/2002. For information, please contact Nele Verbruggen,
5. Update of
The site is again available at An automatic link will be posted onto
the domain to the .net one. All links other than to the
homepage should be going to the .net site. The and .org e-mail
addresses will be maintained. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Papers and
articles (English)
If walls could
speak, Israel
The Target: 1.000
Deportees a month, Israel
AIDS devastates
Swazilandís workforce, Need of foreign migrant workers
The Legal
Framework of Migration in Greece, the 2001 ìLaw on Aliensî, and its section 54
Filipinas end up
as fun girls in South Korea
Part 2: Government
toothless in war against sex traffic
Part 3: Slow going
for law against human trafficking
The right to
suffrage for overseas working Filipinos
IMP Seminar for
West Africa, Trends in Labour Migration, Standards and Policies with relevance
to West Africa
Economic racism
legalized in UK
Vulnerability and Migration: A South Asian Perspective
Diversity and Integration, The evolving role of International Law
Gender and
Transnational Migration
Consequences of
the Forced Mass Repatriation of Migrant Communities: Cases from West Africa and
the Middle East
Newsletter of the
Asia Pacific Migration Research Network, Oct-Nov.2001
Main topics are:
Braindrain from S.Asia/Philippine Migration Data Bank/MV Tampa/Trafficking in
SE Asia Migration News from New Zealand
Papers and
articles (French)
Le droit díÍtre lý,
díaller et de venir, partout!
Quelques rÈponses belge
et europÈennes ý la question migratoire
IntÈgration scolaire des
enfants migrants
Migration, genre et
La servitude pour
dette : líesclavage sur tous les continents
Les bateyes, Situation
en RÈpublique Dominicaine
ADRI France :
Hommes et Migrations
ADRI France : De la
rÈgularisation ý líintÈgration
OIM : Migration et
VIH, Sida en Europe
Urbanisation et migration
C.I. de France :
EgalitÈ sans frontiËre : Les immigrÈs ne sont pas une marchandise
C.I. de France :
Migration et DÈveloppement
NA - CMR : Partir
travailler loin de chez soi : migration et discrimination
NA ñ CMR :
Dimension raciale de la traite des personnes, en particulier des femmes et des
RÈfugiÈs Palestiniens en Jordanie et au Liban
CF Canada : Le
Canada et le mariage de Philippines par correspondance
CF Canada : Les travailleuses migrantes du sexe originaires díEurope
et de líancienne Union SoviÈtique
Papers and Articles (Spanish)
InmigraciÛn en EspaÒa
Urgent actions (English)
Stop the Chinese-Israel migrant workers scam!
Human Trafficking (English and Spanish)
Trafficking of Humans, Information Note by the
High Commissioner on Human Rights, December 2001 (PDF) (English)
Campaigns (English, French and Spanish)
Foreigners' right to family life
Press Releases December 2001 ñ January 2002 (English)
UFCW Canada wins agricultural workers Charter
challenge at Supreme Court of Canada
Migrants slam PM Koizumi for miseries of OFWs
in Japan
Migrant Workers in Korea, Abolish the
Exploitative Trainee System and Ratify the Convention
Other updates (English)
Web site directory: add your site!
International Calendar
Databases and Statistics
Regional Instruments
Spanish and French version available upon request