Appeal regarding the situation of asylum seekers in Italy


The recent tragic events at Porto Empedocle on 14 September, which resulted in the death of 36 persons, have been presented to public opinion as the latest attempt by clandestines or irregular immigrants to land in Italy.  Few have commented on the presence, among those persons, of many who have fled from realities of war or conflict, such as in Liberia, and who hoped to find in Italy humanitarian assistance and recognition of their right to asylum.


This episode highlights to what extent the protection of asylum rights in Italy has become marginalised within the current political and cultural debate regarding immigration and is not valued as a fundamental human right, sanctioned by our Constitution and by international Conventions to which Italy is signatory.


The situation of asylum seekers in Italy which,  has been difficult for a number of years due to the lack of a basic law on the subject, has worsened since the approval of the so-called Bossi-Fini law.


In view of the effective implementation of the articles regarding asylum (which will occur once the regulations are in force, not before 2003) a sort of “waiting period” has begun, during which the already very limited assistance measures foreseen under current regulations have been suspended and the actual procedure for recognition of refugee status has become nebulous and ever more uncertain.


There are various provisions which lead in this direction:

·       the long waiting period and the suspension, in many cases, of the appointments given to asylum seekers for examination of their cases by the Central Commission for the Recognition of Refugee Status;

·       the suspension from 1 August 2002 of the contribution for initial assistance from the Prefectures for asylum seekers;

·       the non-renewal of many stay permits issued for humanitarian reasons;

·       the suspension of the subsistence grant to recognized refugees foreseen under the present regulation. Furthermore, from 1 April 2002 the Prefectures are not accepting new requests.

·       Insufficient funding of the National Asylum Programme, which has forced many reception centres to reduce numbers to a minimum and many local councils to fall back on their own local funding.


The signatories to this appeal:


Denounce the current condition of asylum seekers in Italy, ever more serious and often unbearable. Many have now been without assistance for many months, forced to trail day after day from one office to another, without any certainty on length of time or procedures required regarding their request for asylum.


Request the competent Institutions to speed up as much as possible the examination of the asylum requests already presented and the renewal of stay permits for humanitarian reasons;


Invite Parliament to discuss, as soon as possible, proposed legislation on the subject of asylum, in order that Italy may have an effective mechanism in place to manage the reception, assistance and integration of asylum seekers and refugees


The future of thousands of people, often victims of persecution and abuse, and the dignity of our Institutions and our Country, are at stake.


Primary signatories


Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali-Comune di Roma, Caritas Diocesana di Roma, Casa dei Diritti Sociali-Focus, Centro Astalli, Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati (CIR), Comunità di S. Egidio, Consorzio della Cooperazione Sociale Sol.Co Roma, Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche (FCEI), Fondazione Internazionale don Luigi Di Liegro, Fondazione Migrantes, ICS - Consorzio Italiano di solidarietà, Progetto Casa Verde




Supporting signatories


Acli-Ipsia, Agesci, Asgi, Associazione abitanti via Giolitti-Esquilino, Gruppo Abele, Conferenza permanente dei presidenti delle associazioni e federazioni nazionali di volontariato, Fondo Alberto Moravia, Gruppo volontari Emmaus – Catanzaro, Movimento “Genti di pace”, Cecilia – Cooperativa Sociale, Fondazione Auxilium, senatore Natale Ripamonti, senatore Luigi Manconi, Associazione Immigrati Nordafricani in Italia, Federazione Italiana Organismi e Reti educative, Studio legale Nascimbene – Andreoni, Centro Welcome, Centro di ricerca per la pace – Viterbo, Associazione Sutka, Arci, Associazione ARG, Agorà Kroton