Joint Initiative by December 18 and Migrants Rights International.



MIGRANT.NEWS, Issue 75, 1 October 2003



Migrant Workers Convention: Creation of the Committee of Experts


On July 3, 2003, all 22 States Parties were invited by the Office of the UNHCHR to submit the name of their national candidate for the Committee of Experts. To date only 10 countries presented a candidate. The final election is scheduled for the second week of December 2003 in New York. On the same occasion, the Chairman of the meeting will choose by lot the names of the five members whose term will expire at the end of two years. The remaining five will serve for a term of four years. Once the Committee is set up, elections are held every second year.


List of candidates nominated by States Parties (As at 19 September 2003). Their CVs will be made publicly available by the end of October.


Mr. Francisco ALBA                                                               Mexico


Mr. Jose Serrano BRILLANTES                                             Philippines


Mr Francisco CARRIÓN-MENA                                               Ecuador


Ms. Ana Elizabeth CUBIAS MEDINA                                      El Salvador


Ms. Anamaría DIEGUEZ                                                        Guatemala


Mr. Ahmed Hassan EL-BORAI                                               Egypt


Mr. Abdelhamid EL JAMRI                                                     Morocco


Mr. Arthur Shatto GAKWANDI                                                Uganda


Mr. Prasad KARIYAWASAM                                                   Sri Lanka


Mr. Azad TAGHIZADE                                                            Azerbaijan






NGOs and the Migrant Workers’ Convention



Human Rights Watch: World Bank Should Promote Treaty to Protect Migrants, 19/09/03

Human Rights Watch called on the World Bank to encourage states that send or receive migrants to adopt and implement the protections contained in the Migrant Workers’ Convention. The Bank could help governments regulate migration and employment agencies to combat trafficking, exploitation and abuse.


To read Human Rights Watch’s letter to World Bank President James Wolfensohn, please see:






Creation of an NGO Group for the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention

December 18 is working on a proposal for the creation of an NGO Group for the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families. Organisations wishing to become involved or support this initiative can contact us directly, so that we can provide them with further information and start a discussion on how to work together.





UNIFEM and migrant workers


The UNIFEM Regional Programme on Empowering Women Migrant Workers in Asia won first prize from the 2003 Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organizations (AGFUND) in the category dedicated for projects implemented by international and regional organizations in the field of “Rehabilitation and employment of refugees and displaced people.”


The programme seeks to empower women migrant workers by promoting new policies, dialogue and collaboration between source and destination countries, and providing capacity building opportunities for migrant women themselves, especially in the area of savings and investment. It includes initiatives for advocacy on ratifying the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Their Families.. See







Inter-American Court on Human Rights and undocumented migrants


On September 17, 2003, the Inter-American Court on Human Rights issued the following "Condición Jurídica y Derechos De Los Migrantes Indocumentados", a legal instrument to enforce the protection of the human rights of undocumented migrants. Only in Spanish.







Join the December 18 team


You stand for equal rights, have spare time and an easy access to the Internet! Join the December 18 team. We are 20 volunteers from different backgrounds and origins, living in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, France, Italy, Panama, Spain, Sweden and the UK. We need more bright minds and fast hands to prepare the launch of our new database-driven site. We are in particular in need of native French, Italian and Dutch speakers with a good knowledge of English. For more details, please contact us info@december18.net.








International Calendar


Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride


Date: 20 September – 4 October 2003

Inspired by the Freedom Riders of the Civil Rights Movement, immigrant workers and their allies will set out from eight major U.S. cities and cross the country in buses in late September 2003. They will converge on Washington, D.C. to meet with members of Congress and then travel to New York City for a mass rally on October 4, 2003.



Youth and Migration Seminar

Date: 29 September to 3 October 2003

The seminar organised by El Taller will seek to deepen the understanding of the root causes of migration and displacement in the context of new global trends through the eyes of youth with an aim of discerning fresh insights in developing frameworks and mechanisms to influence decision making processes in the region. Themes : Globalisation, poverty, migration and racism; Militarization, War and Conflict; The different faces of migration ; Human Rights and forced migration.

Place: Tunis

Organisers: El Taller (Tunisia)

Contact: eltaller@gnet.tn



Contemporary Immigration in Italy, Current trends and future prospects


Date: 1 October 2003

Place: Rome

Organisers: Caritas Roma

Contact: immigrazione@caritasroma.it



Inmigrantes in Argentina (Immigrants in Argentina)

Date: 1 October 2003

Los temas a tratar serán: La realidad de los inmigrantes: violación de los Derechos Humanos; La necesidad de una nueva Ley de Migraciones y Amnistía General; Los inmigrantes en Argentina. Se presentará un Estudio sobre la Mujer Inmigrante Trabajadora: Caso Peruano.

Place: Buenos Aires

Organisers: Mujeres Peruanas Unidas Migrantes y Refugiadas

Contact: mujeresunidass@hotmail.com



Conference on Migration and Identity


Date: 2 to 5 October 2003

Participants of this conference will be visiting several museums that are telling the migration history of European peoples.

Place: Barcelona

Organisers: Migration, Work and Identity Project (Denmark)

Contact: pl@arbejdermuseet.d



Il Congrés Internacional Balears 2015 : La immigració (2nd Balearic Congress 2015 : Immigration)


Date: 2 to 3 October 2003

Amb la celebració del II Congrés Balears 2015. La immigració, es pretén examinar els reptes que planteja la immigració, tant des d'una vessant teòrica com pràctica, mitjançant l'anàlisi d'experiències duites a terme en diferents territoris.

Place: Palma de Mallorca

Organisers: Balearic Government (Spain)

Contact: infocongres@transit.es



Chancengleichheit im Betrieb – Aktiv werden gegen Diskriminierung von MigrantInnen am Arbeitsplats (Equal Chances within the company – Becoming active against discrimination of migrant women)


Date: 5 to 10 October 2003

Welche betrieblichen, gewerkschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Möglichkeiten und Aktivitäten gibt es, um Diskriminierung aufgrund der ethnischen Herkunft in der Arbeitswelt entgegenzutreten? Das Seminar soll dazu dienen, mit den TeilnehmerInnen konkrete Handlungsmöglichkeiten zu erarbeiten. Dazu werden unter anderem die folgenden aktuellen gesetzlichen Möglichkeiten vorgestellt und diskutiert:

-        EU-Richtlinie zur Anwendung des Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatzes ohne Unterschied der Rasse oder der ethnischen Herkunft

-        Überbetriebliche Vereinbarungen

-        Betriebliche Vereinbarungen zur Gleichbehandlung

-        Neue Regelungen des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes

Place: Berlin

Organisers: Migration Online Germany

Contact: migration@dgb-bildungswerk.de



OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting


Date: 6 to 17 October 2003

Themes: prevention of discrimination, racism, xenophobia and nationalism, minorities, special topic: migrant workers

Place: Warsaw

Organisers: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)  and OSCE

Contact: natalya@odihr.pl



Hearing on the consequences of Enlargement for the Schengen Agreement of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Demography – Council of Europe


Date: 6 October 2003

This committee fulfils a dual purpose: firstly, it elaborates policies for the upholding of rights of migrants, refugees and displaced persons and aiming at bringing about an improvement in their living conditions. Secondly, by proposing political solutions in keeping with the humanitarian values of the Council of Europe, it seeks to respond to member states' concerns about significant movements of migrants and refugees, issues related to the integration of migrants and demographic trends.

Place: Brussels

Organisers: Council of Europe



La protection sociale des étrangers en France (Social protection of Foreigners in France)

Date: 9 to 10 0ctober 2003

La formation portera sur les thèmes suivants : assurance-santé; revenu minimum; recours contre les décision des autorités; personnes âgées...

Place: Paris

Organisers: GISTI

Contact: gisti@gisti.org

Trafficking of African Children to the UK: Denouncing the “Better life” Syndrome

Date: 14 October 2003

Africans Unite Against Child Abuse is a UK based registered charity working to promote the welfare of African children in the UK and in Africa. In particular, we have been very vocal and visible in highlighting the growing problem of the trafficking of African children to the UK for a variety of purposes including domestic servitude, sexual exploitation and possible ritual killing. In November last year, we held a seminar in London looking at this particular issue. Trafficking of African children was also a key theme at our National Conference recently held in Leicester.

Place: Lagos

Organisers: Africans unite against Child abuse (UK)

Contact: iro@afruca.org



The International Migration of “Traditional Women”: Migrant sex workers, domestic workers and mail-order brides in the Pacific rim


Date: 16 to 19 October 2003

CCIS will be hosting this interdisciplinary conference on the international migration of women filling traditional women's roles in the Pacific Rim region. The Pacific Rim region has witnessed considerable growth in female migration over the past several decades, particularly from less developed states such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia into more developed states such as Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the U.S., and Canada. Many of these female migrants become domestic workers, sex workers, and mail-order brides in the receiving states, providing housecleaning, child care, cooking, elderly care, and/or sexual services.

Place: San Diego

Organisers: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies

Contact: info@ccisabroad.org





Spanish, Italian and French version available upon request at :



Spanish version translated by Maria Ruiz, Spain

French version translated by Catherine Thomas, France

Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani, Italy.