May 1, 2004
Statement by Teneganita
on the unhealthy work and living conditions of
thousands of migrant workers in Malaysia
UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of
The Special
Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Ms. Gabriela Rodriguez, will visit
Italy from 7 to 18 June 2004. As usual, she will be meeting with officials and
civil society. Relevant information and materials on the situation of migrants
and future migrants and relevant contacts in the country can be forwarded to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human
Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva 10 or emailed to (please put in the
subject: Attn. SR on the human rights of migrants/ITALY).
study on the Convention
the rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families, A review of EU and
International Standards: Implications for policy in Ireland
10/04/2004 - The aim of this report is to contribute to the process of
ensuring there are adequate safeguards for the rights of migrant workers and
their families in Ireland and to review the relevant internationa(...) National Consultative Committee on
Racism and Interculturalism (Ireland)
German campaign in favour of the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention:
the rhetorical using of human rights - or why Germany does not ratify the UN
The Committee for Fundamental Rights
and Democracy started earlier this month a petition in favour of a German
ratification of the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention (UN
WanderarbeiterInnen-Konvention) that will be handed over to the German
government in December 2004.
The petition aims and calls for a public and
parliamentary debate on the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention and for a serious
discussion on the continuing restriction of the fundamental
human rights of undocumented migrants who are often
contributing to our economy.
The campaign text can be found in German on the
following webpage:
more information, please contact
at Dirk Vogelskamp at
für Grundrechte und Demokratie
7-11, 50670 Köln, Germany
Tel.: 0221-972 69 30
Fax :
0221-972 69 31
campaigns for ratifications in Europe
If you plan
to organise a national campaign in favour of the Convention, please inform us
Platform Flanders (member organisations are: the unions ACV and ABVV, December
18, Forum van Organisaties van Etnisch - Culturele Minderheden, Kerkwerk
Multicultureel Samenleven, Medisch Steunpunt Mensen zonder Papieren, Steunpunt
Mensen zonder Papieren, Vlaams Minderhedencentrum, Wereldsolidariteit) launched
its campaign on 18 December 2002. During the first year, the
member organizations focussed on informing civil society. In November and
December 2003, politicians and political parties were presented a comparative
study between the Convention and the Belgian legislation and were requested to
take the necessary measures towards a Belgian ratification. The UN MW
Convention is presently scheduled for discussion on the inter-ministerial level
and within other relevant bodies.
person for the IMD Platform: Myriam De Feyter, December 18
Beginning of
March, AGIR ICI in cooperation with GISTI, CIMADE and the Ligue des droits de
l’ homme
started a campaign aiming at the recognition of the role of migrants in the
process of development and to assure respect for their fundamental rights. This
campaign invites citizens to request their Minister of Foreign Affairs and the
President of the Republic to start the process of ratification of the UN MWC
and to stop conditioning the cooperation with third countries on the
implementation of migration clauses. It
also challenges the European Commissioner for Justice and Home affairs and asks
him to invite all the Member states of the EU (including the future members
states) to ratify the UN MWC and to cease conditioning the co-operation
with the Non-member states through the implementation of migratory clauses.
Contact for the French Coalition: Caroline Maurel, Agir Ici
The Italian
Steering Committee started its national campaign in December 2002. It consists
of the following organizations: Casa dei Diritti Sociali, CGIL, Federazione
delle Chiese evangeliche in Italia, CISL, Fondazione Migrantes, UIL, Caritas
Italiana and the ILO and IOM offices.
The contact
for the Italian Steering Committee is Manfred Bergman, Casa dei Diritti Sociali
The German campaign just started beginning of April 2004. See above. The petition and signatures in favour of a German ratification will be handed over to the German government in December 2004.
Contact for
the Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie: Dirk Vogelskamp
Platform Catalonia started its campaign for a better protection of the human
rights of migrants on 18 December 2002. The Government of Catalonia supported
their call for a Spanish ratification and presented the demand to the federal
government. We are waiting for a reply by the newly established socialist
Contact for the IMD Platform
Catalonia: Eva Querol, Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona
The Koalition Migrantenrechten was first established on 18 December 2003. Its priorities are a better protection of the human rights of undocumented migrants and a Swiss ratification of the UN Migrant Workers Convention. The campaign is ongoing.
Contact for
the Koalition Migrantenrechten : Bruno Clement
contacts in Europe regarding past and future action on the Convention:
Contact for
the Irish Congress of Trade Unions: David Joyce
Father Rui Pedro, Director of OCPM - Obra Católica Portuguesa das Migrações
(Portuguese Catholic Ofice for Migrations)
Adelino Rodrigues
Associação de Reencontro dos
Nanneke Nix,
Long, United Nations Association UK
Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the Global Campaign for Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Migrants
Genevieve Gencianos
c/o Migrants Rights International (MRI)
UN Commission on Human Rights, 60th
session, Item 14
The sixtieth session of the UN Commission on Human Rights was held from 15 March until 23 April 2004 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
Item 14 on Specific groups and individuals that covers Internally Displaced Persons, Minorities, Migrant Workers and Other vulnerable groups and individuals was discussed on April 7, 8, 13 and 14.
A resume of the discussions and presentations can be found on the following web page:
Opening Item 14 session 7 April 2004 Afternoon
Session Item 14 – 8 April 2004 Morning
Presentation by the Special
Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants and following discussions
Session Item 14 – 8 April 2004 Afternoon
Session Item 14 – 13 April 2004 Morning
On the following page:
you will find:
- The main thematic report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of domestic migrant workers
- The reports on her visits to Spain, Morocco and Iran
- Statements by ICFTU, ICMC, MRI, AI, the Quakers, JRS, Anti-Slavery International, Franciscans International, Trocaire, ILO and IOM
Our articles,
reports and papers database:
If following links to the latest added articles and
papers do not function properly, please check our database for the same
information and for the full content (including articles in other languages).
To add your articles and papers related to the human rights of migrants, please
forward the information to
Call on EU
to Scrap Asylum Proposal
28/04/2004 - ECRE, Amnesty International and Human
Rights Watch express their deep concern at the expected agreement on Thursday
by the Justice and Home Affairs Council of several asylum measures that would
allow(...) European Council on Refugees and
Exiles (U.K.)
PM Speech
to the Confederation of British Industry on Migration
27/04/2004 - The Prime Minister sets out the UK
government's policy on migration, stating that: "we will do two things at
once: make the argument for controlled migration as good and beneficial for
Britain; act t(...) United Kingdom - PM
Office (U.K.)
Migrants might get residence permits more quickly in Spain.
26/04/2004 - Immigrants who are working in stable
jobs but are not registered with the authorities may be able to get residence
permits more quickly, the Minister of Employment and Social Affairs said
Monday. Expatica (Spain)
Undocumented Hold Lessons for EU.
10/04/2004 - The metaphors used for Europe's
borders often portray two extremes; where one analyst sees Fortress Europe,
another sees a sieve. Much of Europe's brewing migration debate carries this
polarized tone (...) Migration Information Source (U.S.A.)
the rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families, A review of EU and
International Standards: Implications for policy in Ireland (PDF)
10/04/2004 - The aim of this report is to
contribute to the process of ensuring there are adequate safeguards for the
rights of migrant workers and their families in Ireland and to review the
relevant internationa(...) National Consultative Committee on
Racism and Interculturalism (Ireland)
Rapporteur on Migrants notes acts of violence and ill treatment of migrants around
the world
08/04/2004 - Gabriela Rodriguez Pizarro today told
the Commission on Human Rights that worldwide, millions of migrants have
provided information on acts of violence and ill treatment. Among concerns she
had raised(...) UN Special Rapporteur on Human
Rights of Migrants (Switzerland)
Newspacket Volume 3 - Number 2 (133kB)
30/03/2004 - OFW Journalism Consortium (Philippines)
If following links to activities organized in May 2004 do not function properly, please check our database for the same information and for the full calendar. To add your activities related to the human
Rights of migrants, please forward the information to
Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Date: 26/04-14/05/04
States examined will be : Lithuania, Greece, Kuweit, Spain, Ecuador.
Place: Geneva
Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Organiser: United Nations
Country: Switzerland
National Migrant Education Conference
Date: 01/05 - 05/05/04
Educational conference for migrant educators and other migrant advocates
Place: San Antonio, TX
Languages: English
Organiser: National Association of State
Directors of Migrant Education (U.S.A.)
Country: U.S.A.
Committee against Torture
Date: 03/05-21/05/04
States examined will be : Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Czech republic, Germany,
Monaco, New Zealand.
Place: Geneva
Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Organiser: UN Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights (Switzerland)
Country: Switzerland
d'entrée et de séjour en France
Date: 03/05-04/05/04
Training on conditions of entry and stay in France.
Avec une introduction générale au droit des étrangers, le régime de visas, le
refus d'entrée, les différents types de séjour et une étude de cas pratiques.
Place: Paris
Languages: French
Organiser: Groupe d'information et de soutien
d'immigrés (France)
Country: France
Refoulement and Return at Europe's Airports
Date: 06/05-09/05/04
What about humanitarianism? Developments on the ground and reactions from
international organizations, churches, religious communities and NGOs.
Place: Osterley, West London
Languages: English
Organiser: Exodus
Country: U.K.
20th Anniversary Samahan Belgium
Date: 08/05/04
Samahan Belgium is 20 years old. On 8th May 2004, we will celebrate “Twenty
Years of Promoting Migrant Workers’ Rights”.
Time: 7-00 pm
Place: Brussels
Languages: English
Organiser: Samahan (Belgium)
Contact: or +32 2 230 42 82
Country: Belgium
Chancengleichheit im Betrieb. Aktiv werden gegen
Diskriminierung von MigrantInnen am Arbeitsplatz (Equal opportunities at work :
to act against the discrimination of migrant women)
Date: 09/05-14/05/04
Welche betrieblichen, gewerkschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen
Möglichkeiten und Aktivitäten gibt es, um Diskriminierung aufgrund der
ethnischen Herkunft in der Arbeitswelt entgegenzutreten?Das Seminar soll dazu
dienen, mit den TeilnehmerInnen konkrete Handlungsmöglichkeiten zu erarbeiten.
The seminar is about the different legal
possibilities to act against discrimination on ethnic grounds at the workplace.
Place: Hattingen
Languages: German
Organiser: Migration Online
Country: Germany
New Chinese
Migrants - Globalisation of Chinese Overseas Migration
Date: 10/05-14/05/04
The primary objective of the Fifth International ISSCO conference is to
examine the implications of globalisation and the recent phenomenon of
increasing out-migration from the People's Republic of China. The process of
globalisation accelerated by transnational financial and commercial
developments and innovations in transportation, Internet technology and
telecommunication has increased human mobility.
Place: Helsingor
Languages: Chinese, English
Organiser: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies - University of
Copenhagen (Denmark)
Country: Denmark
World Congress on Child Labour
Date: 10/05-13/05/04
Through a series of events and activities, Global March Against Child Labour
is helping to bring together former child labourers and child activists in the
first ever Children's World Congress on Child Labour. The children will take
the centre stage, speak for themselves, press for prompt solutions and actions,
and fight for their rights to end exploitation and ensure education for all.
Place: Florence
Languages: English
Organiser: Global March Against Child Labour (India)
Country: Italy
Annual Bank
Conference on Development Economics
Date: 10/05-11/05/04
Special sessions on migration and its impact on development and migration
and its economic impact.
Place: Brussels
Languages: English
Organiser: World Bank
Country: Belgium
Menschenwürdige Arbeit und soziale Sicherheit in der
informellen Wirtschaft
Date: 11/05-13/05/04
Humane work conditions and social security in the informal sector.
Place: Berlin
Languages: German
Organiser: Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin (Germany)
Country: Germany
meeting of the European Committee on Migration (CDMG) and Political Platform
Date: 12/05-14/05/04
The CDMG is a forum within which government experts and representatives of
non-governmental organisations give thought at pan-European level to migration,
to the condition and social integration of populations of migrant origin and of
refugees, to the various migratory movements and to the reasons for migration.
Place: Strasburg
Languages: English, French
Organiser: Council of Europe
Country: France
Migrations and Images
Date: 12/05-14/05/04
Film and photo exhibition on the issue of migration and refugees
Place: Luxembourg
Languages: English, French
Organiser: Comité de Liaison et d'Action des Etrangers (Luxembourg)
Country: Luxembourg
Networks Conference
Date: 14/05/04
First national conference for media networks
set up or supported by the Refugees, Asylum seekers and the Media (RAM)
Project. The aim of the day is to share practical experiences of working with
media to change the hostile UK media coverage of refugees and
Time: 11 am to 5.30 pm
Place: Birmingham
Languages: English
Organiser: Refugees, Asylum-seekers and the
Media Project (U.K.)
Country: U.K.
Date: 15/05-20/06/04
Flotilla2004 will culminate in a voyage to Australia's offshore
concentration camp in Nauru - arriving June 20th, 2004.
Place: Sydney-Nauru
Languages: English
Organiser: Flotillas of Hope (Australia)
Country: Australia
Committee on the Rights of the Child
Date: 17/05-04/06/04
Place: Geneva
Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Organiser: UN Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights (Switzerland)
Country: Switzerland
Labour Standards
Date: 17/05-28/05/04
This is an interregional course aimed at up-dating participants’ knowledge
of the standard-setting and supervisory system of the ILO Conventions. It deals
with the following subjects: content of International Labour Standards,
submission, ratification and denunciation of standards, reporting procedures,
supervisory machinery, role of employers’ and workers’ organizations, technical
assistance in the field of standards, links between standards and technical
co-operation. Participants are also up-dated on Conventions and
Place: Geneva-Turin
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Organiser: International Labour Organization
Country: Italy, Switzerland
IX Meeting
of the Regional Conference on Migration
Date: 20/05-21/05/04
Place: Panama City
Languages: English, Spanish
Organiser: International Organization for
Migration (Switzerland)
Country: Panama
National Legal Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policy
Date: 25/05-26/05/04
Navigating in Immigration Labyrinth in Post 9/11 America. The themes will be
: Coming to America : New Structures and Processes; Legislation; New issus in
Employement-Based Immigration...
Place: New York
Languages: English
Organiser: Center for Migration Studies of New
York (U.S.A.)
Country: U.S.A.
European Migration Policy Forum
Date: 29/05-30/05/04
How to resist, extend established rights and gain new rights ?
There will be lecturers from different countries (from GISTI, FFM, National coalition
of anti-deportation campaigns UK, Espace Marx, SOS Racismo Portugal, with the
help of UNITED). Themes adressed will be :Undocumented people status undermined
by capitalistic system; Asylum and basic right to migrate jeopardized in
Europe; Citizenship.
Place: Brussels
Languages: English, French
Organiser: Fédération des Associations de Solidarité
avec les Travailleurs Immigrés
Country: Belgium
For more information, please contact Myriam De Feyter
Spanish, Italian and French version available upon
Spanish version translated by Elisa Starkoff,
French version translated by Cathérine Thomas, France
Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani, Italy.