Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers
and Members of Their Families
The Committee on the Protection of the
Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, will hold its
first session at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 1-5 March 2004
(Palais Wilson, first floor Conference Room).
The Committee will meet with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on Thursday 4 March 2004 (from 10:00 to 12:00). A brief report of the meeting will be made available on our treaty body page on the UN MW Convention at:
NGOs wishing to attend this meeting should contact the Secretary a.i. for the Migrant Workers Committee, Ms. Mercedes Morales at or her colleague Mr. Hugo Cedrangulo (fax 0041 22 917 91 39 - phone 0041 22 917 90 22). This is particularly necessary for NGOs not in consultative status as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will arrange for their security clearance so that they can participate in the meeting.
Recent Publications about the UN MWC
How to Strengthen Protection of Migrant Workers and Members
of their Families with International Human Rights Treaties (soon
also available in French)
do-it-yourself kit. This document seeks to equip individuals, non-governmental
organisations, other interested stakeholders, including members of national
administrations and diplomats involved in r(...) International
Catholic Migration Commission (Switzerland)
12/10/2003 – Identification of the Obstacles of the Signing
and Ratification of the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All
Migrant Workers. The Asia-Pacific Perspective. – UNESCO (France)
Parliamentary question regarding the EC position vis-à-vis the UN
MWC and European campaign
In the framework of the
Belgian campaign for the ratification of the UN MWC and following action
undertaken by Wereldsolidariteit, Ms. Miet Smet, Member of the European
Parliament, asked on January 8, 2004,
the European Commission the following parliamentary question :
The International Convention
on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their
Families, approved by the UN General Assembly at its 45th session on
18 December 1990, and entered into
force on July 1, 2004, is today not ratified by any of the 15 member states,
nor by one of the 10 future member states of the EU.
What is the position of the
European Commission vis-à-vis this convention?
In how far does the
Convention reflect the EU policies and its stated objectives?
On which issues does the
Convention differ from the EU policies and its stated objectives?
Are there from the European
perspective serious objections against ratification of the Convention by a
member state?
The answer will be made
available through MIGRANT.NEWS as soon as obtained. It will serve as a basis
for a wider European campaign for ratification of the UN MWC and for further
promotion of the Convention in view of the upcoming European elections in June
NGOs based in EU member
states are hereby invited to join the call for a better protection of the human
rights of migrants, to inform their candidates for the European Parliament
about the UN MWC and the need for European support for ratifications by EU
member states and to push their national politicians to take action.
Information about your
campaign for the ratification of the UN MWC should be sent to or
Launch of French campaign
for the recognition of the role of migrants as development actors and to assure
respect for their fundamental human rights
Beginning of March, AGIR ICI
in cooperation with GISTI, CIMADE and the Ligue des droits de l’homme will
launch a campaign aiming at the recognition of the role of migrants in the
process of development and to assure respect for their fundamental rights. This
campaign will invite citizens to request their Minister of Foreign Affairs and
the President of the Republic to start the process of ratification of the UN
MWC and to stop conditioning the cooperation with third countries on the implementation of migration clauses.
The campaign also calls on the European Commissioner in charge of Justice and External Affairs to encourage EU member states (including future member states) to ratify the UN MWC and to stop conditioning the cooperation with third countries on the implementation of migration clauses.
More information can be received from Caroline
Maurel, AGIR ICI, Responsible for the Campaign ,, tel. 01 56 98 24 40.
UN Commission on Human
The sixtieth session of the Commission
on Human Rights will be held from 15 March to 23 April 2004 at the Palais des Nations
in Geneva. The provisional agenda can be viewed on
To date, there are no reports on the
rights of migrants available yet, except for the advanced version of the report
on the Special Rapporteur’s visit to Spain from 15 to 27 September 2003
(only in Spanish), the Status of the UN MWC and the Study by the SR on
contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. These can
be viewed on:
To review the reports and
resolutions of the 59th session:
To know more about the Commission and about how its procedures and mechanisms
are mandated to examine, monitor and publicly report either on human rights
situations in specific countries or territories (known as country mechanisms or
mandates) or on major phenomena of human rights violations worldwide, please
For more information about the work on
the migrants’ rights resolutions to date and during the Commission, please
Committee on
the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination (CERD) was the first body created by the United Nations to
monitor and review actions by States to fulfil their obligations under a human
rights treaty body. It monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination.
The Committee holds its 64th session from 23 February until 12 March 2004 in
Geneva. The examination of the following periodic reports is foreseen :
Lebanon; Libyan Arab Jaramahiriy; Nepal; Spain; The Netherlands; Brazil;
Sweden; Suriname; Bahamas. The CERD will also hold a discussion on the rights
of non-citizens.
For more information, please contact
Who is who
on the Global Commission on International Migration
The Global Commission on International
Migration launched in Geneva on 9 December 2003 in the presence of United
Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan, has assumed its activities on 1
January 2004.
The GCIM has a three-part mandate: to
place international migration on the global agenda, to analyse shortcomings and
gaps in approaches to migration and examine inter-linkages with other
issue-areas, and to make practical recommendations to the United Nations
Secretary-General and other stakeholders on how to strengthen national, regional
and global governance of international migration. It will organise six Commission meetings, including five
regional consultations and will produce a final report by mid-2005.
According to documents distributed at the
Geneva launch for the GCIM, “The Commission will consult with experts and
representatives of governments, including the open-ended government Core Group,
international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and migration
expert and bodies. The Commission will determine the form and content of such
consultations”. NGOs should
make sure they are kept informed about the process, so that they can feed
appropriate input into the Commission.
The first meeting of the Commission took
place in Stockholm on 26 and 27 February 2004. Beginning of February, the GCIM
secretariat organised a consultation with migration experts in Geneva.
The Executive Director of the Secretariat
is Dr. Rolf K. Jenny. Mr. Jeff Crisp is the Chief of the Research Office of the
Evaluation and Program Unit. The Secretariat can be reached on following
1, Rue Richard Wagner, CH-1202 Geneva,
Tel. 0041 22 748 48 50
Fax 0041 22 748 48 51
Background of the Commission members
(with thanks to ICMC) :
Mr. Jan O. KARLSSON, former Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Sweden
Dr. Mamphela RAMPHELE, Managing
Director of World Bank Group specialising in Health and Population issues,
South Africa
Prof. Dr. Francisco ALBA, Researcher (also
independent expert of the UN Committee on the Protection of the
Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families), Mexico
Dr. Aïcha BELARBI, Academic and former Ambassador,
Rev. Nicholas DIMARZIO, United States
Mr. Joris Demmink, Secretary-General of the Ministry
of Justice, The Netherlands
Dr. Mary GARCIA CASTRO, Academic, Brazil
Mr. Manuel MARIN, former Vice-President of the EC,
Mr. Mike Moore, former Director-General of the World
Trade Organization, New Zealand
Mrs. Mary Robinson, former President and former
High Commissioner on Human Rights, Ireland
Dr. Nafis Sadik, former Executive Director of the UN
Population Fund (UNFPA), Pakistan
Amb. Reda Ahmed Shehata, Diplomat, Egypt
Mr. Nand Kishore SINGH, former Secretary and OSD to
the Prime Minister, India
Prof. Dr. Rita SÜSSMUTH, former Minister Youth,
Family and Health, Germany
Mrs. Patricia Sto TOMAS ARAGON, Secretary of Labor and Employment, former Administrator of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, Philippines
Prof. Dr. Valery TISHKOV, Doctor of History and
Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russia
A Canadian Commissioner will be announced in the next few days. The participation of Dr. Xu Kuangdi (China) needs to be confirmed.
Change for the better!
On the eve of the International Migrant’s Day 2003,
the Argentinean Congress approved a new Migration Law, replacing Videla’ s law
from under the dictatorship. This is a very important and positive change, for
which the social organizations and migrant communities have been fighting for
during many years. This change comes together with the integration of Mercosur
and the freedom of movement of people within the region. It is an important
signal for those countries, particularly in Europe and North America, that are
restricting more and more their immigration policies and laws and are
incriminating the migrant.
By Pablo Ceriani Cernadas, Abogado, Programa Derechos
Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
(CELS), Argentina
For the latest Spanish articles, view:
What is new online! (Press releases, articles, papers, reports, new publications,
statements, comments, etc…)
To view the latest additions in Spanish and Italian:
Comment on EC Communication on Immigration, Integration, and
Employment (30kB)
27/02/2004 - PICUM, being a platform of organizations that provide
assistance to undocumented migrants in Europe, calls for extra attention to the
chapter on undocumented migrants. Platform
for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (Belgium)
2003 Accomplishment Report of the Steering Committee
27/02/2004 - This report gives an overview of the work done by the Steering
Committee for the Global Campaign for the ratification of the UN Convention in
2003. Steering
Committee for the Global Campaign for ratification of the UN MWC
Migration and Health: a review of the International
literature (PDF)
27/02/2004 - This report is a comprehensive review of primary literature on
internal and international migration and health. It is the result of searches
using five on-line databases, a list of health and migratio(...)
Migration to current EU from new Member States likely to be
about 1 percent, EU report says
26/02/2004 - A study by the European Commission and the EU Foundation for
the Improvement in Living and Working Conditions, based on a Eurobarometer poll
shows that, even under conditions of full freedom of moveme(...) European
Commission (Belgium)
Psychosocial Support to Groups of Victims of Human
Trafficking in Transit Situations
24/02/2004 - The psychosocial assistance provided to victims of trafficking
in a Transit Center has to deal with the trauma provoked by past experiences
and the expectations for life in the future and its accompan(...) International
Organization for Migration (Switzerland)
Annan to name Canadian Justice Louise Arbour as top UN human
rights official
20/02/2004 - Louise Arbour, a Canadian Supreme Court Justice and
ex-prosecutor of United Nations war crimes tribunals for the former Yugoslavia
and Rwanda, will be named the new UN High Commissioner for Human Righ(...) United
Nations (Worldwide).
How to Strengthen Protection of Migrant Workers and Members
of their Families with International Human Rights Treaties (soon
also available in French)
30/01/2004 - A do-it-yourself kit. This document seeks to equip individuals,
non-governmental organisations, other interested stakeholders, including
members of national administrations and diplomats involved in r(...) International
Catholic Migration Commission (Switzerland)
Five new reports on racism
27/01/2004 - The Council of Europe's expert body on combating racism, ECR,
today released five new reports examining racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and
intolerance in Belgium, Bulgaria, Norway, Slovakia and Swit(...) European
Commission against Racism and Intolerance (France)
Is Trafficking in Human Beings Demand Driven? A
Multi-Country Pilot Study (PDF)
24/01/2004 - This report is one of the rare studies assessing the demand
side of trafficking in women and children. The pilot study offers interesting
findings of the buyers of sex services and the employers of wo(...) International
Organization for Migration (Switzerland)
Global Employment Trends 2004 (PDF)
22/01/2004 - The report traces the various factors contributing to the
global employment decline – such as the increase in employment in the informal
economy, the decrease in employment in information and communi(...) International
Labour Organization (Switzerland)
Trends in International Migration (2003 edition)
21/01/2004 - Record numbers of people are moving to many OECD countries in
search of jobs and to join their families. The latest edition of OECD’s annual
Trends in International Migration notes that the economic d(...) Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (France)
Migrant Rights at the World Social Forum: “We Are One!” --
Strengthening the Global Movement (32kB)
20/01/2004 - National
Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (U.S.A.)
Migrants’ Rights Calendar
Spanish, Italian and French version available upon request at :
Spanish version translated by Maria Ruiz, Spain
French version translated by Catherine Thomas, France
Italian version translated by Eny
Giambastiani, Italy.