year 2006 / 2007
at the
University of Brussels
organized by
the Academic network for
legal Studies on immigration and asylum in Europe
A Network founded with the
support of the Odysseus Programme of the European Commission and comprising academics
of the following institutions:
Universit Libre de Bruxelles,
(B), Universit catholique de Louvain (B), Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa (P),
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (P), Universitt Salzburg (A), Radboud Universiteit
Nijmegen (NL), University of Bristol (UK), Universitaet Konstanz (D),
Universitaet Gttingen (D), Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid (E), Universit degli Studi di Milano (I), Universit de
Paris-Sud (F), Universit de Pau et des Pays de lAdour (F), Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam (NL), Aarhus Universitet (DK), Ume
Universitet (S), Lunds Universitet
(S), bo Akademi
(FIN), Turku University (FIN), Etvs
Lornd University (HU), University of Silesia (PL), Mykolas
Romeris University (LT), University of Ljubljana (SLO), University of Latvia
39, Roosevelt Avenue - C.P. 172
1050 Brussels - Belgium
Tel.: 00 32 (0)2 650 49 96 (afternoon only) - Fax: 00
32 (0)2 650 25 11
Email: odysseus@ulb.ac.be - Website: http://www.ulb.ac.be/assoc/odysseus
After five years of successful experience with a
summer school, the Odysseus Network has decided to create a one year
certificate in European Law on Immigration and Asylum. The aim of this new
programme is to provide its participants with an in-depth understanding of the legal
rules on immigration and asylum adopted by the European Union. The courses will
also have a comparative dimension and cover the internal laws of the Member
States, in particular the way they transpose EU directives. This programme will
be of interest to all persons who wish to acquire a special knowledge in
immigration and asylum law, for instance civil servants, advocates or persons
working for NGOs, and in particular researchers, PhD students and other
students, who frequently confront the complex legal dimension of immigration
and asylum in their work or studies. This programme is organised by the
Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe founded in 1999 with the support of the
Odysseus Programme of the European Commission and co-ordinated by the Institute
for European Studies of Brussels University (ULB). The course provides the
opportunity to live in a unique European environment, with instructors coming
from academic institutions in many different Member States as well as from the
EU institutions, and to take part in an intellectually stimulating experience
as part of a group of 30-40 participants specialising in the area of
immigration and asylum with different backgrounds from all over Europe.
Professional networking within and outside this group will be encouraged by the
The programme is of a legal nature and courses will
therefore be rather technical in orientation, but the programme has been
designed to include some introductory legal courses in the first module in
order to allow non-lawyers to follow it successfully. The classes offer
theoretical, but also practical and research elements. Personal work, oral
presentations and short papers will be expected from participants. The classes
will be conducted by academics who are among the best specialists of European
and national immigration or asylum law coming from the universities
co-operating in the Odysseus Network, which is represented in 21 Member States
of the European Union. Each participant will benefit from the support of a
personal tutor appointed from among the members of the Network to guide him or
her, in particular in the drafting of the final essay. The latest developments
of the European policy are integrated into the teaching, thanks in particular
to the participation as lecturers of high-ranking officials from the European
Commission, Council and Parliament. Each participant will receive an extensive
and up-to-date documentation pack.
INTRODUCTORY MODULE (1st term from September till December) |
1. International immigration and refugee law |
3 weeks (5 ECTS) |
Human rights implications for immigration and asylum |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
Institutional framework and sources of European Immigration and Asylum Policy |
3 weeks (5 ECTS) |
Free movement of European citizens |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
General introduction to EU Immigration and Asylum Policy and its recent
developments |
2 weeks of introduction (+ two weeks during the 2nd
and 3rd module by EU practitioners) (3 ECTS) |
SPECIALISED MODULE: IMMIGRATION (2nd term from January till March) |
External border controls and visa policy |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
Admission of third-country nationals |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
8. Status
and integration of third-country nationals |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
Return of third-country nationals |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
+ 1 week of conferences by EU practitioners
(continuation of course 5) |
SPECIALISED MODULE: ASYLUM (3rd term from March till April) |
Definition of persons who can be protected |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
Status of protected persons |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
Procedures for access to the status |
2 weeks (3 ECTS) |
+ 1 week of conferences by EU practitioners
(continuation of course 5) |
RESEARCH (4th term from May till July) |
Research and drafting of the final essay |
8 weeks (20 ECTS) |
programme is organised under the supervision of Professor Philippe De Bruycker
from Brussels University. The training staff will be composed of mainly members
of the Network coming from the 21 Member States represented in it as well as of
high-ranking officials from the European Commission, Council or Parliament.
schedule and location
This programme, which starts on 8 September 2006 and
ends on 13 July 2007, is organised in 3 terms (see above). Courses amount to a total of 12 hours
spread over a two week period with 4 sessions of 3 hours. They will take place
in the Institute for European Studies located on 39 Roosevelt Avenue, 1050
Brussels on the University campus near the heart of Brussels. The easiest way
for participants to attend will be to arrive by train. The schedule of courses
(6 to 9pm on Fridays and 10am to 1pm on Saturdays) enables participants to
travel every week. Hotel
accommodation near the campus for the overnight stay in Brussels can be booked
by our Secretariat at a reduced rate. The trainers will be accommodated in the
same hotel to facilitate contacts. Participants who decide to live in Brussels for one
year will be assisted in finding inexpensive accommodation.
Participants will be required
to prepare a final essay of a
maximum of 50 pages, which will be analytical rather than descriptive. The
subjects participants select, with the agreement of their supervisor, will deal
with European or comparative law. The possibility to spend the 4th term in a
specialised research centre of the Universities co-operating in the Network
will be offered to participants with a view to preparing their final essay.
Participants will in principle need to fund their travel and accommodation
expenses for that period, but will be integrated in a research team and benefit
from office space and the supervision of one member of the Network when
drafting their final essay. Interested persons will be able to obtain advice on
undertaking a PhD at one of the universities participating in the Odysseus
examinations will be organised after the Christmas holiday period for the
courses of the first module, but only a single examination will be held for
each of the two specialised modules during the Odysseus Summer School on
Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy of the EU, which takes place every year
in Brussels during the first week of July. Participants will also have to
present their final essay before a jury composed of members of the Network. The
best essay will be rewarded by an invitation to present it during the Summer
Applicants must be fluent in English in order to
follow the courses and take the oral examinations. The final essay can however
be drafted in another official language of the European Union provided that one
member of the Network is available to act as a supervisor and able to read this
Participants who have followed the programme
assiduously throughout the academic year and successfully passed all the
examinations and presented their final essay will receive a University
certificate specifying each of the courses followed. This certificate will be
issued by the ULB and signed by the academic authorities.
Students will have the opportunity to evaluate in
writing the quality of the programme as well as the organisation of the
certificate. The organisers commit themselves to take into account these
evaluations and in particular to pass the results of the evaluations to the
Applicants must have a University
Bachelors degree or an equivalent degree of studies in Law, Political Science,
European Studies or International Relations. Graduates of other disciplines
(for example Sociology or Economics) will be considered depending on the
content of the courses followed in order to meet the legal prerequisites required
for the certificate. Applicants can also rely upon relevant professional
experience (for example as a civil servant, NGO employee, etc.) which can be
considered as equivalent to a Bachelors degree. The organisers could require
some applicants to follow the Odysseus Summer School before being
definitively accepted (without the payment of an additional fee).
The closing date for applications has been
set for 1 June 2006 but later applications may be considered. Applicants are
kindly requested to apply preferably by using the registration form available
on our website.
The registration fee is 2,500
euros for students, 3,500 for PhD students or researchers remunerated by a
salary or a grant and 5,000 for professionals. Persons choosing only one
specialised module (immigration or asylum) will respectively pay 2,000, 3,000
or 4,000 euros. The fee covers
all classes, coffee breaks, documentation, acquisition of a student card,
university facilities, including access to the private Odysseus library, as
well as access to the Odysseus Summer School, with the exception of travel,
accommodation and food expenses. Unfortunately, the Network is for the moment
unable to provide financial support, but can assist accepted applicants by
providing them with proof of acceptance or send reference letters to the
institutions from which they request financial support. Participants are asked to pay the fee by bank transfer
to Account No. 001-2122389-08 of Fortis Bank, Pesage Branch, 16 avenue du
Pesage, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, BIC code: GEBABEBB, IBAN: BE63001212238908, and
refer to Certificate 2006/07 and their name. At least half of the fee must be
paid on 1 September 2006 and the remainder before the beginning of the
examination period in January 2007. Applicants must keep in
mind that the programme will only be organised if a group of 30 persons
registers; otherwise, it will be cancelled for financial reasons. This will be
the only case in which the organisers will reimburse fees.