Policy and Advocacy Officer

Justice and Home Affairs - Asylum and Migration


The International Save the Children Alliance is a membership organisation of Save the Children organisations around the world, working together to make a reality of childrenŐs rights at the global level. There are 11 members of International Save the Children Alliance in the European region. The European members co-finance the office. The officeŐs principal function is policy development and advocacy towards the EU institutions on childrenŐs rights. The office also ensures that Save the Children members in the European region are kept fully informed about developments in European policy and that the AllianceŐs profile in Europe as a policy, practice and advocacy network of childrenŐs NGOs is maximised.


Purpose of the Post:


The purpose of the post is to assist in developing and advocating Save the ChildrenŐs childrenŐs rights policy work towards the EU institutions and to assist Europe group members in related national advocacy. This will primarily consist of working on key policy areas (listed below). The responsibilities of the post/role do not require the postholder to have regular contact with children or young people but they may have infrequent contact, usually with different groups of children and young people.


Line Management:


The post will be based in Brussels and will be line managed by the European Officer to whom the post-holder will be formally accountable. Overall accountability will be to the Europe Group of the International Save the Children Alliance. There are four staff members including the post holder in the Brussels office.


Tasks and Responsibilities:


á      To contribute to the implementation of the Commission Communication on ChildrenŐs Rights and the drafting of the Strategy on ChildrenŐs rights with a focus on asylum-seeking children and children affected by migration, separated children and trafficking children.


á    To map and analyse relevant EU developments in the area of asylum and migration (including trafficking), including proposals and implementation of policy, programmes and legislation, action plans, practical cooperation etc. and assist Save the Children Europe group in defining focus and strategy of its work in this area


á    To assist in developing Save the ChildrenŐs policy and advocacy in the area of EU asylum and migration, including trafficking, in close collaboration with the Save the Children Europe group and Separated Children in Europe Programme


á    To monitor and influence relevant EU developments in the area of asylum and migration (including trafficking) and to promote Save the ChildrenŐs policy with the European Commission, in particular the DG for Justice and Home Affairs and the Inter-Service group on childrenŐs rights; and the European Parliament, in particular the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, the WomenŐs Rights and Gender Equality Committee, the Human Rights Committee and Parliamentary groups on childrenŐs rights;


á    To promote Save the ChildrenŐs policy with relevant Council Working Parties, EU Member States and EU Councils, in particular Justice and Home Affairs Councils. This work will be carried out in close collaboration with Save the Children Europe Group Members., providing support to linked advocacy efforts at national level


á    To ensure close collaboration with the Separated Children in Europe Programme (SCEP) and to liaise with relevant NGOs and networks in Brussels, in particular the UNHCR/NGO Platform and relevant sub-groups, the HRDN trafficking sub-group and the Social Platform.


á    To carry out the responsibilities of the role in a way which reflects Save the Children's commitment to safeguarding children in accordance with the Child Protection Policy


á    To carry out other tasks as appropriate under the direction of the European Officer.


Person Specification


á    Experience of working on asylum and migration, including trafficking issues at the European level.


á    A detailed knowledge of the functioning of the EU institutions


á    A developed understanding of and commitment to childrenŐs rights


á    An ability to write and develop policy analysis


á    An ability to represent Save the Children


á    Experience of coordinating and contributing to the production of reports, coordinating working groups and organising small seminars


á    Computer literacy, including an ability to use a word processor to produce documents and to use e mail and internet.


á    A commitment to the aims and mission of Save the Children


á    Good interpersonal and written and oral communication skills, including an ability to work collaboratively within a European membership organisation and an ability to deal helpfully and efficiently with colleagues


á    An ability to work and write in English and a good command of French.


á    A commitment to and an understanding of NGO work on a European level.


á    An understanding of equal opportunities policies and practices and an ability to implement these values in the work of the post.


á    There is a occasionally a requirement to travel and work outside normal office hours. Notice will be given if the post holder is required to travel.


Conditions of Service:


The job is a part time post 3 days a week. The days will be in principle fixed but some flexibility is possible. Other terms and conditions of Belgian employment law will apply. Holidays will be calculated on a pro-rata basis in line with Belgian law and Save the Children guidelines.


Length of Contract:


The contract will be 12 months in the first instance with a three months probation period.


Salary level:


The salary will be according to experience but in the region of 1200 Euros per month net (after tax). Tax and contributions will be made in the Belgian system.


Place of work:


The place of work will be the office of Save the Children 39 Rue Montoyer, B 1000, Brussels. Occasional travel may be required with the post.





Please return the completed application form marked private and confidential by email, fax or post to:


Olivia Lind Haldorsson

Head of Office

Save the Children

Rue Montoyer 39,

1000 Brussels



Fax +32 (0)2 5134903


Please note that we will only consider fully completed application forms Đ do not send CVs.