Persons recorded as being in detention in the United Kingdom under Immigration Act powers as at 30 September 2001, by nationality:


Nationality     Total detainees of whom, asylum seekers


India                130                                                              105

Jamaica            130                                                               25

Pakistan            125                          110

Zimbabwe         115                          105

Nigeria              110                          95

Yugoslavia         85                            80

Algeria              80                            70

Albania             70                            70

China               65                            60

Sri Lanka           55                            50

Ukraine             50                            45

Romania           45                            40

Bangladesh      40                            35

Uganda            35                            35

Iraq                 30                            30

Poland              30                            25

Kenya              25                            25

Lithuania           25                            15

Ghana              25                            20

Turkey             25                            25

Ivory Coast       20                            20

Afghanistan       20                            20

Cameroon        20                            20

Colombia           20                            15

Morocco           15                            10

Russia                                              15                                 15

Sierra Leone      15                            15

South Africa      15                            5

Iran                 15                            15

Czech Republic  15                            10

Congo              10                            10

Gambia             10                            10

Moldova            10                            10


Other nationalities     130                     90

Total                       1,620                   1,330



Figures exclude persons detained in police cells.
Figures include 260 persons detained in prison establishments under dual immigration and other powers.
(3) Persons detained under Immigration Act powers who are recorded as having sought asylum at some stage, of whom 145 were detained under dual immigration and other powers.  Other nationalities: with 5 or fewer detainees.


Persons recorded as being in detention in the United Kingdom under Immigration Act powers as at 30 September 2001, by length of detention


Length of detention             Total detainees        of whom, asylum seekers

Less than 1 month            440                             325

1 to 2 months                   275                            235

2 to 4 months                   290                            245

4 to 6 months                                                    180                      150
6 months to 1 year           140                             110

More than 1 year             100                               70



Source: Home Office, Asylum Statistics, 3rd quarter 2001