Joint Initiative by December 18 and Migrant Rights International.



MIGRANT.NEWS, December 18, 2001


1. Happy Migrantís Day!


The IMD is celebrated worldwide. A list of events is available at:



The site also includes press releases and statements by:


-UN Secretary General Mr. K. Annan

-International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

-National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, US

-European Network against Racism, Belgium

-Catholic Migrant Workersí Relief Committee, Thailand

-December 18


see http://www.december18.htm/IMDStatements.htm (English)

http://www.december18.htm/f-IMDStatements.htm (franÁais)

http://www.december18.htm/e-IMDStatements.htm (espaÒol)

http://www.december18.htm/i-IMDStatements.htm (italiano)

http://www.december18.htm/d-IMDStatements.htm (Nederlands)

http://www.december18.htm/g-IMDStatements.htm (Deutsch)




2. UN Road Map for Migrant Workers

The Road Map is a guide for migrant NGOs to the International Human Rights System and Other Mechanisms. It is available now on http://www.december18.net and http://www.chrf.ca (English only). The Road Map is a joined project by the Canadian Human Rights Foundation, Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development, Ateneo Human Rights Center and the Asian Migrant Centre.




3. Meetings and Courses

For details, see our international calendar at http://www.december18.net/calendar.htm


16 to 20 December 2001

2nd World Congress Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Yokohama, Japan.


IMADR's Workshop at the Second World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Yokohama, Japan.


ILO/IPEC workshop at the 2nd world Congress against commercial sexual exploitation of children, Yokohama, Japan. Time-bound Measures to Combat Child Trafficking and Children in Prostitution.







December 17-21, 2001

The International Migration Policy Programme (UNFPA, UNITAR, IOM, ILO) is organising a meeting in Dakar, Senegal. It is held in the context of the Declaration of Dakar and the related Follow-up Proposals adopted by governments on 13 October 2000 at the 'West African Regional Ministerial Conference on the Participation of Migrants in the Development of their Countries of Origin'.  Issues and concerns can be found on the following page:

In English : http://www.december18.net/UN.htm

In French: http://www.december18.net/f-frontpage.htm#one


19 December 2001

Internationale migratie en illegale vreemdelingen, (International migration and illegal foreigners), Brussels, Belgium.


20 to 21 January 2002

Transnational Conference:  Migrant Domestic Workers - Acting Together, London. Organized by KALAYAAN and Solidar.



A new executive four week course on International Migration Policy and Management is being offered in 2002 by the Southern African Migration Project in partnership with the Graduate School of Public and Development Management at University of Witwatersrand. For details, please go to http://www.queensu.ca/samp/Training.htm


The MECC (Middle East Council of Churches) Gulf Liaison Office plans to hold its Second Workshop on Migrants Issues in the Gulf in April-May 2002 (exact date and location to be confirmed). This will be a follow up of the workshop held in Muscat last year.




4. Update http://www.december18.net


Papers and articles (English)

Caught in a grey area, Israel

In the Mexican desert, a sanctuary for border-crossers

Not much progress in UN on the promotion of the rights of migrants

UN declaration a triumph of civil society

A celebration of Migrant Workers' social capital

Immigrant advocates: Illegal populace faces heightened peril in crackdown

Migration Policy Brief No.6: The Point of No Return: Evaluating the Amnesty for Mozambican Refugees in South Africa, SAMP

Migration Policy Brief No.5: Counting Brains: Measuring Emigration From South Africa, SAMP

Rp's labor migration policy putting Pinoys in inhumane condition

Report on trafficking of children, ECPAT UK

Is it despair or hope waiting for OFWs returning home?

American Unionism and US Immigration Policy

Interview with Maria JimÈnez, Director of the Immigration Law Enforcement Monitoring Project (LEMP), September 2001

Interview with Roberto Martinez, Human Rights Activist and Director of the US/Mexico Border Program on the situation in the border region, July 2001

The 'Natasha' Trade, The Transnational Shadow Market of Trafficking in Women, 01/2001

Migrants' Right to Health, UNAIDS-IOM, March 2001


Refugee Convention (English)

Ministerial Meeting on the Refugee Convention, ILO Statement, 13 December 2001


Articles et exposÈs (French)

¿ la rue sous prÈtexte de polygamie, Entre ailleurs et ici, quels droits pour les femmes et les enfants Ètrangers ?




Foreignersí rights to family life (English, French, Spanish, Italian), see homepages.

Mobilisation pour bannir la double peine (French), see French homepage.


NGO Recommendations on migrant and refugee issues for the EU Laeken Summit (English)


Press Releases

Protests at Pekan Nenas Camp, Demands immediate independent inquiry, Tenaganita, Malaysia, 05/12/01 (English)

Un mouvement de grËve de la faim pendant huit jours des mÈdecins attachÈs et attachÈs associÈs (CODEMAF), France, 13/12/01 (French)


Update of the web site directory on http://www.december18.net/migrant-MW.htm





Spanish and French version available upon request at migrantnews@december18.net


Spanish version translated by Maria Ruiz, Spain and French version translated by Catherine Thomas, France.