Meeting of States Parties Distr.
to the 1951
Convention GENERAL
and/or its 1967
relating to the
Status of Refugees HCR/MMSP/2001/04
November 2001
12-13 December
1. These notes have been prepared to assist
discussants in the roundtables of the Ministerial Meeting to structure their
interventions around some main questions which have emerged to date from
UNHCR’s Global Consultations on International Protection. A broad
introduction to each roundtable theme is followed by a listing of suggested
questions for discussion. A selected bibliography of Global Consultations and other
background documents appears as an annex at the end of this note.
2. The 1951 Convention and its 1967 Protocol are the
most comprehensive instruments which have been adopted to this point at the
global level to safeguard the fundamental rights of refugees and to provide
standards of treatment. Although respect for the Convention remains strong,
implementation, across the spectrum of its provisions, is variable and
encounters obstacles of various forms and origins. The fiftieth anniversary of
the 1951 Convention has provided a unique opportunity to give the Convention
new impetus. The Ministerial Meeting of States Parties is being approached by
all concerned as the occasion to reaffirm the ongoing importance of the
Convention and to explore ways that may be required to strengthen its
implementation, inter alia, by ensuring closer cooperation between States
Parties and UNHCR, to facilitate UNHCR's duty of supervising the application of
these instruments. It is indeed indispensable that these instruments are
properly and universally applied and that the international refugee regime,
based on international solidarity, can become a truly burden and responsibility
sharing system.
3. In their interventions, discussants may wish to
comment on the portions of the Elements of an Agenda for Protection Activities(HCR/MMSP/2001/06)
which are relevant to the roundtable theme. In order to have focused and
productive discussions, the following issues are suggested as guidelines for
What are the most significant difficulties that States
experience in implementing the provisions of the 1951 Convention and the 1967
ii. The supervisory
role of UNHCR pursuant to Article 8 of its Statute and Article 35 of the Convention
is unique within the UN system.
How can States Parties better cooperate with or strengthen UNHCR’s
supervisory role?
iii. In order to
strengthen implementation, how can States Parties better cooperate amongst
iv. Do States believe
that one or other of the following would contribute to improving implementation
of the Convention?
Encouraging wider accession to make these instruments truly
Systematic review of reservations after a certain period of time
following accession, with a view to lifting them;
Periodic intergovernmental and expert examination of aspects of
the Convention in need of clarification or meriting more harmonized approaches;
Peer review or ad hoc review mechanisms;
More specific targeting or usage of UNHCR’s
Executive Committee mechanism to review particular problems with
Periodic meetings of States Parties to review problems and
progress with implementation;
A system of more regularized reporting;
Strengthening protection capacities at national and regional
Adjudication mechanisms; and
Other mechanisms?
NGOs make important contributions to the implementation of the
Convention and its Protocol. What could be the role of NGOs in ensuring better
vi. How should the
issue of strengthening implementation of the Convention be taken further
forward following the Ministerial Meeting?
4. Large-scale displacement of refugees confronts the
international community, and particularly host states which are developing
countries or countries with economies in transition, with many challenges. The
sheer size of many refugee outflows makes individualized identification of
refugee status and the grant of rights envisaged in the 1951 Convention purely
impracticable. The task of creating a measure of physical security for the
refugees, as well as the humanitarian staff there to protect and assist them,
can become the objective overriding all others in the short term. Militarized
camps are of particular concern in mass influx situations provoked by ongoing
conflict. The physical and social vulnerability of women, children and elderly
refugees is a central preoccupation here.
5. While there is a general understanding that more
equitable burden and responsibility sharing would quantitatively improve the
political climate and asylum possibility for refugees, in practice
responsibilities are not well shared, and there is no system in place which
effectively operates to ensure this, so that incentives for burden shifting
rather than burden sharing are felt, by some, to be more commonplace. The
overriding concern, and indeed an important question for discussion at the
roundtable, is how achieve better protection for refugees in mass influx
situations within a well calibrated framework of international solidarity and
burden sharing, tailored to meet also the genuine concern of those States
called upon to uphold refugee protection requirements?
6. In their interventions, discussants may wish to
comment on the portions of the Elements of an Agenda for Protection Activities
(HCR/MMSP/2001/06) which are relevant to the roundtable theme. Participants in
roundtable 2 may furthermore wish to address the following questions:
There is nothing inherent in the framework of the 1951
Convention and 1967 Protocol to preclude it being applied in mass influx
situations. The problem is less the Convention itself and more the
individualized processes which have come to be part of its implementation.
Would the prima facie status approach and temporary protection device,
variously developed to assist States and UNHCR to work with refugees in mass
influx situations, benefit from greater harmonization one with another, and,
indeed, also with the 1951 Convention itself? Is an additional optional
Protocol to the 1951 Convention called for?
ii. Countries that
bear the brunt of receiving large numbers of refugees clearly shoulder a heavy
burden. In such cases, effective approaches are needed for sharing the burden
and finding solutions to refugee situations. What are the preferable mechanisms
to ensure more effective, equitable and predictable responsibility and burden
sharing? What are the views on humanitarian evacuation, on increased and/or
pooled resettlement plans, or new financial arrangements like trust funds?
iii. Resettlement has
in the past proved to be one mechanism to ensure protection to larger numbers,
where it has been used strategically both to open doors and to resolve problems
(e.g. in the Comprehensive Plan of Action for Indo-Chinese Refugees). Could
resettlement play a more substantial responsibility-sharing role in the context
of mass influx? How can one achieve greater flexibility in the use of criteria
in prima facie situations?
iv. The presence of armed elements in an influx of
refugees, or in camps or refugee-populated areas, threatens the civilian nature
of asylum, creating serious refugee protection problems as well as security
concerns for receiving States and host communities. Drawing a clear distinction
between refugees on the one hand, and armed elements on the other, is a major
challenge. How can these security-related concerns be addressed? How concretely
to maintain the civilian character of refugee camps and to separate and disarm
former combatants? What examples can be built upon to devise security schemes
for refugee-hosting areas? What material support can States provide to an
appropriate international standby capacity to aid affected host States?
The separating and
disarming of armed elements and the prevention of military recruitment, often
resolves down to an issue both of resources and of political will. What can be
done to bring the issue of security in refugee areas higher up on the political
agenda of UN organs and States?
8. Refugees are not migrants in the lay sense of the
word. They move through compulsion – not on the basis of meaningful
choice – and their immediate objective is to seek protection, not a
migration outcome. Refugees may though move within a broader mixed flow, that
includes both forced and voluntary movements of all kinds. Persons who are not
refugees are also seeking to enter countries through the asylum channel,
sometimes despite the existence of viable legal migration options.
9. The complex relationship
between asylum and migration issues is increasingly at the forefront of
international concerns. There is a need to achieve a better understanding of
the nexus between migration and asylum, and to develop more effective policy
and operational responses. From a refugee protection perspective, the challenge
is for the international community to find ways of ensuring that the needs of
refugees and asylum-seekers, including access to protection, are properly met
within the broader context of migration management.
10. In their intervention on this
issue, discussants may wish to refer to the portions of the Elements of an
Agenda for Protection Activities (HCR/MMSP/2201/06) which are relevant to the
roundtable theme. Participants in roundtable three may furthermore wish to
consider the following questions:
A credible asylum system that protects refugees and discourages
people who do not have a legitimate asylum claim is one key to managing better
the broader migratory phenomenon of mixed movements. The question is how best
to ensure quality decision-making, done promptly, with implementable results,
including the return of those not in need of international
protection. What are the core elements of fair and efficient decision-making,
in keeping with international refugee protection principles? Would the
following activities be recommended for inclusion among ways to maintain the
credibility of asylum systems?
· Providing
opportunities for legal migration;
· Making refugee
status determination procedures more effective through increased harmonization
of procedures, criteria and reception standards across regions and internationally;
· Making more
resolute use of Article 1F and 33(2) of the 1951 Convention to address new
challenges linked to terrorism;
· Strengthening
protection capacities in first asylum countries;
· Promoting greater
harmonization of approaches among States to the grant of complementary forms of
· Readmission
agreements; and
Information campaigns in countries of origin to provide
information to prospective migrants of the channels open for legal migration
and warn of the dangers of trafficking and smuggling.
ii. How can States
cooperate more effectively to provide both technical and financial assistance
to countries with limited resources to set in place asylum procedures and build
capacity to implement them?
iii. What new
initiatives can political leaders take to uphold public support for refugee
protection and to emphasize the human dimension of the plight of
asylum-seekers, in the face of widespread irregular migration?
iv. On occasion,
refugees may have to resort, alongside migrants and others, to smuggling rings
to reach countries of first asylum, or to move on to safer locations. Combating
trafficking and smuggling as well as addressing misuse of asylum procedures is
fundamental and necessary. What measures are to be promoted which combat
trafficking and smuggling while ensuring that protection needs are fully met?
How can it be ensured that asylum-seekers do have access to asylum
procedures, while benefiting from appropriate standards of treatment, in the
context of interception measures?
Refugees who have found protection in one country occasionally
move on – in so-called secondary movements, often through irregular
channels – to a second asylum country, for instance to be reunited with
family members, or in hopes of bettering their situation, or their prospects
for local integration. What should be the appropriate policy response to such
secondary movements? How and in which fora could the necessary dialogue between
countries of first asylum, transit and final destination be improved?
vi. Failure to return
rejected cases undermines the integrity and credibility of asylum systems. Many
States have encountered difficulties when attempting to return those who have
been found not to require international protection through a full
and fair hearing. What additional mechanisms or arrangements can be set in
place to foster more effective cooperation and promote more speedy return of
rejected cases?
The 1951 Convention and
1967 Protocol Framework: Strengthening Implementation
Implementation of the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol
relating to the Status of Refugees, ExCom Conclusion No. 57
(XL), 1989 [available on: –
Executive Committee – Conclusions on International Protection]
Paragraphs 8–22 of the Implementation of the 1951 Convention
and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, EC/SPC/54, 7 July
1989 [available on: –
Executive Committee – Standing Committee]
Conclusions and Recommendations on UNHCR’s Supervisory
Role and the Inter‑American Human Rights Bodies: A Comparison, 7–8 June
2001 (Regional Meeting in San Jose) [available on:
- Global Consultations – Regional Meetings]
Kälin, W., Supervising the 1951 Convention on the Status
of Refugees: Article 35 and Beyond, paper presented at the Cambridge meeting of
the second track of the Global Consultations on International Protection,
July 2001 [available on: -
Global Consultations – Second Track]
Summary Conclusions – Supervisory Responsibility, Cambridge
Expert Roundtable, 9–10 July 2001 [available on:
- Global Consultations – Second Track]
Paragraphs 10–29 of the Note on International
A/AC.06/930, 7 July 2000 [available on:
– Executive Committee – Notes on International
· Note on International
Protection (The 1951 Convention in its 50th Anniversary Year),
A/AC.06/951, 13 September 2001 [available on:
– Executive Committee – Notes on International
International Cooperation
to Protect Masses in Flight (inter alia mass influx, burden and
responsibility sharing, security, additional instruments)
Guidelines on the Protection of Refugee Women, 1991 [available
on: – Protecting
Refugees – Legal Protection - Women]
Refugee Children: Guidelines on Protection and Care, 1994 [available
on: – Protecting
Refugees – Legal Protection - Children]
Refugee Survey Quarterly, EXCOM and Burdensharing, Vol. 17, No. 4,
Refugee Survey Quarterly, UNHCR EXCOM 1999 –
Strengthening Partnership to Ensure Protection and Security, Vol. 18, No. 4,
The Security, Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Refugee
Camps and Settlements: Operationalizing the “Ladder of Options”, EC/50/SC/INF.4,
27 June 2000 [available on: –
Executive Committee – Standing Committee]
Protection of Refugees in Mass Influx Situations: Overall
Protection Framework, EC/GC/01/4, 19 February 2001 [available on: - Global Consultations –
Third Track]
The Civilian Character of Asylum: Separating Armed Elements
from Refugees, EC/GC/01/5, 19 February 2001 [available on: - Global Consultations –
Third Track]
Mechanisms of International Cooperation to Share
Responsibilities and Burdens in Mass Influx Situations, EC/GC/01/7, 19
February 2001 [available on: -
Global Consultations – Third Track]
Lessons Learned from the Implementation of the Tanzania
Security Package, EPAU/20001/05, May 2001 (EPAU evaluation) [available
on: –
Research/Evaluation – Evaluation and Policy Analysis]
Gilbert, G., Current Issues in the Application of the
Exclusion Clauses, paper presented at the Lisbon meeting of the
second track of the Global Consultations on International Protection, May 2001
[available on: –
Global Consultations – Second Track]
Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of
Asylum, Refugee Status, Camps and Other Locations, EC/GC/01/9, 30 May 2001
(Regional Meeting in Pretoria) [available on:
- Global Consultations – Regional Meetings]
Reception of Asylum-Seekers, including Standards of
Treatment, in the Context of Individual Asylum Systems, EC/GC/01/17, 4
September 2001 [available on: -
Global Consultations – Third Track]
Strengthening Protection Capacities in Host Countries, EC/GC/01/19, 4 September
2001 [available on: -
Global Consultations – Third Track]
· Strengthening
the Capacity of Countries of First Asylum in the Region to offer Adequate
Protection, EC/GC/01/21, 20 September 2001 (Regional Meeting in Cairo)
[available on: - Global
Consultations – Regional Meetings]
Upholding Refugee
Protection in the face of Contemporary Challenges involving Mixed Flows (inter
alia asylum
· Composite
Flows and the Relationship to Refugee Outflows, including Return of Persons not
in Need of International Protection, as well as Facilitation of Return in its
Global Dimension, EC/48/SC/CRP.29, 25 May 1998 [available on: – Executive Committee
– Standing Committee]
Refugee Survey Quarterly, EXCOM and Burdensharing, Vol. 17, No. 4,
· Refugee Survey
Quarterly, Reconciling State Interests with Refugee Protection, Vol. 18,
No. 2, 1999
· Interception
of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees: The International Framework and Recommendations
for a Comprehensive Approach, EC/50/SC/CRP.17, 9 June 2000 [available on: – Executive Committee
– Standing Committee]
Reconciling Migration Control and Refugee Protection in the
European Union: A UNHCR Perspective, October 2000 (discussion
paper) [available on: –
Research/Evaluation – Country of Origin and Legal Information]
Refugee Protection and Migration Control: Perspectives from
UNHCR and IOM, EC/GC/01/11, 31 May 2001 [available on: - Global Consultations –
Third Track]
Asylum Processes (Fair and Efficient Asylum Procedures), EC/GC/01/12, 31
May 2001 [available on: -
Global Consultations – Third Track]
Incorporating Refugee Protection Safeguards into Interception
Measures, EC/GC/01/13,
31 May 2001 (Regional Meeting in Ottawa) [available on: - Global Consultations – Regional
Legal and Practical Aspects of the Return of Persons not in
Need of International Protection, as well as Application of the “Safe
Third Country” Notion and its Impact on the Management of Flows and on
the Protection of Refugees, EC/GC/01/14, 15 June 2001 (topics discussed at the
Regional Meeting in Budapest) [available on:
- Global Consultations – Regional Meetings]