10th May 2001

17:00 hrs.



Consultations among the main political party leaders in order to establish a “nation unity” broader government continued during the last two days. However, the final agreement was hindered in the last minute Wednesday night by the main Albanian opposition party PDP's insistence on a cease‑fire. International pressure mounted on the small party to join the coalition and the EU Presidency issued a statement calling on PDP to change its position. The expected announcement of the agreement has now been postponed until Saturday. UNHCR is negotiating with the Government  and Albanian factors a humanitarian corridor to the population of Vaksince, Slupcane and Lipkovo.


Displaced Persons

As of 10th May, the Macedonian Red Cross (MRC), reported the registration of 1,506 persons displaced from the villages around Kumanovo. All displaced persons are lodged with host families and none in collective centres.


Kumanovo, Crna Gora (West Kumanovo): 

Fighting continued during the last 48 hours, however with notable less firing observed in the villages North of Slupcane than in previous days. A cease-fire planned for Wednesday morning still did not materialise and exchange of fire continued during the morning hours. Another cease-fire announced by the Macedonian Government Thursday morning, calling civilians to evacuate the villages, led to no result. Despite this, civilians are still leaving Kumanovo area  for Kosovo for precautionary measures, the Wednesday and Thursday numbers however less than the number of persons reported to have been registered in Kosovo during Sunday and Monday.


UNHCR field team in Kumanovo reports that Kumanovo town appears tense but relatively quiet. UNHCR national and international partners in the town have reopened their offices and have resumed monitoring of the situation. Some Albanian owned shops have opened, and ethnic Albanian pupils have returned to school although in low numbers.  The Mayor of Kumanovo is holding regular public meetings with representatives of the civil society and political parties to inform about the situation in order to maintain a climate of relative mutual trust and respect in the municipality.  The Mayor's work to promote confidence building started already during the initial crisis in February and is reportedly commended by both constituencies.


Tetovo, Sar Planina Mountain Villages

The situation in Tetovo town is reported to be quiet, whilst some sporadic exchange of fire between ethnic Albanian armed groups and Macedonian Security Forces have been reported in the mountain area Northwest of the town during the last 48 hours. UNHCR Field team has not been able to visit the villages, but reports from several sources indicate that not more than 30 persons are left in the village of Vesala, 15 in the village of Brodec. The large majority of the population in Sipkovica reportedly remains in the village. This is believed to be the result of the Mayor's efforts to calm the situation in Sipkovica, a village that has not been directly affected by the fighting. A meeting held on Tuesday between the Tetovo Chief of Police and mayors and elders from the mountain villages was perceived as a positive step towards establishment of a climate of trust and co-operation between the police and the local Albanian population.



UNHCR in co-ordination with the UN Country team, NGOs and International Organisations maintain the preparedness level of February and continue to liaise with the authorities and convene co-ordination meetings, sectoral meetings and donors briefings on a regular basis.   Given the de situation, UNHCR Skopje will continue to issue the Information Updates on a regular basis.



UNHCR  Skopje