Joint Initiative by December 18 and Migrants Rights International.



MIGRANT.NEWS, Issue 62, 18 December 2002




1. International Migrantís Day

Today, we are celebrating the International Migrantís Day - with activities taking place in such places as Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Israel, Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Ireland, Sweden, the US, Canada, Argentina, Chili...

On this day, we celebrate the contributions which migrants are making to all economies and cultures. We remind politicians about the potential migrants represent, but that the political will is needed to fully embrace this potential. However, respect for the human rights of migrants and their families should always be an integral part of any migration policy.

The international IMD calendar is available at:

English: http://www.december18.net/IMDagenda2001.htm 

French: http://www.december18.net/f-IMDagenda2001.htm 

Spanish: http://www.december18.net/e-IMDagenda2001.htm 

It also includes a page with press releases and various statements from ICFTU, ENAR, MRI, NNIRR, IOM, LION and Catalan groups and others.  We update the page as statements and press releases are coming in. Please also send us yours!

Other IMD specials:

On the Asian Migration Trail, several articles provided by IPS Asia-Pacific (see December 18 homepage)

ICFTU will be publishing a special dossier on female domestic workers, showing how the unions are helping this particularly vulnerable group of migrant workers. ICFTU will also be providing its online subscribers with an interview with a Filipino domestic worker who migrated to Belgium. See http://www.icftu.org

The Stichting Kapatiran formally launched today its new website: http://www.kapatiran.net

The NNIRR launched a special IMD page: http://www.nnirr.org/dec18/index.html



2. UN Commission on Human Rights 2003


It is time again to think about the fifty-ninth session of the UN Commission on Human Rights to be held from 17 March to 25 April 2003 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.


Since NGOs are often invited to read their oral statements late at night before an empty room ñ or like last year, denied time to read their statements ñ we strongly encourage all ECOSOC accredited NGOs to prepare a written statement. Written statements submitted by NGOs and government delegations are issued as UN documents and made available as such to member and observer governments and NGO participants.


They should be sent as soon as possible, and in any case before 3 February 2003 to:


Mr. Mika Kanervavuori


Mailing address: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Room PW 1-050, Palais des Nations, 8-14 avenue de la Paix, CH-1211 Geneva 10;

Tel.: +41 22 917 94 31;

Fax: +41 22 917 90 11;

E-mail address: mkanervavuori@ohchr.org


The organizations are encouraged, if possible, to provide the Secretariat with the text of their statements in the different working languages of the United Nations ñ English, French and Spanish ñ on diskettes or by e-mail (see above). The maximum length of written statements is 2,000 words for NGOs in general consultative status and 1,500 words for NGOs in special consultative status as well as for those NGOs on the Roster. When submitting a written statement, NGOs should clearly indicate the item of the agenda under which the statement is to be circulated.


The provisional agenda of the 59th session of the Commission is available on the following web page:




The annotated agenda of the 59th session of the Commission (E/CN.4/2003/1/Add.1-2) is expected to be available by mid-January 2003.


General Report on the 58th Session of the UNCHR 2002



The reports of the visits by the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of migrants to Mexico and the Philippines are available at:





















3. UN Convention on the protection of the human rights of all migrant workers and their families


On the 3rd December 2002, the Steering Committee for the Global Campaign for the Ratification of the 1990 International Convention organised a special briefing on the Convention during the IOM Council meeting. The Statements by the Mexican Ambassador, Mr. Gustavo Albin and the Steering Committee Members (ICFTU, OHCHR, Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants and IOM) are available on the following web page:




On Human Rights' Day, Timor Leste (East Timor) decided to accede to the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. If the instrument of ratification is deposited at the UN in New York before 1 January 2003, the Convention will enter into force on 1 April 2003. We were informed that El Salvador may be the 21th state to ratify later this month or beginning of January 2003.


Information about the entry into force procedure, the creation of the Committee (also know as Treaty Body)  and what NGOs can do is available at:


English: http://www.december18.net/MN200502.pdf

French: http://www.december18.net/f-MN200502.pdf

Spanish: http://www.december18.net/e-MN200502.pdf


The Convention text is now available on the December 18 and the Steering Committee websites  in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, Italian and German.






4. Europe


The European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution approving a proposal for a Council regulation on extending the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71, under the terms of which a national of a third country who is legally resident in a Member State and who would like to work in another Member State will be able to benefit from a transfer of rights acquired under a social security scheme. This finally closes a gap in law, and represents a further necessary and important step to ensuring equal treatment for third country nationals residing in a Member State.

Report by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, 5 November 2002

Rapporteur: Ria Oomen-Ruijten

http://www.december18.net/instrumentsregionEUOomen-Ruijten.pdf  (English only)



Excerpt  from ECRAN Weekly Update 3/12/02


EU Annual Report on Human Rights: http://ue.eu.int/pressData/en/misc/73020.pdf


European Commission: integrating migration issues into the EU's external relations

The European Commission adopted on 3 December 2002 its Communication on Integrating Migration Issues in the EU's Relations with Third Countries. This communication pioneers the approach that concerns related to legal and illegal migration need to be integrated into the external policy and assistance programs of the EU. It elaborates how the EU's various external policies and instruments, including development policy, can make an important contribution in addressing the underlying causes of migration flows. The paper also contains a report on the effectiveness of financial resources available for repatriation of immigrants and rejected asylum seekers, for management of external borders, and for asylum and migration projects in third countries.


The Communication will be presented to the next meeting of the General Affairs and External Relations Council on 9/10 December and to the Home and Justice Affairs Council on 20 December. The full Commission press release can be seen at:









EU/IMMIGRATION: Signing with Hong Kong of first readmission agreement

On 27 November 2002, the European Commission signed an agreement with Hong Kong on the readmission of illegal immigrants. As is the case for readmission agreements currently being negotiated, this agreement provides for the readmission of illegal immigrants by the country from which they have arrived, be they nationals of that country or be it a transit country.


Press release by the Government of HK (English only)


Draft Report by the Committee on Citizensí Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs

English: http://www.europarl.eu.int/meetdocs/committees/libe/20021008/477962EN.pdf

French: http://www.europarl.eu.int/meetdocs/committees/libe/20021008/477962FR.pdf

Spanish: http://www.europarl.eu.int/meetdocs/committees/libe/20021008/477962ES.pdf


Two other readmission agreements have already been initiated, with Sri Lanka (May 2002) and Macao (October 2002). Negotiations began with Ukraine. Two years after the Council adopted the mandate, Morocco, like Russia have just agreed to start negotiating. Negotiations have still not begun with Pakistan. The Council is to approve new mandates to launch negotiations with Turkey, Algeria, China and Albania. The Commission is also considering negotiations with the 77 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP), so as to implement the provisions included in the Cotonou Agreement.





5. Publications


A World On the Move: A Report from the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance; A Resource Guide on International Migrant Rights.

A World On the Move presents a comprehensive look at the outcomes, lessons, and successes for immigrant and refugee rights from the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism and Xenophobia. The report includes testimonies of participants in the U.S. based Migrant Rights Working Group and tips for NGOs on preparing for international conferences. This up-to-date resource kit also shares analysis of international migrant and refugee issues, with practical guides on connecting local issues with international human rights campaigns and systems. A must-have for any group thinking about immigrant and refugee rights in a global era! Available in English only.

$7.00 plus $3.00 shipping for the first report and $1.00 for each additional copy. US currency only. Visit www.nnirr.org for more information about the report, or contact echo@nnirr.org.




6. Updates of the http://www.december18.net web site



Statement by the SC Kofi Annan at the launch of the The Hague "Declaration on the Future of Refugee and Migration Policy", 22/11/01




Articles and papers: http://www.december18.net/papers.htm


-        The Asian Migration Trail

-        After 9/11, Immigrant Workers in the crosshairs

-        Guatemala-Mexico-US: The Story of a Coyote

-        Central-American migration to Mexico increased 25 percent this year

-        Immigrants to the US: A snapshot of Americaís foreign-born population

-        UK: Why foreign nurses hold the nationís health in their hand!

-        The invisible exodus: North Koreans in the PR China

-        Spain: UN Experts should focus on Migrants

-        Workersí trafficking from Romania to Israel

-        Exploitation of migrants in Europe

-        National security, or war on workers ñ US

-        Chinese workers awaiting deportation fear for their lives, Israel

-        ëStrandedí Filipinos trapped in Saudi limbo


Governmental and multilateral sources:

-        UNHCR: Statistical Yearbook 2001

-        UK: A Common Policy of Illegal Migration


      -     EU Update on the development of a common policy on migration


     -     COE: Creation on a charter of intent on clandestine migration



NGO Newsletters: http://www.december18.net/newsletters.htm





Articles and papers:

-     La dÈcision du RATP, premiËre entreprise publique ý embaucher des Ètrangers, est mal acceptÈe par certains syndicats

-        CGP France: Immigration, marchÈ du travail, intÈgration






Discurso de presentaciÛn de la "DeclaraciÛn sobre el futuro de la politicas de refugiados e inmigraciÛn" por Kofi Annan, 22/11/01



Articles and papers: http://www.december18.net/e-papers.htm


      -     De la migraciÛn a la inmigraciÛn

      -     Al este de Aztl·n: la migraciÛn mexicana al este de Estados Unidos

-     MIGRACI²N El legado de Manuel Gamio

-        EspaÒa ó la ONU debe examinar polÌtica migratoria

-        La Conferencia HemisfÈrica sobre MigraciÛn Internacional, Derechos Humanos y Trata de Personas en las AmÈricas define retos de salud sexual para migrantes

-        Reconoce Paige que la educaciÛn a niÒos migrantes en EU no es de buena calidad

-        Guatemala: Abogan por migrantes. Aumenta corrupciÛn en instituciones como Aduanas y policÌas migratorias


-     MERCOSUR, Chili y Bolivia: Acuerdo para regularizar inmigraciÛn informal





NGO Newsletters: http://www.december18.net/e-boletines.htm



NGO Newsletters: http://www.december18.net/d-Nieuwsbrieven.htm





Spanish and French version available upon request at myriam@december18.net


Spanish version translated by Maria Ruiz, Spain and French version translated by Catherine Thomas, France.