Joint Initiative by December 18 and Migrant Rights International.



MIGRANT.NEWS, 18 February 2002


1. UN Convention for the protection of the human rights of all migrant workers and members of their families


Ecuador deposited its instrument of ratification with the UN on 5 February 2002. This brings the total number of ratifications to 19 out to the 20 needed to enforce the Convention. An updated list of ratifications can be found at:



See further under 4. European Parliament.



2. UN Special Rapport on Migrantís Rights

Sin Fronteras informed us that the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Ms. Gabriela Rodriguez will be visiting Mexico and the US from 25 February until 18 March 2002. She will be meeting with representatives of both governments, agencies, local municipalities, NGOs and individuals in Mexico City, Tapachula, Veracruz, Michoacan, Nuevo Laredo, Tucson, Douglas/Agua Prieta, Luckeville, San Diego, Tijuana, Mexicali, Calexico and Washington DC.  Details about her visit can be obtained from info@december18.net.



3. Trafficking of human beings

Antislavery informed us that the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Directive on a residence permit for victims of action to facilitate illegal immigration or trafficking in human beings who cooperate with the competent authorities, 11 February 2002. See: http://www.december18.net/traffickingconventions.htm

IMADR forwarded the recently adopted South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Convention on Preventing and  Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution. The text (English only) can be found on:


The page also includes the Declaration of the 11th SAARC Summit that was held from 4 to 6 January in Kathmandu, Nepal.


The International Human Rights Law Group informed us that the US law requires the Trafficking Office of the Department of State to publish an annual report on the status of anti-trafficking work by governments worldwide.  Last year's report is available at www.state.gov/g/inl/rls/tiprpt/2001/ (in English).


The State Department Trafficking Office is presently collecting information for the 2002 report.  Governments will be submitting their views and the U.S. embassies worldwide will send reports to the Trafficking Office.  NGOs can also submit information to the Trafficking Office for consideration.  As this US report is the only report prepared by any entity on the state-of-the-state response to trafficking, it is important for NGOs to contribute their views.  The International Human Rights Law Group encourages you to submit reports on the situation in your country and also your views on the Report itself.  Last year, many NGOs complained about the Report generally, the inappropriate placement of some countries in the 3 categories and the Report's failure to reflect the actual situation in their own countries. 


You will find a form at http://www.december18.net/traffickingconventionsUSreport2002.htm

that was prepared by the IHRLG (only in English). It includes all of the questions you need to answer and the address of the Trafficking Office. The deadline for the submissions is March 8. Please note that the Trafficking Office  may share information you submit with other departments in the US government.  However, if you do NOT want your information or your organization's name shared with your government (which might call to ask the State Department for their sources of information), then you MUST say so in your letter.



4. European Parliament


The European Parliament adopted on 7 February 2002  a resolution in preparation for the UN CHR.  The resolution includes a recommendation for EU countries to ratify the UN Convention for the protection of the human rights of all migrant workers and members of their families.


UNITED informed us that the European Parliament is looking for reports on Human Rights.

Mrs Joke Swiebel, MEP, has been nominated rapporteur for the annual  report concerning the situation of fundamental rights within the EU, to be elaborated by the European Parliament. This report is based on an analysis of the various rights enunciated in the European Charter for Fundamental Rights. She is asking for submissions of any report or document (FR-EN) which, in the field of your activities, contains recommendations on the situation of one or more of the rights mentioned in the European Charter during the year 2001. Documents should be sent in as soon as possible, as the report still needs to be completed and needs to be adopted by the Committee on Citizen's Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs next June and then in plenary in July. Documents to be sent to: Sandrine Morozoff, ATR 7K62, rue d'Ardennes 2, B-1047 Bruxelles, Belgium, smorozoff@europarl.eu.int.


See also our regional instrumentsí page under Europe: http://www.december18.net/instrumentsregion.htm



5. Jobs

The Immigrants' Rights Project (California Office) of the American Civil Liberties Union, a national not-for-profit public interest organization, is seeking an Immigrants' Rights Education Coordinator to develop materials and conduct a public education/media campaign on the issue of access to the courts and immigrants' rights. For details, see http://WWW.ACLU.ORG or mail to HRJOBS@aclu.org. Deadline: 28/02/2002



6. Campaigns and call for papers

Please sign online (it only takes three minutes)! 

Endorsement campaign for a Charter of Rights for Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe The Charter of Rights was developed by Migrant Domestic Workers in a series of workshops organised by RESPECT in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the UK. Besides reflecting the experiences of migrant domestic workers including the violations of their rights in Europe, the Charter also reflects the demand for recognition of "domestic" work as "proper" work. More information about the Charter and to endorse it online, please go to http://www.december18.net/campaigncharter.htm

Online petition demanding a royal commission into the Australian Government's treatment of asylum seekers: http://www.petitiononline.com/ausrefug/petition.html


Call for Papers for the 8th International Conference by the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 5-9th January 2003, Chiangmai, Thailand. Deadline: 30 June 2002. For further details,  please visit http://www.iasfm.org.


Call for Papers for the 1st International Congress on Child Migration, 27-31 October 2002, New Orleans, US. For further details,  please visit




7. International Calendar http://www.december18.net/calendar.htm


15-16/02/02 Strategizing to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

15-18/02/02 US-Mexico border : Militarization at Our Borders

18-22/02/02 Expanding our horizons: Understanding the Complexities of Violence Against Women, University of Sydney, Australia

18/02-22/03/02 Advanced International Programme on Human Rights, Lund, Sweden.

18-28/02/02 International Training Workshop On Gender And Development, Thailand.

19/02-25/04/02 The Political Participation of Foreigners, Luxembourg.

21/02/02 International Women's Conference, Berlin, Germany.

21-24/02/02 Local/Global Relations in the Asia Pacific Region, Hawaii.

22-24/02/02 International conference against deregulation and for labour rights for All, Berlin

23/02/02 The refugee ghost in our head, Ghent, Belgium

24/02-1/03/2002 The EU-Anti-Discrimination Law‚: Implementation and Possibilities to Act, Hamburg, Germany.

25/02/02 Stop the traffic symposium, RMIT University, City Campus, Melbourne, Australia

25/02/02 Migrant Children and Youth in Vienna, Austria.

25/02-15/03/02 Human rights and peoples' Diplomacy Training for Human Rights defenders from the Asia-Pacific region, Sri Lanka.

25-27/02/2002 Conference on Implementation of Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of  child labour, The Hague, the Netherlands.

27/02/2002 Recent Developments in Refugee Protection: The Interplay Between Africa and Europe, Oxford, United Kingdom.

1-3/03/02 Emerging Issues and New Challenges: Human and Resource Development in Southeast Asia including Transitional Societies of Indochina (Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar), Bangkok, Thailand.

3-8/03/02 Third Forum for Development in Africa, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia.

4-22/0302 UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), Geneva

6-7/03/02 Euro-mediterranean summit of economic and social councils and similar institutions, Athens, Greece

8/03/02 International Womenís Day and Roma Nation Day

8-9/03/02 PICUM General Assembly (on undocumented migrants),  The Netherlands.

8-9/03/02 Borderlines : Migrant Writing and Italian Identities (1870-2000), UK.

9/03/02 5th Annual March in Solidarity with Women Sweatshop Workers, USA.

10/03/02 Demonstration for equal rights and opportunities, Brussels, Belgium.

11/15/03/02 The Legal Situation of Foreigners in France, Paris, France.

16/24/03/02 European-wide Action Week Against Racism

18/22/03/02 International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterrey, Mexico.

18/03-26/04/02 58th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland.

21/03/02 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

22-24/03/02 In Search for a New Europe: Contrasting Migratory Experiences, UK


For details and the complete 2002-2003 calendar, see:






8. Update http://www.december18.org


Italian homepage at http://www.december18.net/i-frontpage.htm

We added an Articles and papers page. Right now there is lots of information about the January manifestations for migrantís rights and against the Bossi-Fini law.


Spanish homepage at http://www.december18.net/e-frontpage.htm

67th edition of Sin Fronterasí Enlace Informativo, Enero 18-31, 2002

8th edition of Entre Redes, Febrero 2002

Articles and papers:

EspaÒa no es la tierra prometida. Es el infierno, 6 de Febrero 2002

Mano de obra en el exterior, 5 de Febrero 2002

Human Trafficking page


French homepage at http://www.december18.net/f-frontpage.htm

Articles and papers:

On ne peut pas Ítre ý moitiÈ dÈmocratique, Belgique, 6 fÈvrier 2002

FSM Porto Alegre: Migration dans le cadre de la mondialisation libÈrale, fÈvrier 2002

FSM Porto Alegre: Les migrations et les contradictions de la mondialisation, fÈvrier 2002

Esclavage moderne : une situation alarmante, 18 dÈcembre 2001

Human Trafficking page

DÈbat sur le droit de vote des immigrÈs en Belgique:



Dutch homepage at http://www.december18.net/d-frontpage.htm

Articles and papers: Je kan niet half en half democraat zijn, 6 februari 2002

Debat over het migrantenstemrecht in BelgiÎ:



English homepage at http://www.december18.net/intro.htm#one

New publications

Border and discrimination in the EU by Ryszard Cholewinski, ILPA, MPG, January 2002

A TUC Guide on Migrant Workers, UK, 21/01/2002

NGO Press Releases

One stop agencies for foreign labor, Malaysia, 05/02/02

Operation Black Crow smacks of racism, Malaysia, 03/02/02

Migrant Workers marched in victory!, 03/02/02

Victory in Hong Kong!, 31/01/02

Foreign Workers take out RM 2 Billion yearly, Malaysia, 29/01/02

Korea after the strike of 100 undocumented Migrant Workers, 29/01/02

Migrant Workers' strike in Korea: Abusive training system, 28/01/02

Articles and papers

White Paper on immigration policy: Secure Borders, Safe Heaven, Integration with Diversity in Modern Britain (PDF), 7 February 2002

An Initial Response to the White Paper by JCWI, 8 February 2002

Manifesto for the Reform of British Immigration Policy (PDF) by JCWI

The Plight of Africa's Refugee Children, 8 February 2002

Over 1,200 Moroccans Obtain Legal Stay Documents in Portugal, 8 February 2002

Hundreds of people protest police brutality against Moroccan immigrants in Spain, 6 February

WSF Porto Alegre, Migration and the contradictions of Globalisation, 1 February 2002

Health Professionals Discuss African Scholars Brain Drain, 1 February 2002

Labor Group Slam KL over worker ban, 30 January 2002

Civic Group urge the Government to protect Migrant Workers, Korea, 28 January Urgent Need for Work Permit System / Inter-Korean Reunion on `Sollal', Korea, 25 January 2002

Migrant Workers strike to protest back pay, Korea, 24 January 2002

Human Trafficking: Charming Girls And Greedy Merchants!, Africa, 22 January

The Philippine Migration Trail: On migration and health

Global Migration Trends: Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, South Asia

Don't let immigration be a victim of terror, 15 November 2001

The rights of cross-border workers in Europe, 1 October 2001

Towards a Global Accord on Migration and Refugees, 23 September 2001

TB and Migration: We cannot eliminate TB on One Continent

African Footballers Migration to Europe, Summer 2001

Smuggling in Nigerian Women

Eaters of the Dry Season, A African perspective on Migration (see under Excerpts)

Links: New or updated web sites

The Philippine Migration Trail: On migration and health: http://www.ips.org/migration/


Other updates:

Regional page: European Human Rights System

International Calendar





Spanish and French version available upon request at migrantnews@december18.net


Spanish version translated by Maria Ruiz, Spain and French version translated by Catherine Thomas, France.