Observations of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles on the European Parliament report on the Council Directive on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals and stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection (COM (2001) 510)


The European Council on Refugees and Exiles is a network of some 70 refugee assisting non-governmental organisations in 25 European countries. For further information, please contact the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) at:

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E-mail: ecre@ecre.org
                                                                                                                                               E-mail: euecre@ecre.be


Text proposed by the Commission



Issue of Family Reunification



Article 6,
paragraph (1)


1. Member States shall ensure that accompanying family members are entitled to the same status as the applicant for international protection.












<TitreAm>Article 8, paragraph (2)


2. A well-founded fear of being persecuted or otherwise suffering serious unjustified harm may be based on activities which have been engaged in by the applicant since he left his country of origin, save where it is established that such activities were engaged in for the sole purpose of creating the necessary conditions for making an application for international protection. That is not the case where the activities relied upon constitute the expression and continuation of convictions held in the country of origin, and they are related to the

grounds for recognition of the need for international protection. 

Article 10, title and second sentence of paragraph 1


Internal protection


Article 12, paragraph (e)


(e) the concept of political opinion shall include the holding of, or the being conceived of as holding, an opinion on a matter related to the State or its government or its policy, whether or not that opinion has been acted upon by the applicant







Article 13, paragraph (e)


(e) can no longer, because the circumstances in connection with which he or she has been

recognised as a refugee have ceased to exist, continue to refuse to avail himself or herself of the protection of the country of nationality;

Article 14, paragraph 1, subparagraph (a)


Member States shall exclude from refugee
status any applicant:
(a) who is at present receiving protection or
assistance from organs or agencies of the United Nations other than the United Nations

High Commissioner for Refugees;

Article 16, paragraph 2


2. Subsidiary protection may be withdrawn if the circumstances in the country of origin
which led to the granting of such status under Article 15, cease to exist, or if a change in circumstances is of such a profound and durable

nature that it eliminates the need for subsidiary protection.

Article 28, paragraph 1


1. Member States shall take the necessary measures as soon as possible, to ensure the representation of unaccompanied minors enjoying international protection by legal guardianship, or representation by an organisation which is responsible for the care and well-being of minors, or by any other appropriate representation.

Article 28, paragraph 2


Member States shall ensure that the minor’s needs are duly met in the implementation of the provisions of this Directive by the appointed

guardian.  The appropriate authorities shall make regular assessments.

Amendments by Parliament



Issue of Family Reunification








Article 6, paragraph (1)



<TitreAm>Article 8, paragraph (2)



Article 10, title and second sentence of paragraph 1


Internal flight alternative

Article 12, paragraph (e)

Article 13, paragraph (e)


(e) can no longer, because the circumstances in connection with which he or she has been

recognised as a refugee have ceased to exist, continue to refuse to avail himself or herself of the protection of the country of nationality, unless his social, economic and family ties in the host country make his return to the country of origin difficult to envisage.

Article 14, paragraph 1, subparagraph (a)


Member States shall exclude from refugee
status any applicant:

Article 16, paragraph 2


2. Subsidiary protection may be withdrawn if the circumstances in the
country of origin which led to the granting of such status under Article 15, cease to exist, or if a change in circumstances is of such a

profound and durable nature that it eliminates the need for subsidiary protection, unless his social, economic and family ties in the host country make his return to the country of origin difficult to envisage.

Article 28, paragraph 1

Article 28, paragraph 2




Issue of Family Reunification


ECRE regrets that the right to family reunification is not extended to persons granted subsidiary protection by either this Directive or the Draft Directive on the right to family reunification.


Article 6, paragraph (1)


1. Member States shall ensure that accompanying and joining family members are entitled to the same status as the applicant for international protection.




Whilst fleeing a country of prosecution it may not be possible for families to remain together causing them to arrive in the Member State at different times. It is therefore essential that family members later joining the applicant are entitled to the same status for international protection.


Article 8, paragraph (2)


2. A well-founded fear of being prosecuted or otherwise suffering serious unjustified harm may be based on activities which have been engaged in by the applicant since he left his country of origin, save where it is established that such activities were engaged in for the sole purpose of creating the necessary conditions for making an application for international protection. That is not the case where the activities relied upon constitute the expression and continuation of convictions held in the country of origin, and they are related to the

grounds for recognition of the need for international protection.


Competent authorities must recognise applicants as persons in need of international protection if the activities referred to may reasonably be expected to come to the notice of the individual country of origin, be treated by them as demonstrative of an adverse political or other protected opinion or characteristic, and give rise to a well-founded fear of being persecuted or suffering serious and unjustified harm.



ECRE supports the inclusion of a definition of what constitutes refugees “sur place” in the Commission proposal.  It would however recommend that the parts of the Commission’s Commentary, reflecting the provisions on refugees “sur place” in the UNHCR Handbook, are also included. Activities engaged in outside the applicant’s country of origin may come to the attention of the authorities of that country and give rise to a well-founded fear of persecution. Other circumstances, including when a political conviction is attributed to an individual, may also give rise to a well-founded fear of persecution while the applicant is outside the country of origin.

Article 10, title and second sentence of paragraph 1


Internal protection




ECRE considers that historically the term ‘internal flight alternative’ has incorrectly placed the onus on the individual to seek an alternative to flight within their country of origin before fleeing. ECRE favours the term  

’ internal protection’ as it rightly focuses on whether protection is available to the claimant in the country of origin at the time of making a decision on the asylum application.

Article 12, paragraph (e)


(e) The concept of political opinion shall include the holding of, or being conceived of as holding, an opinion, thought or belief on a matter related to the State or its government or its policy whether or not that opinion has been acted upon by the applicant.



The present definition is unduly limited and does not reflect the true ambit of political opinion as reflected in the International Bill of Rights. It is the role of the Refugee Convention to protect fundamental human rights which include the freedom of opinion, thought, belief and expression.  The Commission’s proposal would not include instances of thought or belief that could not be classified as ‘political’.

Article 13, paragraph (e)


(e) can no longer, because the circumstances in connection with which he or she has been

recognised as a refugee have ceased to exist, continue to refuse to avail himself or herself of the protection of the country of nationality, unless his social, economic and family ties in the host country make his return to the country of origin difficult to envisage.  Or where there are compelling reasons arising out of previous persecution for refusing to avail themselves of the protection of the country of nationality.



As the Commission’s commentary highlights, there may be situations where past persecution makes it impossible for individuals to return to their country of origin. The UNHCR Handbook refers to this as a “general humanitarian principle”(paragraph 136). In these circumstances, regardless of the length of residence in the Member States, cessation provisions should not apply.

Article 14, paragraph 1, subparagraph (a)

Member States shall exclude from refugee
status any applicant:
(a) who is at present receiving protection or
assistance from organs or agencies of the United Nations other than the United Nations

High Commissioner for Refugees;


When such protection or assistance has ceased for any reason without the position of such persons being definitively settled in accordance with the relevant resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, these persons shall ipso facto be entitled to the benefit of the Convention.



The Commission’s proposal reflects part of Article(1)(D) of the Refugee Convention. Unfortunately, the full provision is not included in their draft proposal.  The second paragraph is a necessary safeguard to this exclusion provision and should be added to the Commission proposal.


Article 16, paragraph 2


2. Subsidiary protection may be withdrawn if the circumstances in the country of origin
which led to the granting of such status under Article 15, cease to exist, or if a change in circumstances is of such a profound and durable

nature that it eliminates the need for subsidiary protection, unless his social, economic and family ties in the host country make his return to the country of origin difficult to envisage. Or where there are compelling reasons arising out of the previous persecution for refusing to avail themselves of the protection of the country of nationality.



Same as for Article 13(e)

Article 28, paragraph 1


1. Member States shall take the necessary measures as soon as possible to ensure the representation of unaccompanied minors enjoying international protection by legal guardianship. Representation, by an organisation which is responsible for the care and well-being of minors or by any other appropriate representation may additionally be provided.

Article 28, paragraph 2


Member States shall ensure that the minor’s needs are duly met in the implementation of the provisions of this Directive by the appointed

guardian. The appropriate authorities shall make regular assessments.



It is essential that minors are provided with a legal guardian; this should not be an optional requirement. Representation by an organisation or any other appropriate representation should be additional to legal guardianship and not an alternative.  The absence of legal guardianship can impede a person or an organisation from acting in the best interests of the child.