Doris  Peschke



Beth Ferris



Migrant Rights International




The situation of "boat people" at the Italian cost is dramatically worsening. On one side there is a growing number of arrivals in terrible conditions. On the other side the reactions are at least in part a big risk for the respect of Human Rights.

We must say that the Italian society does show a high level of civil responsibility and hospitality. This can be illustrated by the following facts:

1)   recent researches done by institutions, who study public opinion, show that the Italians are the most positive in Europe towards migrants and believe that European Institutions should handle the issue (there are also many negative voices, but the majority is positive, following this publication);

2)   the population in the South of Italy continues to be very friendly to the big numbers of asylum seekers arriving on their costs;

3)   The police and border personal, working directly in these places, to face the situation, mostly do a very good job;

4)   The President f the Republic invited the society and the politicians to face the question from the human rights point of view, and never to forget the humanitarian aspect.


On the other hand our Government and the majority of the Parliament react in a very dangerous way:

1)   the more extremist political forces insist in fighting the phenomena by all means, military actions, mass deportation etc. They express themselves continuously in a very racist and demagogic way.

2)   The Government seems to panic, but has no other answers than police measures, expulsion, refoulment, practically no access to asylum procedures, less human rights, no or very little jurisdictional possibilities, so as an appeal to negative decisions.

3)   The very restrictive law proposal (July 2001) will now be forced through the Parliament with an emergency procedure. The Government nominated a special “Commissario”, to face the situation, who will have extraordinary possibilities of action. The Government decided already that military forces must prevent the refugee flows at our borders.


We apply to your support. The issue should probably be brought to the European Institutions. You may know better what could be done.


Rome, 21.3.02                                                                                        Annemarie Dupré