5 March 2002



Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network’s statement

on the Euro-Mediterranean Justice and Home Affairs Program

expected to be adopted at the ministerial meeting in Valencia, 23-24 April 2002




On the occasion of the Ministerial Meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in Valencia 23-24 April 2002, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) has the pleasure to forward its suggestions regarding the 'Regional Program in within the field of Justice and Home Affairs' (JHA).


The program, which supposedly will be adopted at the Ministerial meeting, is born out of the Barcelona process and was given particular impetus by the Common Strategy of the European Union on the Mediterranean Region [1], which introduced a chapter on Justice and Home Affairs.


Since then the EU Commission and the Euro-Mediterranean Committee for the Barcelona Process have worked to develop the program building on inputs from regional meetings [2].


The EMHRN is pleased to notice that the overall objective of the JHA Program is to 1) promote the effective implementation of the international acquis within its field; 2) the promotion of fundamental values to which the partners are committed such as human rights, democracy, good governance, transparency and the rule of law and; 3) the creation of a stable and transparent judicial environment.


The EMHRN supports the program’s general objective and strongly believes that:






As a consequence, the EMHRN urges the Euro-Mediterranean Partners to:






Finally, the EMHRN suggests that a fruitful way to promote the human rights dimension of the JHA Program would be to establish a standing working group on human rights to advise the Euro-Mediterranean Committee for the Barcelona Process and to develop activities in close dialogue with relevant representatives of civil society.





















[1]  Adopted by the European Council at Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal) on 19-20 June 2001.

[2]  The EMHRN was happy to take a proactive part in the Conference on Access to Justice, Uppsala, April 2001. In addition, the EMHRN took the initiative to organise a regional Conference on migrants, refugees and human rights, in Trieste, 18-19 January 2002.