Amended proposal

for a Council Directive on minimum standards

on procedures in Member States

for granting and withdrawing refugee status


>>> ASILE 30 (chapter I-II) and 44 (chapter III-VI) <<<







CHAPTER I          General provisions


Article 1           Purpose


Article 2           Definitions


Article 3           Scope


Article 4           More favourable provisions



CHAPTER II                 Basic principles and guarantees


Article 5           Access to the procedure


Article 6           Right to remain in the Member State pending the examination of the application


Article 7           Requirements for the examination of applications


Article 8           Requirements for a decision by the determining authority


Article 9           Guarantees for applicants for asylum


Article 9A        Obligations of the applicants for asylum


Article 10         Persons invited to a personal interview


Article 11         Requirements for a personal interview


Article 12         Status of the report of a personal interview in the procedure


Article 13         Right to legal assistance and representation


Article 14         Scope of legal assistance and representation


Article 15        Guarantees for unaccompanied minors


Article 16         Establishing the facts in the procedure


Article 17         Detention


Article 18         Detention after agreement to take charge under Council Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 >> deleted


Article 19         Procedure in case of withdrawal of the application


Article 20         Procedure in case of implicit withdrawal or abandonment of the application


Article 21         The role of UNHCR


Article 22         Collection of information on individual cases






CHAPTER III Procedures at first instance[1]


 Section I


Article 23        Examination Procedure[2]


Article 23/A    Specific procedures


Article 24        Time limits for an accelerated procedure



Section II


 Article 25       Cases of inadmissible applications


Article 26        Application of the concept of first country of asylum


Article 27        National designation of countries as safe third countries


Article 28        Application of the safe third country concept



Section III


 Article 29       Cases of unfounded applications


 Article 30       [National] designation of countries as safe countries of origin


 Article 30A   


Article 31        Application of the safe country of origin concept


Article 31A     (deleted)


Article 31B     (deleted)



Section IV


 Article 32       (deleted)


 Article 33       Cases of subsequent applications


Article 33A     (deleted)


 Article 34       Procedural rules



Section V


Article 35        Cases of border procedures


Article 35A



CHAPTER IV             Withdrawal procedures


Article 36        Withdrawal of refugee status


Article 37        Procedural rules


Article 37A     (deleted)



CHAPTER V              Appeals procedures


Article 38        The right to an effective remedy before a court or tribunal


 Article 39       Suspensive effect of review and appeal proceedings


Article 40        (deleted)


 Article 41       Time limits and scope of the examination in review or appeal



CHAPTER VI General and final provisions


Article 42        Non-discrimination


Article 43        Penalties


Article 43A     Confidentiality


Article 44        Report


 Article 45       Transposal


 Article 46       Entry into force


 Article 47       Addressees







ANNEX II      Principles with respect to the Designation of safe third countries


ANNEX III     Principles with respect to the Designation of safe countries of origin