International Call for Universal Ratification

of the

UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers

and Members of their Families


1 July 2003 – 290 signatories



International/Regional Organisations / Networks


Amnesty International – International Secretariat      

Anti-Slavery International

Caritas Internationalis 

Caritas Europa                                                                        

Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe                                               

Coordination Européenne pour le Droit des Étrangers à vivre en Famille        

December 18

Emmaus International                                                                                     

European Network Against Racism (ENAR)

European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

European Women's Lobby (EWL)

Foro Migraciones

Franciscans International                                                                                            

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW)

International Alliance Against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)

International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination                       

International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)

Migrant Forum Asia (MFA)

Migrants Rights International (MRI)

Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM)

UNITED for Intercultural Action       

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom                                               

World Union of Catholic Women Organisations




Albanian Youth Council                                                                                   Albania

Oxfam Albania                                                                                                 Albania

Rencontre et Développement-CCSA                                                                Algeria

Asociación Civil Casa del Paso del Peregrino                                                    Argentina

Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales                                                               Argentina

Departamento de Migraciones del Arzobispado de Buenos Aires                                   Argentina

Mujeres Peruanas Unidas Migrantes y Refugiadas                                              Argentina

Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office                                                           Australia

Indigo Foundation                                                                                            Australia

Jesuit Refugee Service Australia                                                                                    Australia

Presentation Sisters Justice Ministry                                                                Australia

Presentation Sisters Wagga                                                                              Australia

United Nations Association of Australia                                                                       Australia

Asylkoordination Österreich                                                                            Austria

Diakonie - Evangelischer Fleuchtlingdienst Oestereich                                     Austria

Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan                                                                 Azerbaijan

Society for Humanitarian Research                                                                  Azerbaijan

Bahraini Human Rights Society                                                                                    Bahrain

WARBE                                                                                                           Bangladesh

Human Rights Commission of Belize                                                                Belize

11.11.11 Coalition of the North-South Movement Flanders                            Belgium

Association Culturelle Berbère Jugurtha                                                                        Belgium

Bachtale Chave                                                                                                            Belgium

Centre d'Action pour le Développement des relations Euro-méditerranéenne   Belgium

Commission nationale immigrée du MOC                                                         Belgium

Convivial asbl-vzw                                                                                           Belgium

Espace Culturel Nord-Sud asbl                                                                           Belgium

Filipiniana-Europa vzw                                                                                    Belgium

FGTB wallonne                                                                                                            Belgium

IMD Platform Vlaanderen                                                                                Belgium

Jesuit Refugee Service Belgium                                                                         Belgium

Ligue des droits de l'Homme Belgique francophone                                           Belgium

Opré Roma vzw                                                                                               Belgium

Paix et Solidarité en Afrique                                                                             Belgium

Romano Dzuvdipe                                                                                            Belgium

Samahan Ng Mga Manggagawang Pilipino Sa Belgium                                      Belgium

Sodémi/eas                                                                                                       Belgium

Solidarité et Partenariat Nord-Sud                                                                    Belgium

Steunpunt Mensen Zonder Papieren                                                                 Belgium

Vaka/Hand in Hand                                                                                          Belgium

Wereldsolidariteit                                                                                             Belgium

Amnesty International – Canada                                                                                  Canada

Canadian Human Rights Foundation                                                                 Canada

Inter Pares                                                                                                       Canada

Karuna Community Services/Green Lotus International                                               Canada

Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic                                              Canada

South Asian Women's Community Centre                                                        Canada

Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians                                                   Canada

Nido Del Gufo                                                                                                  Colombia

Central American Human Rights Network                                                        Costa Rica

Caritas Czech Republic                                                                                     Czech Republic

Friends of Nature                                                                                             Czech Republic

Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen des Droits de l'Homme                                          Denmark

Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization                                                    Egypt

The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights                                                        Egypt

People to People                                                                                             Estonia

Finnish Public Service Unions FIPSU                                                               Finland

Immigration Développement Démocratie                                                        France

Initiative D'Entreaide Aux Libertés                                                                  France

Institut Panos Paris                                                                                          France

Public Services International                                                                            France

Service Nationale de la Pastorale des Migrants                                                 France

Human Rights Information and Documentation Center                                                Georgia

Emmaus in Koeln e.V.                                                                                      Germany

KINAB KOK/Federal Association against traffic

and violence in the migration process                                                              Germany

Kölner Appell gegen Rassismus e.V.                                                                 Germany

Nordelbische Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche                                                  Germany

Terre des Femmes e.V.                                                                                     Germany

Camps Happy Children Happy Youth                                                              Greece

Caritas Hellas                                                                                                   Greece

Greek Forum of Migrants                                                                                 Greece

Sudanese Community in Greece                                                                                    Greece

Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants                                                                    Hong Kong

Asian Human Rights Commission                                                                     Hong Kong

Asian Migrant Center                                                                                       Hong Kong

Asian Migrants Coordinating Body                                                                   Hong Kong

Coalition for Racial Equality                                                                            Hong Kong

Indonesian Migrants Workers Union                                                                Hong Kong

Movement Against Discrimination                                                                  Hong Kong

United Filipinos in Hong Kong                                                                         Hong Kong

National Domestic Workers 'Movement                                                                      India

Pasumai Thaayagam                                                                                        India

Tamil Migrants International                                                                           India

Center for Community Development and Education                                        Indonesia

Consortium for Indonesian Migrant Workers Advocacy                                               Indonesia

DAMAR Foundation                                                                                        Indonesia

Federation of Indonesian Migrant Workers                                                      Indonesia

Flower Aceh Foundation                                                                                  Indonesia

Indonesian Moslim Student Movement                                                            Indonesia

Masyarakat Transparansi Indonesia                                                                 Indonesia

Rights in our hands                                                                                           Indonesia

Terre des Hommes                                                                                           Indonesia

Yang-san Foreign Workers House                                                                    Indonesia

Yayasan Kuala Tanjung                                                                                                Indonesia

Yayasan Kata Hati                                                                                           Indonesia

Yayasan Pelopor Perjuangan Rakyat                                                                Indonesia

Yogyakarta Joint Secretariat for Gender Issue                                                  Indonesia

European Network for Intercultural Action and Exchange Ireland                                Ireland

Irish Congress of Trade Unions                                                                                    Ireland

Mercy Sisters Justice office, South Central Province                                        Ireland

The Migrant Rights Centre Ireland                                                                   Ireland

Caritas                                                                                                             Israel/Palestine

Kav La'Oved                                                                                                    Israel

Agenzia Scalabriniana per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo                                  Italy

Associazione interculturale di donne native e migranti Trama di terre              Italy

Associazione NO.DI (Nostri Diritti)                                                                 Italy

Casa Diritti Sociali                                                                                           Italy

Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers                                                       Italy

Commissione nazionale permanente per l'immigrazione

Partito rifondaizone Comunista                                                                                   Italy

Coordinamento Italiano per il Diritto degli Stranieri a vivere in Famiglia                     Italy

Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche                                                               Italy

FILCAMS CGIL                                                                                               Italy

Jesuit Refugee Service International Office                                                       Italy

Les Cultures onlus                                                                                            Italy

Rete d'urgenza contro il razzismo di Torino                                                     Italy

Ufficio per la Pastorale dei Migranti                                                                Italy

DAWN-Japan                                                                                                  Japan

Solidarity Network with Migrants                                                                     Japan

Arab NGO Network for Development                                                              Lebanon

Fondation Caritas                                                                                             Luxembourg

The First Childrens Embassy in the World MEGJASHI                                     Macedonia

Mouvement pour les droits de la personne humaine                                          Mauritania

Casa del Migrante                                                                                             Mexico

Centro de Apoyo al Trabajador Migrante                                                         Mexico

Centro de Derechos Humanos del Migrante                                                      Mexico

Centro de Derechos Humanos Ñu´u Ji Kandii                                                    Mexico

Centro de Derechos Humanos Tepeyac del Istmo de Tehunatepec                   Mexico

Centro de Estudios Demográficos y de Desarrollo Urbano                                Mexico

Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social              Mexico

Centro Regional de Capacitación a Mujeres del Bajío                                        Mexico

FI-México                                                                                                        Mexico

Franciscans International México                                                                    Mexico

Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes                                                                              Mexico

Sin Fronteras                                                                                                    Mexico

Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla                                                                  Mexico

Society for Refugees of the Republic of Moldova                                             Moldova

Association chantiers jeunesse Maroc / Section Ahfir                                       Morocco

Association de Défense des Droits de l'Homme au Maroc                                 Morocco

Association Marocaine d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Migrations                 Morocco

Association marocaine pour l'education de la jeunesse / Section Tanger                        Morocco

ATTAC Maroc                                                                                                            Morocco

Centre for Media Freedom-Middle East and North Africa                                 Morocco

Forum Vérité et Justice:Association des victimes de la

repression politique au Maroc                                                                           Morocco

GERERE                                                                                                          Morocco

NepalWatch                                                                                                     Nepal

Rural Reconstruction Nepal                                                                              Nepal

AYNI Bolivia-Nederland Foundation                                                                Netherlands

Centre euro-mediterranéen Migration et developpement                                              Netherlands

Coalition for Grassroots Women Organizations                                                           Netherlands

Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers                                                       Netherlands
Kuku Association in the Netherlands                                                                Netherlands

Missionair Centrum                                                                                          Netherlands

New Sudan Organizations Network                                                                   Netherlands

Novib Oxfam Netherlands                                                                                Netherlands

Stichting Sawa Sawa                                                                                          Netherlands

Southern Sudanese Women Association in the Netherlands                              Netherlands

Stichting Kapatiran                                                                                          Netherlands

Stichting Oikos                                                                                                Netherlands

Sudanese Organizations Forum in the Netherlands                                            Netherlands

Sudanese Orphans Support Trust                                                                      Netherlands

TIYE International                                                                                          Netherlands

Human Rights Foundation of Aotearoa NewZealand                                         New Zealand

Caritas del Peru                                                                                                            Peru

Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana - Conferencia Episcopal Peruana                  Peru

Ateneo Human Rights Center                                                                           Philippines

Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines                                                        Philippines

Development Education Media Services Foundation                                         Philippines

Development Action for Women Network                                                      Philippines

Institute on Church and Social Issues                                                                Philippines

KAKAMMPI                                                                                                   Philippines

OMI Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation                                                   Philippines

Philippine Migrants Rights Watch                                                                   Philippines

University of the Philippines Population Institute                                           Philippines

Obra Católica Portuguesa de Migrações                                                            Portugal

Asociatia Studentilor si Tinerilor Romi ROMANITIN                                      Romania

ATTAC Romania                                                                                            Romania

Media Monitoring Agency – Academia Catavencu                                           Romania

Romanitin Roma Youth and Students’ Association                                           Romania

Aldet Centre                                                                                                    Saint Lucia

International Indigenous Peoples Think Tank                                                 Saint Lucia

Organization of Human Rights Defenders, Auditors

and Reporters (Caribbean Region)                                                                    Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia Commission on Human Rights                                                       Saint Lucia

Caritas Slovenia                                                                                               Slovenia

Scalabrini Development Agency                                                                                   South Africa

Scalabrini Refugee Service                                                                                South Africa

Institute for Democracy in South Africa                                                                      South Africa

Ansan Migrant Shelter                                                                                     South Korea

Asan Migrant Worker's Center                                                                         South Korea

Catholic Uijengbu Migrant Center                                                                    South Korea

Daegu Migrant Works Counselling (Shelter) Center                                          South Korea

Emmaus Korea                                                                                                 South Korea

Galilea                                                                                                              South Korea

Gwangju Mission Association for Foreign Workers                                           South Korea

Gwangju Migrant Workers Center                                                                    South Korea

Human Right Center for Migrant Women                                                        South Korea

Inchon Migrant Workers' Center                                                                                 South Korea

International Workers Counselling Office                                                        South Korea

Jinchon Migrant Brothers' House                                                                     South Korea

Joint Committee for Migrant Workers in Korea                                                          South Korea

KASAMMAKO                                                                                                South Korea

Korean Migrant Workers' Human Rights Center                                                          South Korea

Kyungnam Migrant Workers Counselling Office                                                          South Korea

Kyungsan Foreign Workers' Church                                                                 South Korea

Legal Aid Center for Foreign Workers                                                             South Korea

Medical Mutual-Aid Union for Migrant Workers in Korea                               South Korea

Migrant Workers House/ Korean-Chinese House                                                          South Korea

Migrant Workers' Human Rights & Culture Center                                           South Korea

Migrant Workers' Human Rights Center                                                                       South Korea

Namyangju Women Migrant Center                                                                 South Korea

People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy                                                          South Korea

Pocheon Migrant Workers Center                                                                   South Korea

Pyongtaek Migrant Worker Center                                                                  South Korea

Seoul Migrant Worker's Center                                                                        South Korea

Shalom House                                                                                                  South Korea

Suwon Migrant Workers Center                                                                                   South Korea

The Association for Migrant Workers' Human Rights                                      South Korea

The Diocese of Busan's Labor Apostolate and the Apostolate

for Salaried Workers                                                                                        South Korea

The House of Shalom for Migrant Workers                                                     South Korea

Uijeonbu Migrant Center                                                                                  South Korea

United Women Migrant Counselling Center                                                     South Korea

Welfare Mission Center for Korean Chinese                                                    South Korea

Won Buddism Seoul Foreigners' Center                                                             South Korea

World Neighbours Seongdong Migrant Workers' Center                                               South Korea

Asociación Apoyo                                                                                           Spain

Asociación Salud y Familia                                                                               Spain

Associació Sociocultural IBN BATUTA                                                                       Spain

Casa Argentina de Barcelona                                                                            Spain

Casa Argentina de Madrid                                                                                 Spain

CODENAF-Almeria                                                                                         Spain

Coordinadora Contra la Marginació de Cornellà                                                           Spain

Juventudes Socialistas de España                                                                       Spain

Unión de Asociaciones Familiares                                                                    Spain

Web de extranería del ReICAZ                                                                         Spain

American Center for International Labour Solidarity                                       Sri Lanka

Migrant Services Centre                                                                                               Sri Lanka

Arab Migrant Center                                                                                        Sudan

Bahr El-Ghazal Youth Development Association                                                         Sudan

English International Association of Lund                                                       Sweden

ARIS (Anti-Racism Information Service)                                                         Switzerland

Association contre le racisme ACOR SOS Racisme                                           Switzerland

Collectif de soutien aux Sans-papiers de Genève                                                           Switzerland

Collectif de soutien des Sans-Papiers du canton de Neuchâtel                            Switzerland

Geneva Forum for Philippine Concerns                                                                        Switzerland

Solidarité sans frontiers                                                                                                Switzerland

Stella Maris International Service Center                                                         Taiwan

Taiwan International Workers Association                                                      Taiwan

Taiwan Migrants' Forum                                                                                  Taiwan

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development                                                Thailand

Catholic Commission on Migration (Women's Desk)                                       Thailand

Foundation for Women                                                                                                Thailand

Association for Human Rights & Democracy in Africa                                    U.K.

Dalit Solidarity Network UK                                                                            U.K.

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants                                                    U.K.

Kalayaan: Justice for Migrant Domestic Workers                                             U.K.

Liberty                                                                                                             U.K.

Office of Refugee Policy, Catholic Bishops' Conference

of England and Wales                                                                                       U.K.

Oxfam GB                                                                                                        U.K.

United Nations Association-UK                                                                                   U.K.

Human Rights Advocates                                                                                 U.S.

Jesuit Refugee Service USA                                                                               U.S.

Migration Policy and Resource Center                                                             U.S.

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights                                       U.S.

US Jesuit Conference, Office of Social and International Ministries                  U.S.