MIGRANT NEWS, Issue 86, 18 December 2004



International IMD calendar 2004


Non-governmental organizations and governments from 28 countries informed us about their events and activities, demonstrating the growing success of International Migrant’s Day. More details on the following pages:


English: http://www.december18.net/web/general/page.php?pageID=293&menuID=36&lang=EN

Français: http://www.december18.net/web/general/page.php?pageID=294&menuID=36&lang=FR

Español: http://www.december18.net/web/general/page.php?pageID=296&menuID=36&lang=ES

Italian: http://www.december18.net/web/general/start.php?menuID=36&lang=IT





Statement by Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam, Chairperson of the UN Committee on Migrant Workers on the occasion of International Migrant’s Day




Fourteen years ago, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.


One year ago the States parties to the Convention gathered in order to elect the members of its monitoring body, the Committee on Migrant Workers, of which I have the honour to be the first Chairperson.


Today, we can be happy that this Committee, which is composed of ten committed and highly qualified experts, is now fully operational. My colleagues and I are looking forward to continuing our work for the implementation of the Convention and for the improvement of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families.


The system is now in place to provide migrant workers and their families with effective protection against the violation of their human rights. In the world of today, where globalization has led to increasing migration flows, this is more important than ever. Migrants have now become an integral part of the world’s economy, and without them the world would be in all respects a poorer place. Unfortunately, however, migrant workers still face many difficulties at all stages of the process of migration, be it in their country of origin, in the country of transit, or in the country of employment. It is in this respect that the Convention can play an important role: it provides a framework for all States to respect the basic rights of migrant workers and their families.


I should like to emphasize that by defining and specifying human rights of migrant workers and members of their families the Convention also greatly contributes in combating trafficking in human beings and irregular migration. These phenomena are among the most tragic occurrences of our times, when people, in an effort to improve their lives, fall victim to unscrupulous traffickers and employers who abuse their vulnerability. By defining migrants’ rights and by requesting States to cooperate in promoting sound, equitable and humane conditions, the Convention creates an essential framework to tackle the grievous issues of smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons. 


For this convention to be a more effective instrument of protection for migrant workers, it is essential that States involved in all stages of the migration process, both from developing and developed world, become, parties to it.


On the occasion of International Migrants Day, I therefore call upon all States who have not yet done so to consider adhering to the Convention; and upon all States who are already a party to the Convention, to cooperate with each other and with the Committee in order to give effective implementation of the Convention.


Today, we have no more excuses: Let us resolve to work together in order to achieve the full realization of human rights for migrant workers and members of their families.


Website: http://www.december18.net/web/docpapers/doc2155.doc





To commemorate International Migrant’s Day, the Global Commission on International Migration is launching an exercise to solicit the views of key stakeholders in the field of international migration.


Governments, NGOs, migrant associations, trade unions, human rights organizations, private sector companies, academic institutes and other interested parties are all invited to make submissions to GCIM, which will be taken into account in the preparation of the Global Commission’s final report. Submissions should be no longer than 10 pages in length, and should address any or all of the following questions:


1. How can the developmental impact of international migration be maximized in the world’s poorer countries?

2. What strategies should be adopted to address the issue of irregular migration?

3. How can the inclusion and integration of migrant communities best be promoted in the societies where they have settled?

4. What steps can be taken to ensure that the human rights and welfare of migrants, especially migrant women, are more effectively protected?

5. How could the legal and normative framework relating to international migration be reinforced?

6. How can the governance of international migration be strengthened at national, regional and global levels?


Please send your submissions to info@gcim.org by 31 March 2005. GCIM is looking forward to hearing from you.


Website: http://www.gcim.org/IntMigrDay.htm





Statement by December 18


Worldwide respect for migrants’ rights!


Today, the 18th of December, we show our global solidarity with migrants working and living outside their country and with those people who put at risk their own freedom or life when defending migrants' rights.


It is also an occasion to remind governments as well as employers of the importance of a universal legal framework outlining minimum standards for the protection of the rights of migrant workers. Countries from the South continue to ratify/sign the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families. Gabon just signed bringing the total number of signatories to 16, with the present status of ratifications being 27. In Europe, however, both national governments as well as the European institutions remain reluctant, although the debates around integration and managed labour migration put the issue of respect for the rights of migrants squarely on the agenda. We therefore welcome the establishment of the European Platform for Migrant Workers Rights, bringing together civil society organisations from across Europe with the aim to finally get one of the EU member states to ratify the Convention.


Anti-discrimination, labour rights, the right to health care and social security, the right to family life, to freedom of expression, movement and religion, the right to education, etc. are only a few aspects of the Convention our societies in the North deeply value... at least when we speak about our own human rights, protected by increasingly enforced and militarised borders and with our wealth being supported by the hard labour provided by migrant workers.


The International Migrant's Day was established to celebrate the contributions made by millions of migrants to our economies and civil societies. However, as mentioned by the Centro de Reflexión Encuentro y Solidaridad in the Dominican Republic in their communication, there is not much reason to do so in their country. The same goes for many other countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and Australia. Slavery, discrimination, arrests, exploitation, physical and sexual abuses are daily facts of life for many migrants.


One wonders what we are talking about when we state that respect for human rights forms the basic value of modern democratic societies.


Website: http://www.december18.net/web/docpapers/doc2155.doc





Other Statements


Amnistía Internacional denuncia la discriminación y los abusos que padecen los migrantes en todo el mundo


Amnesty International Spain



Décimo cuarto aniversario de la Convención Internacional para la Protección de los Derechos de Todos los Trabajadores Migratorios y de sus Familiares


Foro Nacional para las Migraciones, Honduras



End the exploitation, violence and abuse, protect and promote the rights of all women migrant workers


Asian Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Thailand



Integrating Migrants - Integrating Societies: Essential Elements for EU Migration Policy


Joint Statement by Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe, Caritas Europe, Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community, International Catholic Migration Commission, Jesuit Refugee Service Europe and Quaker Council for European Affairs



Joint statement of Migrants Rights International and Migrant Forum Asia


Migrants Rights International, Switzerland & Migrant Forum Asia, Philippines



Migrant workers are vulnerable to human rights violations and AIDS


CARAM ASIA, Malaysia & Migrant Forum Asia, Philippines



Migrants: des droits comme tout le monde!


Collectif sur la ratification de la Convention sur les droits des migrants et autres associations, France



National statement for International Migrant’s Day


Declaración Nacional Para el 18 de Diciembre


National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, US



NGOs call for ratification of UN Migrant Workers’ Convention


Amnesty International, Immigrant Council Of Ireland & Migrants Rights Centre Ireland 



Protecting Migrant Workers’ rights


Amnesty International Secretariat



Putting the Migrants at the Center!


Migrants Rights International, Switzerland



UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan urges wider ratification of Migrant Rights’ Convention


Le Secrétaire-général des NU Kofi Annan demande une plus grande ratification de la Convention des droits des travailleurs migrants



Statement by the ILO Director General




Valuing Migration


Evalution et mise en valeur de la convention


Evaluar y Valorar la Migracion


International Organization for Migration





Status of the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families


To date, there are in total 27 ratifications and 16 signatures. No new ratifications were received during the past month, but Gabon was added to the list of signatories.


For more about the Convention (including updated list of ratifications and signatures) and NGO campaigns, please view:

English: http://www.december18.net/web/general/page.php?pageID=79&menuID=36&lang=EN

Spanish: http://www.december18.net/web/general/page.php?pageID=297&menuID=36&lang=ES

Italian: http://www.december18.net/web/general/page.php?pageID=214&menuID=36&lang=IT

French: http://www.december18.net/f-UNconvention.htm






International Migrants Day T-shirts available now!!





















Published by December 18 vzw


For more information, please contact Myriam De Feyter at info@december18.net


Spanish, Italian, Arabic and French version available upon request.


Spanish version translated by Mariela Barcelo, Argentina

French version translated by Yannick Bouchetout, France

Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani, Italy

Arabic version translated by Mirella McCracken, US