ENAR training seminar on governance


Vienna, 28-29 January 2005



General information



Governing a diverse EU-wide network such as ENAR is not easy.  It takes skills, good judgement, knowledge of the field within which ENAR operates and experience, as well as a certain amount of legal knowledge. Research is increasingly showing that good governance is the foundation of an effective organisation, or network in ENARÕs case, and that poor governance is a major cause of poor performance. Having elected a new Board and substitute members, it is important that each individual can carry out his or her role as well as possible and as soon as possible. Indeed, ENARÕs second General Assembly (in Lisbon in 2004) agreed an operating manual that details the governance and management structure of the organisation, making clear the responsibilities of each of ENARÕs statutory bodies. It is important that new Board members are inducted into the issues covered by this manual and can work in accordance with it. A good board is not only aware of its individual and collective responsibilities; its effectiveness is as much due to how its members work together, as to what they discuss and the decisions they make.


This ENAR training seminar therefore focuses on governance within ENAR and the Board and on the procedures the Board applies to reach its decisions. It aims to induct Board members into the rights and obligations of being a member of ENARÕs Board, to reflect on how the new Board wishes to work, to celebrate and to learn from what it does and, thereby, to produce a Code of Conduct for the ENAR Board. Finally, the mandate of ENARÕs Working Groups will be developed, their terms of reference will be defined and their members will be selected.


ENAR will pay the costs of the seminar for the Board member and the substitute from each ENAR co-ordination. As this seminar will focus on the procedures of the ENAR Board, only people who are elected Board members or substitutes may participate.


We ask Board members to inform the Secretariat before 10 January 2005 whether they and the substitute will participate in the seminar.


The working languages of the seminar and for the documents will be English and French.


The seminar will take place at Hotel Hillinger, Erzherzog-Karl-Str. 105, 1220 Vienna, Austria.

Phone: +43 1 2044646 Fax : +43 1 204464650.


Information on accommodation


For the Board member and the substitute from each National Co-ordination and the European Co-ordination two nightsÕ accommodation (Thursday and Friday night) will be arranged and paid for by ENAR. For those participants who cannot fly back on Saturday evening, either because there are no more flights or because they are too expensive, ENAR will also cover the cost of the hotel for the Saturday night. Be prepared to be asked upon arrival at the hotel to present your credit card (a cash deposit might also be accepted) to cover extra costs such as mini bar or telephone. These extra costs will not be covered by ENAR.




Information on catering


Please note that the costs of meals listed in the programme will be covered by ENAR. All other meals must be covered by the participants themselves.


Information on travel costs


Due to the specified target group of the seminar, only Board members and substitutes are eligible for participation and, therefore, for reimbursement.


We would kindly ask the participants to make travel arrangements and pay for their travel in advance in their country of residence. According to EU Commission rules, we are only able to reimburse the most direct and economic travel route. Air travel is allowed only for distances above 400 km one way and is limited to special airfares, such as Apex tariffs. To obtain cheapest tariffs, please consider checking the tariffs of the low-price carrier, niki-airlines, which serves Vienna ( For those travelling by train, please note that only 2nd class train tickets can be reimbursed.

Travel costs in accordance with actual costs will be reimbursed, up to a maximum amount as specified in the table below, upon completion of an Expenses Claim Form which will be handed out at the seminar and upon presentation of original receipts (train or plane ticket including boarding passes).


Means of transport

Max. travel cost per person

Air/Amsterdam Ð Vienna return

200 Euro

Air/Athens Ð Vienna return

340 Euro

Air/Berlin Ð Vienna return

210 Euro

Train/Bratislava - Vienna return

70 Euro

Air/Brussels  - Vienna return

225 Euro

Train/Budapest Ð Vienna return

105 Euro

Air/Copenhagen Ð Vienna return

200 Euro

Air/Dublin Ð Vienna return

245 Euro

Air/Helsinki Ð Vienna return

315 Euro

Air/La Valetta Ð Vienna return

340 Euro

Air/Lisbon Ð Vienna return

300 Euro

Air/London Ð Vienna return

225 Euro

Train/Air/Ljubljana Ð Vienna return

190 Euro

Air/Luxembourg Ð Vienna return

200 Euro

Air/Madrid Ð Vienna return

300 Euro

Air/Nikosia Ð Vienna return

270 Euro

Air/ Paris Ð Vienna return

200 Euro

Train/Prague Ð Vienna return

85 Euro

Air/Riga Ð Vienna return

400 Euro

Air/Rome Ð Vienna return

175 Euro

Air/Stockholm Ð Vienna return

315 Euro

Air/Tallinn - Vienna return

490 Euro

Air/Vilnius Ð Vienna

440 Euro

Air/Warsaw Ð Vienna return

225 Euro


If you make your travel arrangements in good time and no fares below the maximum amount stated in the table are available, please contact the Secretariat. We will not be able to reimburse travel costs above the maximum amounts stated without written confirmation from the Secretariat. Taxi receipts cannot be reimbursed. Please note that metro and tram tickets will be reimbursed by ENAR.


Please keep your boarding pass from your flight. It will be needed for reimbursements. Without it no costs can be reimbursed.

Also all train tickets and tickets used for public transport must be kept for reimbursement.

The use of a private car is reimbursed to the value of a 2nd class return train ticket from point of departure to meeting venue.



How to get to the hotel


How to get from the Airport to the Hotel


From the airport, take the Bus Vienna Airport Line 1273 to the station Schwedenplatz. From there, take the metro U1 in direction Kagran to the terminus station Kagran, and from there take the Tram No. 25 with direction Oberdorfstrasse or after 10pm the bus 26A in direction Gro§ Enzersdorf Busbahnhof. Get off at Polgarstrasse and you will be in front of the hotel. This trip will take about one hour.

Every hour until 7 p.m. there is an express-metro (Schnellbahn) from the airport to the station closest to the hotel - take the S80 at the airport and get off at the station Erzherzog-Karl-Str. The trip also takes about one hour. From there, walk 5 minutes to the hotel, following the street Erzherzog-Karl-Strasse.


How to get from the station to the hotel


From Vienna South Station (SŸdbahnhof): Take the express-metro (Schnellbahn) S80 in direction Hausfeldstr. and get off at Erzherzog-Karl-Strasse. From there, walk 5 minutes to the hotel, following the street Erzherzog-Karl-Str.


From Vienna West Station (Westbahnhof): Take the metro U1 in direction Simmering and get off at Stephansplatz. From there take the metro U1 in direction Kagran to the terminus station Kagran, and from there take the Tram No. 25 with direction Oberdorfstrasse, or after 10pm the bus 26A in direction Gro§ Enzersdorf Busbahnhof. Get off at Polgarstrasse and you will be in front of the hotel.


For more information you can also consult the website of the city of Vienna for information on your itinery (, then click on ÒFahrplanauskunftÓ). Unfortunately, this service is only provided in German.





43 rue de la CharitŽ

B-1210 Brussels


phone: +32 (0)2 229 35 76

fax: +32 (0)2 229 35 75