ENAR Conference




Combating Racism and Xenophobia as a Crime


European strategies


11-12 September 2004



Tulip Inn
Avenue du Boulevard 17

1210 Brussels






Friday, 10th September from 18.00 until 20.00  - Lobby Tulip Inn

Saturday, 11th September from 9.30 until 10.30 - Conference Room OSLO





Saturday, 11th September 2004


11.00 Ð 11.15              Welcome & Opening speech

by Bashy Quraishy, Chair of ENAR


11.15 Ð 11.45              Fighting racism and xenophobia in the Belgian Context

by Marianne Gratia, Mouvement contre le racisme, lÕAntisŽmitisme et la XŽnophobie (MRAX) and Jos Vander Velpen, Liga voor Mensenrechten


11.45 Ð 12.15              Keynote speech on fighting racist and xenophobic offences

                                    by Louis Michel, former Belgian Minister on Foreign Affairs

(to be confirmed)


12.15 Ð 12.30              Questions and feedback from the floor


12.30 Ð 14.00              Lunch buffet



14.00 Ð 16.00              European approaches to combat racist and xenophobic offences


Chair: Anastacia Crickley, Chair of European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC)



Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos, EUMC

Kevin Kitching, Independent Human Rights Consultant, UK

Dick Houtzager, Landelijk Bureau ter bestrijding van Rassendiscriminatie (LBR), The Netherlands



16.00 Ð 16.30              Questions and comments from the floor


16.30 Ð 17.00              Coffee break



17.00 Ð 18.30              Analysis of current approaches: interactive debate between contributors and participants on shortcomings and obstacles of the European approaches on combating racism and xenophobia as a crime


                                    Chair: Patrick Yu, Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities



David Diaz-Jogeix, Amnesty International, International Secretariat, UK (tbc)

Paul Van Sasse, LBR, The Netherlands (tbc)



19.30- 20.30                Reception to celebrate ENARÕ s 5th Anniversary


20.30                           Party at venue                        
























Sunday, 12th September 2004



09.30 Ð 09.45              Introduction to todayÕs program and aim of workshops

by Vera Egenberger, Director of ENAR


09.45 Ð 11.15              Strategy building workshops: Fighting racist and xenophobic crime need a specific and common approach at the EU level, which differs from the approach taken on racial discrimination. The workshops will seek to identify multiple strategies on the national and European level to get the fight against racism and xenophobia on the forefront of the political agenda and to develop new instruments to tackle the issue.


Workshop 1: Monitoring, reporting and campaigning against racist violence and hatred

Chair: Isabelle Carles-Berkowitz, MRAX, Belgium

Experts: Suresh Grover, The Monitoring Group, UK

Ivan Vesely, Sdružen’ Dženo, Czech Republic


Workshop 2: Different national legislative approaches and interpretations of racist and xenophobic crime - the importance of litigation

Chair: Claude Kahn, European Roma Rights Centre, Hungary

Expert: Katrien Degrauwe, Centre for equal opportunities and opposition to racism, Belgium


Workshop 3:  From the Treaty of Amsterdam, along the Framework Decision on combating Racism and xenophobia to Tampere II - new strategies to tackle racism and xenophobia as a crime on the EU agenda?

Chair: Pascale Charhon, Centre EuropŽen Juif dÕInformation, Belgium

Experts: Pierre Lelouche, DŽputŽ UMP, Vice-Chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO, France (tbc)

Luciano Scagliotti, ENAR Italy




11.15 Ð 11.45              Coffee break


11.45 Ð 13.00              Strategy building workshops (continuation)


13.00 Ð 14.00              Lunch


14.00 Ð 15.00              Reports from the workshops


15.00 Ð 15.20              Keynote speech on EU future perspectives

                                    by Antonio Vitorino, Commissioner Justice and Home Affairs EC (tbc)


15.20 Ð 15.40              Conclusions by Sophie De Jonckheere, Policy Manager of ENAR


15.40 Ð 16.00              Closing remarks by Bashy Quraishy, Chair of ENAR