MIGRANT.NEWS, Issue 82, 1 July 2004



New ratification of the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families


On 18 June 2004, Libya ratified the UN MW Convention. To date, there are in total 26 ratifications.





Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families


In line with the opinions it has drawn up on European immigration policy and in support of the opinion of the European Parliament (Resolution A5-0445.2003), the European Economic and Social Committee encourages the Member States of the European Union to ratify the International MW Convention, which entered into force on 1 July 2003.


The opinion reminds us that in Tampere consensus was reached as to the need to guarantee fair treatment for all individuals and to develop policies to promote integration and prevent discrimination. It states that four years later, after numerous legislative proposals by the Commission, the result remains meagre. Legislation that has been adopted is disappointing and has moved away considerably from the Tampere objectives, the proposals of the Commission, the opinion of the Parliament and the stance of the EESC.


The EESC states that the European Union, which is keen to establish international rules in a host of areas (in international trade within the WTO, in the environment through Kyoto, etc.), must also ensure that basic rights of immigrants are guaranteed via such international norms.


It believes that the existing international conventions on human rights as well as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights should be the basis for the entire European legislative structure in terms of immigration.


It also refers to the EC COM (526) entitled “The EU and the UN: the choice of multilateralism” that says that the EU has a particular responsibility to the challenge currently facing the UN. ‘Global governance’ will remain weak if multilateral institutions are unable to ensure effective implementation of their decisions and norms, whether in the ‘high politics’ sphere of international peace and security, or in the practical implementation of commitments made at UN conferences in the social, economic and environmental fields.


The EESC states that globalisation is generating new opportunities and new problems for global governance. At present, migration entails major problems for both the migrants themselves and for the countries of origin and the host countries. The challenge is to transform these problems into opportunity for everyone. Multilateralism and international cooperation are the route to good global  governance, to a system of rules and institutions established by the international community and universally recognised.


The EESC calls upon the President of the Commission and the current Presidency of the Council to undertake the necessary political initiatives to ensure that the Member States ratify the MW Convention within the coming 24 months. To facilitate ratification, the Committee propose that the Commission should carry out a study analysing national and Community legislation relating to the convention.


The complete text of the Opinion can be found in attachment (in English only). It will be soon made available in different EU languages on the EESC web page.


This following EESC page also features the speeches (by EESC president, ICFTU, Council of EU, IOM, UNESCO, ILO, AI, ENAR, CCME, December 18) given during EESC hearing on the Convention that took place on May 4, 2004. 







European Platform in favour of the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families


A first meeting, bringing together present, past and future national NGO campaigns in favour of the MW Convention, will be held on 1 October 2004 in Brussels.


The aim of the meeting is to harmonize the different campaigns taking place in the EU member states and Switzerland and to work together with the European NGOs on an European Action Plan.


More information can be received from the initiative takers:


Caroline Maurel

Agir ici / Chargée de Campagne

104, Rue Oberkampf F-75011 Paris (France)

T: 01 56 98 24 40 / F: 01 56 98 24 09

cmaurel@agirici.org / www.agirici.org



Myriam De Feyter

December 18, Coordinator

P.O.Box 22

B-9820  Merelbeke (Belgium)

T: 001 32 9 324.0092/F: 001 32 9 324 0182

myriam@december18.net / www.december18.net





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Published by December 18 vzw


For more information, please contact Myriam De Feyter at info@december18.net


Spanish, Italian, French and Arabic version available upon request.


Spanish version translated by Paula Canavesi, Argentina.

French version translated by Cathérine Thomas, France

Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani, Italy.

Arabic version translated by Mirella McCracken, US