A Comparative Analysis of Gender-Related Persecution

in National Asylum Legislation and Practice in Europe


Contact List for Future Research



The following list compiles the names and available contact details for organisations and individuals considered to be potentially relevant for future studies on gender-related persecution in national asylum legislation and practice in Europe.


Sources for this list are primarily although not exclusively: relevant members of the European Council for Refugees and Exiles, suggestions from UNHCR country offices, and references in UNHCR Annual Protection Reports. In some cases where organisations have been mentioned in Annual Protection Reports, contact details are not yet known, but UNHCR country offices should be contacted to obtain these. In addition, contacts in developed during the research project have been included.


The Red Cross has offices in many of these countries, and is involved in refugee work. However this work is not usually legal, and so Red Cross contacts are not listed here unless they have specifically stated that they carry out legal work.


Only some national Refugee Councils undertake legal representation - however all Refugee Councils are listed here as they often carry out research and are aware of legal issues.


Lastly, it should be noted that a further resource is available for relevant contacts, from ELENA, the European Legal Network on Asylum. The ELENA Index of Useful Addresses is published annually, in co-operation with the Swiss Refugee Council (OSAR/SFH). This directory of legal services, available to refugees and asylum seekers, is an important tool for lawyers seeking contacts in other European countries. It is available from the Swiss Refugee Council.












































Women Lawyer's Association

Contact: Vjollca Mecaj - President

Address: Rr."Myslym Shyri",Pall44,Shk.4 , Tirana, Albania

Tel/Fax: (+355 42) 32149


Women Legal Studio

Contact: Arjana Fullani - Executive Director

Address: P.O.Box 1549, Tirana, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 32149, 28034

Fax: (+355 42) 32149

Email: afullani@albmail.com


Protection of Women's Rights

Contact: Arta Dyrmishi - President

Address: Prefektura, Berat, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 06234134

Fax: (+355 42) 06232899

Family in Focus

Contact: Saemira Pino - President

Address: Rr. Naim Frasheri, P.10/1, Ap. 11 Tirana, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 29208, 48234

Fax: (+355 42) 23879



Independent Forum of Albanian Women

Tirana Branch

Contact: Diana Culi - President

Address: Rr. Reshit Collaku, Nr. 100,Tirana, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 47269

Fax: (+355 42) 28309

Email: fpgsh@ngo.org.al



Linia Counselling for Abused Women & Girls

Tirana Branch

Address: P.O.BOX 2416/1, Tirana, Albania

Tel/Fax: (+355 42) 33409

Email: silva@lcfwg.tirana.al


Useful to Albanian Women

Contact: Sevim Arbana - President

Address: Rr. Naim Frasheri, Nr. 6, Tirana, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 47502

Fax: (+355 42) 23001

Email: Shgrua@ngo.org.al





Vlora Hearth Group

Contact: Vera Leskaj - President

Address: Rr. Piro Bisha, L.28 Nentori, P.1405, Shk.1, Ap.9, Vlora, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 06324985

Fax: (+355 42) 06327509



Women in Development

Contact: Jeta Katro - President

Address: Rr. Bajram Curri, P.438/3, Shk.1, Ap.1, Tirana, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 27747, 63908


Women Reality and Vision

Contact: Rajmonda Prifti - President

Address: Rr. Hajdar Hidi, P. 82, Shk,1, Ap.18, Tirana, Albania

Tel: (+355 42) 63016



Refleksione (Women's Association)

Contact: Milva Ekonomi-President

Address: P.O.BOX 2412/1, Tirana, Albania

Tel/Fax: (+355 42) 39523

Email: refleks@ngo.org.al



Women's Center

Contact: Eglantina Gjermeni - Executive Director

Address: Rr. Reshit Collaku, P.O.BOX 2418, Tirana, Albania

Tel : +355 4 255514
Fax:+355 4 255515

Email: tina@women-center.tirana.al



Women's Documentation and Information Center

Address: P. O. Box 2418, Tirana, Albania

Tel/Fax: (+355 42) 23693

Email: postmater@women-center.tirana.al

Website: http://www.neww.org/countries/Albania/wctirana.htm






Armenia Young Lawyers Association (AYLA)        

The 2002 Armenia APR states that AYLA provides

pro bono legal advice to asylum seekers.


Contact details from UNHCR BO







Netzwerk Asylanwalt                        

Lawyers network co-founded by UNHCR,

Involved in many precedent-setting

gender decisions.


Contact: Ms. Barbara Kussbach

Email: b.kussbach@caritas-austria.at

Website: www.asylanwalt.at




Umbrella organisation of smaller refugee

counselling organisations.


Contact: Ms. Anny Knapp

Email: knapp@asyl.at

Website: www.asyl.at                







HAYAT is running a centre for

Refugee Women and Asylum Seekers.


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO.



According to the questionnaire, there are legal NGOs in Azerbaijan, but they are not named.






Refugee Counselling Services (RCS)           

A joint project between UNHCR and the local NGO

“Belarusian Movement of Medical Workers” offering

free legal services to refugees.


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO.



Association for UN Studies

Dissemination of refugee law and

public awareness activities


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO











Belgisch Comite voor Hulp aan Vluchtelingen /

Comite Belge d'Aide aux Refugiés. (CBAR)

National umbrella NGO and the only national agency providing legal assistance to asylum seekers. CBAR also supports lawyers and other NGOs in providing legal assistance by providing information on refugee-producing countries and asylum case law.            

policy contact: Christine Flamand

Rue Defacqz 1
Bte 10
1000 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 537 82 20
Fax: +32 2 537 89 82
Email: cbar-bchv@brusl.com



Overlegcentrum voor Integratie van Vluchtelingen (OCIV)

Flemish umbrella organisation for integration of refugees. OCIV's activities include providing legal information for social organisations and volunteers working with refugees and asylum seekers and research and policy work regarding refugee legislation and reception of asylum seekers

Gaucheretstraat 164
1030 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 274 0020
Fax: +32 2 201 0376
Email: vluchteling@ociv.org
Website: http://www.ociv.org


Amazone asbl

National contact centre for women and women's organisations, which has now developed to become a resource centre for equality between men and women. Amazone provides a broad range of services as a meeting centre, conference centre and information centre.


Rue du Méridien 10

1210 Bruxelles,

Tel.: 32 2 229 38 00

Fax: 32 2 229 38 01,

Email: info@amazone.be

Website : http://www.amazone.be/








Belgian member organisations of the European Women’s Lobby:


Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique

Centre Amazone

Rue du Méridien, 10
B - 1210 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 229 38 21
Fax: +32 2 229 38 20
Website : www.amazone.be/fr_residents_cffb.html

Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad

(Flemish-speaking Women’s Council)

Centre Amazone
Rue du Méridien, 10
B - 1210 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 229 38 13
Fax: +32 2 229 38 66
Website : www.amazone.be/fr_residents_nvr.html

Comité de Liaison des Femmes


c/o Mme Bribosia Michèle
21, Avenue des Ormes
B - 4000 Liège
Tel: +32 (0)4 25268 26



YWCA - Antwerp

In 2001, YWCA – Antwerp carried out a

qualitative research on Living conditions

and social status of refugee women

in Belgium.


Paleisstraat 39,

2018 Antwerpen.

Tel. 03/238.16.93

Website: www.vrouwenraad.be/pdf/lobbykit_eng.pdf




In March 2002, RoSa published a factsheet on female refugees in Belgium. RoSa provides and documentation on equal opportunities and women’s studies in Flanders.


Koningsstraat 136

1000 Brussel

Tel. +32 2 209 34 10

Fax +32 2 209 34 11

E-mail: info@rosadoc.be

Website: www.rosadoc.be

CENTRE EXIL - Centre for Mental Health for Refugees

Offers therapy and psychosocial help to refugees and torture victims, to develop activities to facilitate the construction of social links, and to develop awareness activities to inform the general public about refugees’ experiences.


Avenue Brugmann 43

1060 Bruxelles

Tel : +32 2 534 53 30 or +32 2 543 19 98

Fax : +32 2 534 90 16

E-mail: exil.asbl@skynet.be



The Red Cross

Activities include a project to support the reception of asylum seekers with psychic/psychiatric problems


Contact: Hilde Van Gastel

Reception Asylum Seekers

Vleurgatsesteenweg 98

1050 Brussel

E-mail: hilde.vangastel@redcross-fl.be.


Ms. Gily Coene

Based at Ghent University, Ms Coene has carried out research on trafficking of women and prostitution.

Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent

Tel.: +32 9 264 39 83

Email: Gily.Coene@rug.ac.be






Activities include legal services to asylum seekers.

Petra Kocica 8
75000 Tuzla

Tel: +387 35 256 424
Fax: +387 35 283 247
Email: bospo@bospo.ba
Website: www.bospo.ba




Bulgarian Helsinki Committee

Activities include legal services to asylum seekers, legal and policy research.

Refugees’ and Migrants’ Protection
5 Angel Kantchev Str
Sofia 1000

Tel: +359 2 980 2049
Fax: +359 2 981 3318
email: peregrine@aster.net

Website: www.bghelsinki.org


Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria

and Bulgarian Red Cross

These organisations have been collaborating to identify and assist victims of gender-related persecution.


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO.





No contacts



Czech Republic


Poradna pro integraci

(Counselling Centre for Integration)

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers

Senovazna 2

110 000 Praha 1

Tel: +420 224 233 034
Fax: +420 224 213 426


Czech Helsinki Committee

Activities include legal services to asylum seekers and legal research.

Counselling Centre for Refugees
Senovazna 2
110 00 Praha 1

Tel: + 420 2 2422 4379
Fax: + 420 2 2224 1295
Email: poradna@refug.cz


Organisation for Aid to Refugees (OPU)

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers

Palac YMCA
Na Porici 12
110 00 Praha 1

Tel: +420 2 24 87 21 40
Fax: +420 2 24 87 21 42
Email: opu@ecn.cz
Website: www.opu.cz


Sdruzen Obcanu Zabrajicij se Emigranty (SOZE)

Activities include legal services to asylum seekers


Mostecka 16
61400 Brno

Tel: +420 5 452 13 643
Fax: +420 5 452 13 746
Email: sozes@mbox.vol.cz


International Women's Association of Prague


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO



La Strada


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO






No contacts





Danish Refugee Council

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers as well as policy research.

Borgergade 10
PO Box 53
1002 Copenhagen K

Tel: +45 33 73 5000
Fax: +45 33 91 45 07
Website: http://www.drc.dk




Estonian Refugee Council (ERC)

Activities include legal representation.


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO






Finnish Refugee Council

Activities include legal services to asylum seekers and legal research


Varastokatu 12 B
6th Floor
FIN-00580 Helsinki

Tel: + 358 9 2519 000
Fax: + 358 9 2519 0020
Email: pan@pakolaisneuvonta.fi
Website: http://www.pakolaisneuvonta.fi


Finnish Refugee Advice Centre


Tel 358-9-2519 000


No further details







Forum Réfugiés

Activities include legal services and legal research

Policy Contact: Olivier Brachet

BP 1054
69612 Villeurbanne cedex

Tel: +33 4 72 97 05 80
Fax: +33 4 72 97 05 81

France Terre D’asile

Activities include legal services and legal research


25 rue Ganneron
75018 Paris

Tel: +33 1 53 04 39 99
Fax: +33 1 53 04 02 40



Provides information concerning the law of foreigners)
Website: http://www.gisti.org/




Referred to in 2002 APR as being involved in legal representation


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO






No contacts







Activities include legal services for asylum seekers and legal research.


Policy Contact: Klaus Dittler

Postfach 410163
Oppelner Straße 130
53119 Bonn

Tel: +49 228 6685 256
Fax: +49 228 6685 209
email: info@awobu.awo.org
website: http://www.awo.org/



Der Paritatische Wolfahrtsverband Gesamtverband

ECRE member


Heinrich-Hoffmann-Strasse 3
60528 Frankfurt Am Main

Tel: +49 69 6706 201
Fax: +49 69 6706 288
Email: fluechtlingshilfe@paritaet.org
Website: http://www.paritaet.org


Deutscher Caritasverband

ECRE member


Postfach 420
Karlstraße 40
79104 Freiburg i.Br.

Tel: +49 761 200 475
fax number: +49 761 200 211
Email: presse@caritas.de
Website: http://www.caritas.de/

Deutscher Caritasverband

ECRE member


Postfach 420
Karlstraße 40
79104 Freiburg i.Br.

Tel: +49 761 200 475
Fax: +49 761 200 211
Email: presse@caritas.de
Website: http://www.caritas.de/

Informationsverbund Asyl / ZDWF e.V Information network jointly maintained by German welfare organizations together with amnesty international, Pro Asyl and UNHCR.

Assists lawyers, social workers and volunteer counsellors in their advisory services for asylum seekers and refugees by providing them with relevant information.

Specific advice on jurisdiction on asylum and related matters is provided by attorney Ms Theresia Wolff.

Partners at the Austrian Red Cross/ACCORD offer a research service on the human rights situation in refugees' countries of origin. Informationsverbund Asyl is co-editor of the European country of origin information web-site www.ecoi.net.


Koenigswintererstr 29
D-53227 Bonn

Tel: +49 228 422 1132
Fax: +49 228 422 1130
Email: zdwf-@t-online.de
Website: http://www.asyl.net






Pro Asyl

Activities include legal research.

P.O. Box 160624
60069 Frankfurt

Tel: +49 69 230 688
Fax: +49 69 230 650
Email: proasyl@proasyl.de
Website: http://www.proasyl.de


German Red Cross

Activities include legal services to asylum seekers.


Carstennstr 58

12205 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 85404 120
Fax: +49 30 85404 451
Email: drk@drk.de
Website: http://www.drk.de


The European Migration Centre

Currently carrying out research on the reception of Refugee Women in Europe


Website: www.emz-berlin.de






Greek Council for Refugees

Website: http://www.gcr.gr


Athens Bar Association

Website: http://www.dsa.gr





Hungarian Helsinki Committee

Activities include legal services and legal research


Kertesz utca 42-44 II/9
P.O. Box 40
H-1428 Budapest

Te: +36 1 321 4141
Fax: +36 1 321 4141





Refugee Legal Service


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO



Irish Refugee Council

Activities include legal services and legal research


88 Capel Street
Dublin 1

Tel: + 353 1 873 0042
Fax: + 353 1 873 0088

Email: refugee@iol.ie
Website: http://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties Women's Committee


Dominick Court,
40-41 Lower Dominick Street,
Dublin 1, Ireland.
Tel: + 353 1 878 3136 / 878 3137
Fax: + 353 1 878 3109
E-mail: iccl@iol.ie

Website: www.iccl.ie






Italian Refugee Council

Activities include legal services and legal and European policy research


Via del Velabro
5/A - 00186 Rome

Tel: +39 06 69 200 114/5
Fax: +39 06 69 200 116
Email: cir@cir-onlus.org
Website: http://www.cir-onlus.org

Italian Consortium of Solidarity

Activities include legal services and legal research, European policy research

Policy Contact: Gianfranco Schiavone

Via Salaria 89
00198 Rome,

Tel: +39 06 85355081
Fax: +39 06 85355083
Email: icsuffroma@tin.it
Website: http://ics.mir.it




No contacts









Refugee Law Department

NGO working with UNHCR


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO







Lithuanian Red Cross

Activities include legal services and legal research

Mr Laurynas Bieksa, attorney (LRC)

Email: laurynas@redcross.lt,

Tel: + 370 5 2127322


Gedimino ave. 3A
2600 Vilnius

Tel: +370 2 61 61 90 / 62 97 59
Fax: +370 2 61 99 23
Email: refugee.aid@tdd.lt
Website: http://www.redcross.lt/

Violetta Targonskiene

Deputy Head of the Asylum affairs division

of the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior

Republic of Lithuania

Tel. +370 5 2 71 84 21

Fax.+370 5 2 71 82 10

Email : violeta.targonskiene@vrm.lt


Lithuanian RSD guidelines : www.asylum-online.lt





Caritas Luxembourg

Activities include legal and policy research

Policy Contact: Agnes Rausch

29 rue Michel Welter
2730 Luxembourg

Tel: + 352 40 21 31 531
Fax: + 352 40 21 31409
Email: caritas@caritas.lu
Website: http://www.caritas.lu/




FYR of Macedonia


No contacts






No contacts




No contacts





VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (Dutch Refugee Council)

Activities include legal services to asylum seekers and legal research


Jacques Veltmanstraat 29
PO Box 2894
NL-1000 CW Amsterdam

Tel: +31 20 346 72 00
Fax: +31 20 617 81 55
email: info@vluchtelingenwerk.nl
website: http://www.vluchtelingenwerk.nl


Advisory Commission on Aliens’ Affairs (ACVZ)


P.O. Box 93127

2509 AC The Hague

The Netherlands

Tel.: 00-31-70 381 14 00

Fax: 00-31-70 381 14 01

E-mail: info@acvz.com

Website: www.acvz.com



(The Emancipation Council)

Has carried out research and made recommendations on assessment of gender-related persecution cases to the government.


Anna van Hannoverstraat 4

2595 BJ The Hague

The Netherlands

Tel: 00-31-70-333 47 82






Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers (NOAS)

Activities include legal services and legal research

Policy Contact: Rune Berglund Steen
Torggata 22 - 2 etasje
PO Box 8893 Youngstorget
0028 Oslo

Tel: + 47 22 36 56 60
Fax: + 47 22 36 56 61
Email: noas@noas.org
Website: http://www.noas.org/



Norwegian Refugee Council


Grensen 17
PO Box 6758 St.Olavsplass
N-0130 Oslo

Tel: +47 23 10 9800
Fax: +47 23 10 9801
Email: nrc-no@online.no
Website: http://www.nrc.no





The questionnaire response notes that legal advice can be obtained from the following UNHCR Implementing partners.


Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Halina Niec Human Rights Association


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO.



La Strada – Foundation against Trafficking of Women

P.O. Box 5, 00-956 Warszawa 10, Tel/Fax (48-22) 622 1985

Email: strada.pol.pl (sic)



Centre for Women’s Rights

ul. Wilcza 60/19, 00-679 Warszawa,

Tel: (48-22) 622 25 17

Email: temida@cpk.org.pl



Polish Humanitarian Organisation

Only Polish ECRE member. Helps asylum seekers get access to procedures and representation.


C/o Refugee Counselling Centre
Szpitalna Str. 5/2
00 031 Warsaw

Tel: + 48 22 828 8882/9086
Fax: + 48 22 831 9938





Portuguese Refugee Council

Bairro do Armador-Zona M de Chelas
Lote 764-Loja D/E

1900 Lisbon

Tel: +351 21 8314372/74/75
Fax: +351 21 837 50 72
Email: cpr@mail.telepac.pt
Website: http://www.cpr.pt/



CNRR (Romanian National Council for Refugees)

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers

Policy Contact: Florentina Covaliu

42 Anton Pann Street
Sector 3

Tel: +40 (1) 322 51 81
Fax: +40 (1) 322 27 86

Email: cnrr@pcnet.ro
Website: http://www.cnrr.ro


Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants (ARCA)

Str Austrului nr 23 ap 1
Sector 2
Bucharest 731121

Tel: +40 1 252 73 57
Fax: +40 1 252 73 58 Email: office@arca.surf.ro



Russian Federation



Provides social and legal counselling to

refugees and displaced persons in many regions of Russia


12, Maly Karetnyi Pereulok
103051 Moscow

Tel: + 7 095 200 6506 or +7 095 790 7455;
Fax: + 7 095 209 5779
Email: memhcr@online.ru
Website: http://www.memo.ru


Serbia & Montenegro


Alter Modus

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers


Beogradska 37
81000 Podgorica

Tel: +381 81 232 321, or 232 322, or 231 087
Fax: +381 81 231 082
Email: drcmon@cg.yu



Group 484

Activities includes legal services for asylum seekers.

Grupa 484
Gracanicka 10
11 000 Beograd,Yugoslavia

Tel: +381 11 621 925; 631 556
Fax: +381 11 621 925; 631 556
Email: office@grupa484.org.yu
Website: http://www.grupa484.org.yu





Foundation Gea 2000

Activities include legal services and legal research

Mestni Trg 9
Ljubljana 1000 – SI

Tel: +386 1 24 10 540
Fax number: +386 1 24 10 550
Email: indoc@fundacija-gea2000.si
Website: http://www.fundacija-gea2000.si/





The questionnaire response notes that a UNHCR implementing partner provides legal services, but it is not named.





Asociación Comisión Católica Espanola de Migración (ACCEM)

Along with CEAR, the main national provider of legal assistance to asylum seekers.

C/ Luis Vélez de Guevara nº 2 2nd floor
28012 MADRID

Tel: +34 91 532 74 78/ 9
Fax: +34 91 532 20 59
Email: accem@sintax.es
Website: http://www.accem.es

Comision Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR)

Along with ACCEM, the main national provider of legal assistance to asylum seekers.


Plaza de la Constitucion No 2
Bajo - Local 15
28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid

Tel: +34 91 8045404
Fax: +34 91 8046886
Website: http://www.cear.es

Comite Internacional de Rescate

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers


C/ Luchana 36 4D
28010 Madrid

Tel: +34 91 447 29 60 / 28 72
Fax: +34 91 447 23 21


In some cities such as Madrid or Valencia the local Bar Association has established a special legal aid scheme that consists of lawyers specialised in asylum matters.


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO






Swedish Migration Board

Contacts: Yvonne Bengtsson

Åsa Frostfeldt


601 70 Norrköping

Tel +46 11-15 60 00 ·

Fax +46 11-10 81 55 · Email :migrationsverket@migrationsverket.se


asa.frostfeldt@ migrationsverket.se

Website: www.migrationsverket.se/english.html



Swedish Refugee Aid (SWERA)

New NGO, may have replaced Swedish Refugee Council.


Kungstensgatan 5

114 25 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8-21 16 05
Telefax: +46 8-21 16 85
E-mail: info@swera.se
Website: http://www.swera.se/

Swedish Refugee Council

Postal address and telephone numbers identical to SWERA’s, above.

Email: refuge@algonet.se

Website: http://www.algonet.se/~refuge

Swedish Refugee Advice Centre

Contact: Rebecca Stern


Gyllenstiernsgatan 14

S115 26 Stockholm

Tel: +46 8 660 21 70

Fax: +46 8 665 09 40

Email: rebecca.stern@radgivningsbyran.org


Swedish Foundation for Human Rights

Has been engaged in ‘opinion-moulding’ activities concerning gender-related issues, especially women asylum-seekers.


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO



Forum for Asylum seekers and Refugees' (FARR)

A recent issue of FARR's publication, ARTIKEL 14, covered how gender issues are treated in the asylum procedure in Sweden.


Contact: Michael Williams

Box 137


Tel:+ 46 225 147 77

Fax: +46 225 147 77

Email: farr.asylum@passagen.se




Maria Bexelius

Ms Bexelius has researched the assesment of gender-related asylum claims in Sweden for the Refugee Advice Centre and for TerraFem.


Email: maria.bexelius@telia.com




Swiss Red Cross

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers and legal research


Rainmattstrasse 10
CH 3001 Bern

Tel: +41 31 3877 111
Fax: +41 31 387 7122
Email: info@redcross.ch
Website: http://www.redcross.ch

OSAR/SFH - Schweizerische Fluchtlingshilfe

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers, legal and European policy research


Montbijoustrasse 120
Postfach 8154
3001 Bern

Tel: + 41 31 370 75 75
Fax: + 41 31 370 75 00
Email: info@sfh-osar.ch
Website: http://www.sfh-osar.ch




In Istanbul, the ICMC (UNHCR’s implementing partner) provides legal and social counselling to refugees and asylum-seekers


Contact details to be sought from UNHCR BO




United Kingdom


Refugee Legal Centre

Legal services for asylum seekers

Nelson House
153-157 Commercial Road
London E1 2EB

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7780 3200

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7780 3201

Email: rlc@refugee-legal-centre.org.uk
Website : www.refugee-legal-centre.org.uk

Immigration Advisory Service

Legal services for asylum seekers


County House
190 Great Dover Street
London SE1 4YB

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7967 1221
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7403 5875
Email: info@iasuk.org


The Refugee Council (UK)


Bondway House
3 Bondway

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7820 3000
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7582 9929
Email: info@refugeecouncil.org.uk
Website: www.refugeecouncil.org.uk


Scottish Refugee Council

Activities include legal services for asylum seekers.

5 Cadogan Square
(170 Blythswood Court)
G2 7PH

Tel: +44 141 248 9799
Fax: +44 141 243 2499
Email: info@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk
Website: www.scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk

The Refugee Studies Centre

Research, including legal and European Policy research

Queen Elizabeth House
Oxford University
21 St Giles
Oxford OX1 3LA

Tel: +44 1865 270 722
Fax: +44 1865 270 721
Email: rsc@qeh.ox.ac.uk
Website: http://www.rsc.ox.ac.uk

Refugee Women’s Legal Group

Website: www.rwlg.org.uk


Immigration Legal Practitioners’ Association (ILPA)

Lindsey House
40/42 Charterhouse Street
London EC1M 6JN

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7251 8383
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7251 8384
Email: info@ilpa.org.uk

Website: http://www.ilpa.org.uk




Legal Protection Services Program

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Inc

22 Dashavska Street,

Kyiv, 03056.

Tel: (044) 453-1653

Fax: 453-1650




Donetsk Fund of Social Security and Charity (Donetsk)

71 Cheluskintsev Street,

Donetsk 83000

Tel: (0623) 35-3931, (0622) 90-2721

Fax: (0623) 35-3931

E-mail: dfszm@skif.net


Institute of Applied Humanitarian Research (Kharkiv)

18 Gudanova Street, room 245-1

Kharkiv 61023,

Tel: (0572) 140-367

e-mail: corvic@wanlink.kharkov.ua



International Foundation of Health and Environment Protection "Region Karpat"


3 Michurina Street,

Mukachevo 89600

Tel/fax:(03131) 55010, 42-308

E-mail: neeka@mk.ukrtel.net



Podilsk Centre for Human Rights


10 Volodarskogo Street, ap.1

Vinnytsa 21050

Tel/fax: (0432) 35-1466, 35-5297

E-mail: bardyn@sovamua.com


Project "Podil Service Network for Refugees", Vinnytsa Human Rights Group


Vinnytsa, 21037,

Tel/fax: (0432)465314

E-mail: vpg@ukr.net



Southern Ukrainian Center of Young Lawyers (Odessa)

28/30 Francuzskiy Boulevard

Odessa-9, post box 14.

Odessa 65008,

Phone: (0487) 601616

E-mail1: lawcentre@paco.net

Email 2:lawcentre@optima.com.ua



Foundation for Naturalization and Human Rights "Assistance" (Simferopol)

77/4 Kyivs'ka Street, room 215

Symferopol 95034

Tel/fax:(0652) 27-6436




Legal-Counseling Centre of Trade Union “Solidarity” - “Human Rights Have No Borders” (Lviv)

1-А Korolenka Street,

Lviv 79058,

Tel: (0322) 758-132,

Fax: 33-7934

E-mail: marints2000@yahoo.com



Chernigiv Public Committee for Human Rights Protection (Chernigiv)

57/1Gorkogo Street,


Tel/fax:(0462) 16-5381

E-mail: katia_lugova@hotmail.com