ELENA, the European Legal Network on Asylum, is a forum for legal practitioners who aim to promote the highest human rights standards for the treatment of refugees, asylum seekers and other persons in need of international protection in their daily counselling and advocacy work.


The ELENA network extends across most European states and involves some 2,000 lawyers and legal counsellors.


ELENAÕs objectives are pursued by:


á              Providing and reinforcing contact between practising lawyers and legal counsellors in different European countries who work on asylum cases;


á              Facilitating the exchange of information and experience between these lawyers and legal counsellors;


á              Studying the implementation of national and international law relating to refugees;


á              Organising seminars on specific topics relating to refugees law and making results available to practising lawyers;


á              Promoting the development of national networks of lawyers specialising in asylum law.
















































Legal Network on Asylum



International Introductory Course

on Refugee and Asylum Law


2 Ð 5 September 2004


Hotel Grand Warsaw, Poland


Text Box:






 European Council

    on Refugees and Exiles


ELENA is pleased to announce the return of the highly acclaimed International Course on Refugee and Asylum Law!


The course will introduce international refugee law in relation to current asylum trends in Europe and will be dedicated to the study of the main articles of the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees and relevant human rights treaties.


The course will include lectures by James Hathaway and Walter KŠlin, experts in international refugee and asylum law.  The course will be conducted in English.


The course is aimed at legal counsellors and lawyers from across Europe who defend or who are interested in defending cases concerning refugees and asylum seekers.



It is expected that this course will be over-subscribed and places are limited.  Closing date for registrations is 23 July 2004.  Applications will be dealt with in order of receipt.  All interested legal counsellors and lawyers are advised to register early to avoid disappointment.




Draft Programme for the ELENA International Introductory Course on Refugee and Asylum Law

Thursday 2 September 2004

17.00-19.00                               Registration

20.00                                           Welcome Dinner

Friday 3 September 2004

(In plenary session) Lecturer: James Hathaway

09.00 Ð 09.30                            Welcome and Presentation

09.30 Ð 11.00                            Introduction to the 1951 Geneva Convention Refugee                                                           Definition

11.00 Ð 11.30                            Coffee Break

11.30 Ð 13.30                            The 1951 Geneva Convention Refugee Definition:

1)     Alienage

2)     Genuine Risk

13.30 Ð 14.30                            Lunch

14.30 Ð 16.00                            Refugee Definition continued:

3)     Risk to basic human rights

16.00 Ð 16.30                            Coffee Break

16.30 Ð 18.30                            Refugee Definition continued:

4)     Failure of state protection

Free Evening

Saturday 4 September 2004

(In plenary session) Lecturer: James Hathaway

09.00 Ð 10.30                            Refugee Definition continued:

5)     Nexus to civil or political status

10.30 Ð 11.00                            Coffee Break

11.00 Ð 12.30                            Refugee Definition continued:

6)     Needs and deserves protection Ð Arts. 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F

12.30 Ð 14.00                            Lunch

(In plenary session) Lecturer: Walter KŠlin

14.00 Ð 15.30                            The principle of non-refoulement: Article 33, 1951 Geneva Convention

15.30 Ð 16.00                            Coffee Break

16.00 Ð 18.00                            Prohibition of refoulement in international human rights law: Art. 3, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; Art. 3, Convention against Torture; Art. 7, International Covenant against Torture; Art. 7, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

20.30                                           Social Evening

Sunday 5 September 2004

(In plenary session) Lecturers: James Hathaway and Walter KŠlin

09.00 Ð 11.00                            ÒReform of the asylum process and the changing face of international protectionÓ Ð An outline of recent international developments and proposals currently under consideration, followed by an exchange of information among participants

11.00 Ð 11.30                                                         Coffee Break

11.30 Ð 12.30                                                         Morning session continued

12.30                                                                                       Close and Departure



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Please return this form by 23 July 2004 to the:


Attn.: Ms Sarah-Jane Savage

103 Worship Street, LONDON, EC2A 4DF, United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7377 7556           

Fax:  + 44 (0) 20 7377 7586

E-mail: sjsavage@ecre.org


Registration Fee

The fee for participation for lawyers and NGO staff is £350 sterling and £400 sterling for government officials.  This is a residential course and the fee will cover seminar costs, accommodation, meals as per the programme and documentation. 


On receipt of the registration form, we will send you confirmation, programme information and details on payment methods.