1.    Describe the work that your organization does on behalf of refugees, asylum seekers and/or migrants. [1] Does your organization work on migration related detention issues?  If so, what does the organization do?   (PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EITHER REFER US TO YOUR WEBSITE FOR THIS INFORMATION OR  MAIL A BROCHURE TO THE ADDRESS BELOW UNDER MY SIGNATURE)
2.     Please give a brief description of migration related detention in the country where you work.  For example, are refugees, asylum seekers and/or migrants detained? Where?  What is the number of people detained yearly -- if you can estimate?  What are the material conditions in detention?  Is detention of migrants governed by specific laws?   What other agencies are involved in migration-related detention work in the country where you work? 

3.      Can NGOs or individuals enter/visit detention centres where refugees, asylum seekers and/or migrants are held?  If so, under what conditions?
4.    Are there any national coalitions in your country working on the issue of detention of refugees, asylum seekers and/or migrants?  If so, what is the name of that coalition and what does it do?  If possible, provide us with contact information and a website.  Does the national coalition work with coalitions in other countries? 

5.    Do NGOs in your country face any limitations on advocacy?  For example, do you meet with government officials to discuss the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and/or migrants?  If so, what are the results of those meetings?  If you do not meet with government officials, explain why not. 
6.    What is the role of the UNHCR, other UN bodies or the IOM in your country relating to detention of refugees, asylum seekers and/or migrants?  What relationship does your organization have with these bodies, if any? 
7.    In your opinion, what would be the value of an international coalition on detention of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to you in your work? 

8.      Would you be interested in being part of an international coalition on migration-related detention?


Anna Marie Gallagher (Jesuit Refugee Service)

Apartado 19

09300 Roa (Burgos) Spain

[1] [1]   References made in this questionnaire to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants include men, women and children in the following categories:   documented and undocumented migrants/immigrants; asylum seekers with pending applications; recognized refugees; rejected asylum seekers.