ENAR Weekly Mail 7

12 August 2005



·      Activity Report 2005-2005

The Activity Report covering the period May 2004-April 2005 was submitted last week to the European Commission. Thank you to the National Coordinations for submitting their Financial and Activity reports, which were part of the overall report.


·      Letter to the UK Presidency about the Framework Decision on Combating Racism and Xenophobia

ENAR sent a letter, signed by its chairman, to Tony Blair as Head of the UK Presidency, asking him to take a lead in the discussion on the Framework Decision and ensure that an agreement is reached. This letter was sent with the Public Statement ENAR published on the issue on 3 August, which can be found on ENAR’s website in English // in French




·      Revamped Stop-Discrimination website now online

On 1 August (two years into the EU anti-discrimination campaign) the Stop-Discrimination website was re-launched with a new, fresh look. The menu structure has been optimised to ensure usability and ease of navigation despite the ever growing volume of information provided on the online portal. In addition, the new service navigation menu grants immediate access to the website in 20 EU languages as well as to country-specific information.

Access the new website at www.stop-discrimination.info


·      European Anti-Discrimination Truck Tour

The yellow and blue information truck of the EU anti-discrimination campaign successfully finished its second tour across the European Union. Between March and July the giant truck visited 23 different cities in 15 countries to raise awareness of anti-discrimination issues and to inform people about European and national legislation to combat discrimination at the workplace.

Read more: in English // in French.




·      UK Presidency Resettlement Seminar

On 4 and 5 July, the UK Presidency hosted a seminar on Resettlement. The seminar aimed to promote discussion on the key principles, benefits and potential challenges of resettlement, and to discuss how the EU may add value to national efforts. Over ninety representatives of Member States, EU institutions, NGOs, UNHCR and other key stakeholders participated in a wide-ranging debate. The interventions are now available at the Presidency website, along with some general information on resettlement.


·      Statewatch analysis of ‘Schengen III’

On 27 May 2005, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed an agreement on closer cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organised crime, including illegal migration. The agreement is known as ‘Schengen III’. The agreement focuses on measures to fight terrorism, but also aims to establish national contact points to better organise joint deportation actions and increase efficiency of documentation security through immigration liaison officers. The NGO Statewatch has posted the Agreement on its website, along with its comments on the measures it contains.


·      Estonian seeks to have guilty verdict for online anti-Semitism overturned

An Estonian who last week was convicted by a Tallinn court of inciting hatred after he made anti-Semitic statements on the Internet, stated that he will try to have the verdict overturned. Read more (English only)




·      Website of The Decade of Roma Inclusion

The Decade of Roma Inclusion, 2005-2015, is an initiative adopted by eight countries in Central and Southeast Europe, and supported by the international community. It represents the first cooperative effort to change the lives of Roma in Europe. An action framework for governments, the Decade will monitor progress in accelerating social inclusion and improving the economic and social status of Roma across the region. Read more on the website: in English // in Romani


·      Roma Diplomacy Programme

The first seminar of a ten-month course in Public Diplomacy for Roma, organized by the European Roma Information Office (ERIO) and DiploFoundation, concluded on 17 July 2005, in Bucharest. The nine-day seminar brought together 25 young Roma activists from 12 European countries to take part in lectures and training sessions with leading academics, journalists, politicians and diplomats. Participants will continue the course via online learning and meet again in Brussels in December and Geneva in April 2006. The Roma Diplomacy Programme aims to increase capacity and stimulate partnerships between Roma and major national and international players. Read more (English only)


·      Roma radio in Spain

Radio has never been one of the main mediums of communication among the Roma people in Spain, but this may change now, as on 5 August the first online radio program entirely organized and directed by Spanish Roma started broadcasting in the city of Caceres. The new radio station can learn from the positive example of Radio Onda d'Urto of Brescia, Italy, which has broadcast a Roma radio program each week for several years, and Radio Rota, Dzeno’s online radio station, which transmits in Czech, Romani, English and German. Read more (English only)


·      Italy: Yes to Collective Expulsions

One year ago, 15 Romanian Roma living in Italy without legal visas, were evicted from their home in Milan. After a year of debate, their story ended on 8 August with a collective deportation to Romania. Read more (English only)




·      NGO Forum: Integration of migrants in Europe: what role for NGOs?

Date and venue: 10-13 November 2005, Messina, Italy

Organisers: the Council of Europe INGO Liaison Committee, the North-South Centre (Lisbon) and the International Study and Research Centre (Messina).

The Forum will be open to NGOs with an interest in migration issues, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, the reception and integration of migrants, the role of women and the defense of human rights. For the programme or more information, write to ngo-unit@coe.int or consult http://www.coe.int/ngo (still under construction, but soon to be finalised)


·      EFC-AGA: Foundations for Europe: Supporting European Citizens' Participation

Date and venue: 26-28 May 2006 in Brussels, Belgium

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) is inviting proposals for its 17th Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Conference on the above subject.

To download the session proposal form or for more details on the EFC 2006 AGA and Conference please visit http://www.efc.be/aga . The deadline for proposals to be received by the AGA Secretariat is 9 September 2005.




·      Equality and Discrimination - Annual Report 2005

The 2005 Annual Report of the EC’s Anti-Discrimination Unit, mentioned in Weekly Mail 3, is now also available for download in Czech, EnglishFrench, German, Spanish, Estonian, Dutch, Swedish, and Portuguese (other languages are to follow). 


·      Roma Educational Needs in Ireland - Context and Challenges

This 108-page report by Louise Lesovitch was published in June 2005 by the City of Dublin VEC, in association with Pavee Point Travellers Centre and the Roma Support Group. The report outlines the findings of a research into the education needs of Roma men, women and children. Its aims were to profile the Roma community in Ireland, indicate current provision and issues effecting access and participation identify models of good practice internationally and devise recommendations for future provision. Download the report (English only)


·      UNHCR Manual on Refugee Protection and the ECHR

The purpose of this document is to provide UNHCR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) staff and partners in Europe and beyond with a convenient and practical compilation of material relating to the 1950 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the ECHR) as it is relevant to the international protection of refugees. It is intended to be easily usable both for training purposes and for consultation when confronted with an issue relating to the ECHR and its applicability in the refugee context.

An updated version (March 2005) of this document has been posted on the UNHCR website (English only)


·      Diversity in the workplace – When we are equal but not the same

This book, published by Danish Institute for Human Rights (co-funded by the EU Action Programme to Combat Discrimination), brings together articles by experts from different national and disciplinary backgrounds. The purpose of the book is to contribute to the cross-European discussion of workplace strategies for promoting diversity and combating discrimination.

The book can ordered by writing to: mia@humanrights.dk