ENAR Weekly Mail 9

26 August 2005



·      Comments on Green paper on Economic Migration published

The EC published all the comments it received on its Green Paper on Economic Migration. The Green Paper intended to start a discussion on migration, and all interested parties had been asked to react. Look up the comments


·      ECRI’s Round Table in Austria

ECRI (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance) Round Tables are organised in the framework of ECRI’s Programme of Action on Relations with Civil Society. The main themes of this Round Table are: (1) ECRI’s report on Austria; (2) policies and practice with regard to asylum, immigration and integration; (3) racism, anti-semitism and xenophobia in political discourse and in public sphere (4) and the implementation of anti-discrimination laws in Austria. Read the Briefing Paper and the Round Table’s Programme.




·      New CERD recommendation

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), which monitors implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by its 80 signatories and 170 State parties, approved a “general recommendation” outlining ways to prevent racial discrimination in national criminal justice systems and encouraging States to wipe out bigotry in their law enforcement ranks. Read more (English only)




·      Malta: Racism survey conclusions

A recent survey by the Maltese Sunday Times showed that the Maltese are generally xenophobic and that the recent phenomenon of illegal immigration, now developing to unforeseen proportions, has made the Maltese increasingly suspicious of anybody who decides to settle permanently in Malta. Read more (English only)


·      ‘Schengen III’

Other language versions of the so-called ‘Schengen III’ Agreement (see Weekly Mail 7, 12 August 2005) have now also been posted on the Statewatch website: in French, Spanish and German.


·      PICUM: Call for information on undocumented minors

PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants) is increasingly being contacted by local organisations throughout Europe that are working with undocumented minors amongst their target group. Some of these organisations have little or no experience in working with undocumented minors, and would like to have access to resources that deal with the common social and psychological problems these minors face, the strategies that they develop to deal with their situation, etc. If you know of any publications, reports, research projects, organizations, etc. on this theme, please contact PICUM: info@picum.org


·      Data on Migration

The Migration Information Source has launched ‘Country Resources’ pages with current and comprehensive migration data and analysis on more than 45 countries worldwide. Until now, 15 EU countries have been profiled.

Consult the Country Resources pages (English only)




·      Dzeno: New forum for discussion of Roma election

At least 8 million people in the European Union are of Roma ethnicity, which makes Roma the biggest minority group in Europe. However, 8 million is seemingly not enough to merit political representation: Roma are shockingly underrepresented in the parliaments of almost every country in Europe, and most disturbingly, in the EU system. For this reason, Dzeno has created a new section on its website called Roma & Elections, where it intends to publish information and articles that will help to inform readers on current means of representation and hopefully stimulate discussion. Dzeno is asking its readers to send them their ideas and suggestions on how Roma can best be represented in elected bodies on all levels.


·      EUMAP Infolist

Through its Infolist, EUMAP (the EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program of the Open Society Institute), informs subscribers of new programmes, monitoring initiatives, papers, publications, etc. on a wide range of human rights and rule of law issues, currently including the rights of people with intellectual disabilities; broadcasting regulation, policy and independence; and access to education for Roma. If you want to subscribe to the EUMAP Infolist, go to http://www.eumap.org/infolist

Subscription is free, and you receive the updates every month or two.




·      6th FARE Action Week against Racism in European Football

This annual event has grown over the last five seasons into Europe’s biggest anti-racism campaign in football. Last year more than 33 countries got involved in a united effort to rid the game from racism and discrimination. The 6th FARE Action Week, which will take place from 13-25 October 2005, will once again feature activities by fans, players, clubs, associations, minority organisations, anti-discrimination groups, schools and the sports media. A highlight of the week of action will be the anti-racism activities at all UEFA Champions League matches during this period. The idea is to call for specific action both inside and outside football stadiums to encourage and increase migrants and ethnic minorities participation at all levels of the game.
To find out how you can join the Action Week, download the Guidelines and Application form: in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.


·      PICUM: Call for photos and art work related to undocumented migrant workers

PICUM will launch its forthcoming publication entitled “Ten Ways to Protect Undocumented Migrant Workers” at a public reception in October in Brussels. At the reception, they intend to have a visual exhibit on a related theme. This could be photos of workers in the informal economy, or some other relevant images or artwork.

If you know of any visual materials that could be used, please contact: Michele LeVoy, michele.levoy@picum.org or +32-2-274.14.39.




·      World Migration 2005: Surprising new findings

There are too many myths and not enough reality on migration issues, according to the recently released World Migration 2005, the biennial flagship publication of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Concerns including the loss of jobs, lower wages, increased welfare costs and the belief that migration is spiralling out of control, are exaggerated and fly in the face of evidence. The publication includes contributions from the world's leading experts, the latest trends in international migration, and regional overviews of developments in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. Read moreOrder the report (494 pages, $80)




·      PICUM

PICUM received a grant from the European Commission to explore the situation on access to health care for undocumented migrants in Europe. The aim of the project is to provide an overview of the current situation, to formulate recommendations to improve the situation, and to raise the visibility of the problem. To execute this project, which will last for one year (potentially extended to two), PICUM is currently looking for additional staff members. Position descriptions can be found on www.picum.org. Additional information on the project itself will be provided on PICUM’s website in the course of November.