Issue 91, 5 December 2005





  1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention
  2. International Platform (IPMWC)
  3. International Migrant’s Day
  4. Regional News
  5. Latest Articles, Press-releases and Statements
  6. Events




1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention


·       The Convention is now ratified by 34 states, with Nicaragua being the latest to join. For an updated list on ratifications and signatories click here


·       The Mexican government was the second government to submit its initial report on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of the Convention under Article 73.

Click here to download the document (Spanish only).


·       The second meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Migrant Workers will be held in New York on 8 December 2005 to elect the new members of the Committee on Migrant Workers who are to replace the five current members whose terms expire in 31 December 2005.


The following nominations have been received for membership:

o      amongst the current members : Ms Diéguez (Guatemala), Mr Kariyawasam (Sri Lanka), Mr Gakwandi (Uganda), Mr Brillantes (Philippines) and Mr Taghizade (Azebaijan).

o      new candidates are : Mr Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso), Ms Al-Hajjaji (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) and Mr Davidovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina).


For the provisional agenda and CVs of the candidates, click here.




2. International Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC)


·       The International Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC) released its first publication: A Guide for NGOs on the Implementation of the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention, a publication produced for the IPMWC by December 18 is now available in the Spanish and French versions as well.

For Spanish click here

For French click here

For printed versions (English and Spanish only) please write to: info@december18.net.


·       Information on the IPMWC can be found on the December 18 website, please click here.





3. International Migrant’s Day


Below is a first overview of the 2005 IMD activities. If you haven’t already done so, please do send us a list with activities taking place in your country/city. We also developed a special IMD logo, which can be used by all of you. Please do let us know if you wish us to produce the logo in your own language(s). We will publish IMD statements and press releases on our site, so please do send them to us as soon as they are available.



As part of its Migrants Month Programme, WARBE is organizing an IMD Mass Rally in the capital Dhaka, forming a human chain on the road of the Bangladesh High Court and in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demanding the immediate ratification of the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention. Other activities during this month-long programme focus on the WTO GATS-Mode 4 negotiations as well as migrants’ rights to health. Detailed information can be found on the December 18 website.


Hong Kong

During the WTO Action Week in Hong Kong (10-18 December), Migrant Forum Asia, the Asian Migrant Centre and other Asian migrants rights groups will be organizing a series of activities focusing on the impact of GATS Mode 4 negotiations on the migrants’ sector.



The Centro de los Derechos del Migrante will celebrate IMD with an open house at their office in Zacatas.



Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2)'s IMD celebration focuses on highlighting the contributions of migrant workers, particularly foreign domestic and construction workers, to the well-being and nation-building of Singapore. We are organizing a national-scale Sports Carnival, in collaboration with the Singapore Sports Council, NTUC Migrant Workers Forum, Association of Employment Agencies in Singapore, support groups such as HOME, Darul Arqam Singapore, Philippine Bayanihan Society and the Embassies from the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand.



The High Commissioner for Human Rights will host a reception on Friday the 16th to celebrate IMD. There will also be a meeting with the press during which the Chairman of the Committee on Migrant Workers, the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants and an NGO representative will speak.



The Ministry of Social Development (MIDES), the Women’s Institute and the Asociación Cultural y Casa de los Inmigrantes “Cesar Vallejo” will organize an afternoon of discussions on UN Convention, the situation of migrant workers and issues related to women migrants. Followed by cultural activities.



Public Services International calls on its affiliates to join in a week of campaigning around the issues of ethical recruitment of health care workers and the negative impact of migration on the health services in sending countries during the period between December 10 and December 18. For more information: click here.





4. Regional News


·       In El Salvador, the Secretary for Salvadorians Abroad, the Red Regional de Organizaciones Civiles para las Migraciones (RROCM) and the Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” (IDHUCA) published a study on the outcomes of a national seminar on the Migrant Workers Convention in El Salvador. The study focuses on the harmonisation of national legislation and policies on migration with the Convention (p. 30 to 50), examining provisions of various relevant pieces of legislation according to themes relevant to the MWC. It then goes on to formulate general proposals to adapt national legislation in order to comply with the obligations coming out of the Convention (pp.51-74). The report is available (in Spanish only) on the December 18 site; click here to download.


·       European Commission Vice-President Frattini gave an overview of recent developments of immigration and integration in the European Union during a speech in Brussels on 3rd November. Meanwhile, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the Commission’s Green Paper on Managing Economic Migration, including a recommendation to the Commission to encourage the Member States to ratify the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention. Links to the documents can be found on the December 18 website.


·       The fourth Summit of the Americas, which took place November 4-5 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, issued a formal declaration that reaffirmed a commitment on the part of the 34 democratic nations of the Western Hemisphere to combat poverty, inequality, hunger, and social exclusion throughout the region and also to promote migrants' rights. For the full text of the Declaration click here.






5. Latest Articles, Press Releases and Statements.


A grasp from the latest articles, press releases, newsletters and statements…


·                Ten years of EUROMED: Time to end the human rights deficit. (PDF)

English: http://www.aieu.be/static/documents/2005/Barcelona_10_final.pdf

24/11/2005 - Amnesty International’s recommendations to the EUROMED Summit stress that human rights must finally be given real priority within the Barcelona process.


·                Girls for sale: Preventing trafficking within China.

English: http://www.december18.net/web/docpapers/doc3226.doc

24/11/2005 - An estimated 94 million Chinese farmers migrated for work in 2002. The influx of such huge numbers of rural surplus labourers has created opportunities for those seeking to exploit the most vulnerable, i.e. children and young women. In April 2004, the Chinese authorities and the ILO’s International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) started a new project to prevent trafficking in children and youth for labour exploitation.


·               Inmigrantes y no inmigrantes, todos afectados por la globalización

Spanish: http://www.apdha.org/areas/documentos/Ponenciatetuan191105.doc

24/11/2005 - Ponencia del director de la Asociación Para los derechos Humanos de Andalucía sobre los recientes asaltos a las alambradas de Ceuta y Melilla por inmigrantes subsaharianos.

·                Migration: A Welcome Opportunity. (PDF)

English :http://www.migrationcommission.org/pdf/RSA_migration_report_awo.pdf

22/11/2005 – Report of the RSA Migration Commission about the current system of Managed Migration in the UK.


·               EUMC Annual Report 2005

22/11/2005 – Annual Report of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. It is the EU's first comprehensive overview of racist, xenophobic, antisemitic and anti-Muslim discrimination, and responses to it, to cover all 25 EU Member States. The Roma emerge as the group most vulnerable to racism in the EU. Other groups facing high levels of discrimination in many Member States are migrant workers from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America, as well as Muslims and recents migrants from Russia or the Ukraine in some Member States.


·                Immigrazione e cittadinanza in Europa (PDF)

Italian : http://www.fondazionenordest.net/uploads/media/Rapporto2005_01.pdf
21/11/2005 – Indagine della Fondazione Nord Est sull’atteggiamento dei cittadini verso gli immigrati e l’integrazione in Europa.


·                Implications économiques des envois de fonds et de la migration.

French: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/ACCUEILEXTN/NEWSFRENCH/0,,contentMDK:20724243~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:1074931,00.html

17/11/2005 – Rapport de la Banque Mondiale sur la migration internationale et les gains de bien-être possibles pour les travailleurs migrants et leurs familles, ainsi que pour les pays de destination et d’origine si des mesures sont prises pour mieux gérer les mouvements de travailleurs.


More articles can be found in our content database that is updated on a daily basis. To add your articles, papers and press releases on the human rights of migrants please forward the text and/or URL to info@december18.net


To access the archives, click on the links below:


English: http://www.december18.net/web/papers/start.php?menuID=41&lang=EN

Spanish: http://www.december18.net/web/papers/start.php?menuID=41&lang=ES

French: http://www.december18.net/f-papers.htm

Italian: http://www.december18.net/web/papers/start.php?menuID=41&lang=IT





6. Events


A selection from our international calendar. If you wish to add your activity, please send detailed information to info@december18.net.


·       “Protecting the rights of all migrant workers as a tool to enhance development.” General discussion day organised by the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers, 15 December 2005, Geneva


·       The World Social Forum 2006 will take place in Caracas-Venezuela (24-29 January), Bamako-Mali (19-23 January) and Karachi (delayed until March). There are several migration-related activities. For details go to: www.wsf2006.org or visit our site.


·       “Migration: the Benefits and Challenges,” conference organized by the National Institute of Adult Education in London (01 February).


·       Seminar on “Women, Migration and Human Rights,” organised on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 7-9 March, Amman (Jordan).




Published by December 18 vzw

Editors: Isabelle Slinckx and René Plaetevoet


Contact: info@december18.net


The Spanish, Italian, and French versions are available upon request.


Spanish version translated by Elisa Starkof, December 18, Argentina

French version translated by Isabelle Slinckx, December 18, Belgium

Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani, December 18, Italy