ENAR Weekly Mail 24

9 December 2005



·      Belgium: Vlaams Belang on a crusade in Morocco

“Flanders is not the land of milk and honey”, this is the immigration-hostile message the Vlaams Belang party is intending to transmit when visiting Morocco on 8-10 December. A delegation of the extreme right Flemish party has announced that it intends to launch a broad campaign in Moroccan newspapers and to meet the Moroccan authorities. For MRAX, the oldest Belgian anti-racist organisation, and KIF KIF, a Flemish intercultural organisation, it is essential to deflate this strategy. Read more (French only)


·      Can temporary migration solve Europe's labour crisis?

Temporary migration can benefit both 'receiving' countries, because of its flexibility and the resultant economic growth, and 'source' countries, because of the consequent reduction in domestic unemployment and the remittances sent home by workers. This was one of the key messages to emerge from a Dialogue hosted by the EPC and KBF in collaboration with the Global Commission on International Migration. But speakers agreed that much more needed to be done to ensure respect for, and the protection of, temporary migrants' rights and to integrate them into their host countries. Length of stay should not be the determining factor. Read more (English only)


·      Euromed Summit agrees on 'code of conduct' against terrorism

The Euro-Mediterranean Summit, which met in Barcelona on 27 and 28 November to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Euromed partnership, succeeded in adopting a ‘code of conduct’ to fight terrorism. Discussions on rejecting terrorism “regardless of its causes” came up against a stumbling block with certain Arab countries wishing to tone down the declaration in order to legitimise cases of armed resistance towards occupying forces. After lengthy negotiations, the adopted text finally states that “terrorism can never be justified”. Read more about the Summit: in English // in French – Read the Code of Conduct (English only)

More on the Euromed process (English only)


·      EWL lobbying campaign for an autonomous legal status of migrant women entering the EU under family reunification

The Council Directive of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification is currently being transposed in Member States. This process is very important, as it is the last opportunity to influence decision-makers at national level in order to reinforce the text from a gender perspective. Indeed the directive does not specifically address the situation of migrant women who are in the large majority the ones joining their partner in the context of a family reunification. EWL asks that some key issues be included in the national legislation, in particular to grant automatically an autonomous residence and work permit to the spouse, independent of that of the sponsor, without conditions, as soon as the application for family reunification is accepted. For more information, please contact Clarisse Delorme: Delorme@womenlobby.org


·      UNHCR: How a man from Darfur cannot get his asylum claim heard in Europe today

The UN refugee agency is growing increasingly concerned about the effect of ever more restrictive law and practice in individual European countries as well as at the EU level. The result, as one current case illustrates all too clearly, is that even the most deserving of refugees may be denied asylum in Europe today. Read more: in English // in French




·      Business benefits of diversity

Diversity policies make good business sense say 83% of the companies that have adopted them. This is one of the conclusions of a recent European survey that asked 800 companies, from blue chip to SMEs, about their attitudes to and policies on diversity. The survey results are published in a report, together with a collection of good practices from various companies with diversity policies. The report was launched at a European conference on the business case for diversity that took place in Brussels on 28-29th November. The project is funded through the Action Programme to combat discrimination. Read the 68-page report: in English // in French

For information on the conference (English only)


·      Second issue of the biannual law review now published

The European network of legal experts has recently published its second bi-annual law review, covering the development of anti-discrimination law and policy up until July 2005. The review includes contributions from the Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice, as well as an article from a leading employment lawyer on referring cases to the ECJ. The regular sections on EU policy, European Court of Justice Case Law, and European Court of Human Rights Case Law provide an update on developments at European level, while the section on news from the EU Member States documents changes at a national level. The review is available in English, French and German.


·      New EU Asylum Procedures Directive

With the adoption of the Asylum Procedures Directive at the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council on 1 December, the EU completed the first phase of the Common European Asylum System. This Directive, along with the other legislative instruments on asylum already adopted by the Council, guarantees a minimum level of protection and safeguards in all Member States for those genuinely in need of international protection while helping prevent fraudulent claims which undermine the credibility of asylum. Read more: in English // in French

And UNHCR’s comments on the EU Asylum Procedure Directive: in English // in French

·      Council adopts conclusions on Integration

The JHA Council also adopted Conclusions on a common agenda on integration, following the Commission’s communication of 1 September. The Council “acknowledges the importance of defining a framework at European level for the integration of legally residing third-country nationals in all aspects of society”. It endorses the Commission’s work with the network of national contact points on integration, supports further editions of the handbook on integration and sets a target of the end of 2006 for the first phase of a web site. A European Integration Forum “could provide added value as a complementary source of information and consultation”. Ministerial conferences on integration will be held “regularly, ideally on an annual basis”, and will be “enhanced has necessary” by the Annual Report on Migration and Integration. The Conclusions are in included in the provisional results of Council (English only)


·      Commission launches public debate on the future of the European Migration Network

The European Commission adopted a Green Paper ‘On the future of the European Migration Network’ (EMN). The EMN was set up in 2002 in response to the need to improve the collection and exchange of information on all aspects of migration and asylum. As the preparatory phase draws to a close in 2006 it is necessary to reflect on the best way forward. The Green Paper shall contribute to that reflection by stimulating a public debate on what its future mandate should be, taking into account the experiences made during the first three years. Read more: in English // in French

Download the Green Paper (18 pages): in English // French




·      Romani children in Kosovo being poisoned by high lead levels

The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) this week sent letters asking the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, four Special Rapporteurs, and the Secretary General of the United Nations to take immediate action for the preservation of the lives and health of children in three Romani IDP camps in Kosovo. Read more




·      The Gender and Media Handbook: Promoting Equality, Diversity & Empowerment

The Gender and Media Handbook is an educational tool and resource manual which provides the conceptual tools, practical information and know-how necessary to challenge gender inequality. It also encourages interventions and activities which work to promote gender equality in and through the media, in Cyprus and around the world. The book has been developed to be used by journalists, media professionals, universities and NGOs. The electronic version of this handbook (183 pages) has been updated and slightly varies from the original book version. The handbook was published by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies.


·      A Guide for NGOs on the Implementation of the UN Migrant Workers’ Convention

This publication, produced for the International Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC) by December 18 is now available in Spanish and French as well. Download the Spanish // French versions. For printed versions (English and Spanish only) please write to: info@december18.net




·      18 December: International Migrant’s Day

The High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva will host a reception on 16 December 2005 to celebrate IMD. There will also be a meeting with the press during which the Chairman of the Committee on Migrant Workers, the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants and an NGO representative will speak. (for information, please contact Carla Edelenbos at cedelenbos@ohchr.org)

Overview of other IDM activities: in English // in French