The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in the context of the
implementation of the ÒBossi-FiniÓ Immigration Law, is recruiting Consultants
as follows:
n. 7 Eligibility Consultants for the Territorial Commissions in
Crotone, Foggia, Gorizia, Milano, Roma, Siracusa and Trapani. Each Consultant
will participate on behalf of UNHCR in the Sessions of the Territorial
Commission, as a regular member, which includes, inter alia, interviews of
individual cases and an active role in the decision-making process.
n. 1 Eligibility Consultant for the Backlog Commission in Rome
The Consultant participate on behalf of UNHCR in the Session of the National
Commission established to determine the application of the asylum seekers who
submitted their request prior to the date when the Territorial started
n. 1 Eligibility Coordination
in Rome
The Consultant will participate in the work of the National Commission and
coordinate the work of the various UNHCRÕs Consultants assigned to the
Territorial Commissions through regular contacts, missions in the field,
coordination meetings, etc.
Qualifications required:
- advanced University Degree in Law/Political Science;
- specialization in refugee law and/or working experience with refugees or in
refugee related field;
- excellent command of written and spoken English, Italian essential.
How to apply:
Applicants are invited to send an updated curriculum vitae to itaro@unhcr.ch addressing the correspondence to the attention of the Representative.
Deadline for applications:20 February 2005