Draft programme


ENAR Conference on the Phenomenon of Racism

in the new EU Member States


Budapest, Friday-Saturday 25-26 February 2005


Venue: The European Youth Centre Budapest, Zivatar utca 1 Ð 3, 1024 Budapest.

Tel: +36 1 438 1030, Fax: +36 1 212 4107.






Thursday, 24 February 2005


18.00 Ð 20.00              Registration of participants



Friday, 25 February 2005


9.00 Ð 10.30                Registration of participants


9.30 Ð 9.45                  Welcome & opening speech by Bashy Quraishy, Chair of ENAR


9.45 Ð 10.15                Address by Jan Jarab, Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Špidla (to be confirmed)


10.15 Ð 11.00              Keynote speech:

Enlargement of the EU and ethnic minorities

                                    Dimitrina Petrova, European Roma Rights Centre, Hungary


11.00 Ð 11.15              Coffee Break


11.15 Ð 12.30              Identifying the issue Ð some key examples


Introductions to:


o      The Russian-speaking minority in the Baltic states

Ilze Brands-Kehris, The Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Latvia (to be confirmed)


o      Erased people in Slovenia

Neza Kogovsek, Peace Institute, Slovenia


o      The Situation of the Jewish Communities

Prof. Kovac, Hungary (to be confirmed)


o      The Concept and Status of National Minorities in Hungary

Dr. Jenő Kaltenbach, Parliamentary Commissioner for National and Ethnic Minority Rights, Hungary



12.30 Ð 12.45              Questions from the floor


12.45 Ð 14.15              Lunch


14.15 Ð 16.15              The Roma - A large vulnerable community in Europe

Cross-border experiences

Panel discussion on the areas of discrimination faced by Roma




o      Segregated education for Roma children

Rumyan Russinov (to be confirmed)


o      Situation of Roma in the employment sector

Kumar Vishwanathan (to be confirmed)


o      The housing situation of Roma peoples



o      Racist violence targeted at Roma

Valeriu Nicolae, ERIO, Brussels


o      Health situation of Roma in the EU




16.15 Ð 16.30              Coffee break


16.30 Ð 18.00              NGO strategies to tackle racism and ethnic discrimination in new EU Member States


Presentations on:


o      Awareness-raising to sensitise the public

Jacek Purski, Never Again Association, Poland


o      Media work

Flora Laszlo, Roma Press Centre, Hungary


o      Litigation to fight discrimination



o      Empowerment of ethnic minorities




18.00 Ð 18.30              Questions and comments from the floor


19.30                           Dinner




Saturday, 26 February 2005



9.30 Ð 9.45                  Introduction into the dayÕs programme and workshops


9.45 Ð 12.15                Developing considerations for future activities of ENAR

(Three parallel workshops)


                                    30 min. coffee break as appropriate during workshops


12.15 Ð 14.00              Lunch


14.00 Ð 15.00              Report back from workshops


15.00 Ð 16.45              Moderated plenary discussion on considerations developed by workshops


16.45 Ð 17.00              Closing remarks by Bashy Quraishy, Chair of ENAR          



18.30                                         Light dinner









This conference is supported by the European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs and


The Evens Foundation.

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