ENAR Weekly Mail 3

15 July 2005



·      Racism Report 2004 - Case Report of Racist Incidents and Structures in Austria

This publication, published by Austrian ENAR member ZARA (Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit), is the main source of information about racist incidents and structures in Austria. The 64-page report has been translated into English and is available from the ZARA website



·      Women's rights key to Turkey's EU bid

The European Parliament has called for positive discrimination for women in Turkey, stressing that respecting human rights is a 'sine qua non' for EU membership.

Read more: in English // in French


·      PACE Resolution 1437: Migration and Integration

The resolution ‘Migration and integration: a challenge and opportunity for Europe’ was passed in April 2005 by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). It reiterated that governments must guarantee respect for human rights as codified by the European Convention on Human Rights. In particular, paragraph 9C of the resolution calls on Council of Europe member states to ‘recognise immigrants as persons with fundamental human rights, the respect of which must be ensured in full conformity with international and regional human rights instruments including the provisions of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families which member states are urged to ratify and implement’.

Read the full text of the Resolution in English // in French




·      Equality and non-discrimination – Annual report 2005

The anti-discrimination Unit of the EC published a 36-page report looking at the progress made over the last year in anti-discrimination legislation and policy both at EU and Member State level. Part 1 looks at where Member States are at in implementing the two anti-discrimination Directives. It also presents a users guide to the Directives looking at the different forms of discrimination covered, where exceptions are allowed and what the Commission can do if a Member States fails to properly implement the laws. Part 2 looks at the situation of the Roma - now the largest ethnic minority in the EU. It looks at some of the actions supported by the EU to tackle the widespread exclusion and discrimination Roma communities face throughout Europe.

The report is available in English, with other language versions to follow soon.


·      Equal Rights in Practice: Key Voices 2005 - Access to Justice

This 32-page brochure includes articles from different actors involved in the practical application of the Article 13 Directives, including practicing lawyers, NGO activists, representatives from national equality bodies and trade unions. It provides practical examples of how the Directives are being applied in practice, from raising awareness among those groups subject to discrimination, to selecting and supporting legal cases.

The brochure is available in English // French and other European languages.




·      EUMC: Call for the expression of interest

The European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) has published a call for the expression of interest by experts or organizations in the field of equality and non-discrimination, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and other related topics (Ref. N° EUMC 2/CEI 1/2005). The EUMC will draw up a list of candidates meeting the criteria for inclusion on the list who may be contacted for research related contracts. See the EUMC website for more details of the call.

For any further questions, contact EUMC at procurement@eumc.eu.int


·      ECRE calls for safe, dignified and sustainable returns

ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles) has published a paper entitled ‘The return of asylum seekers whose applications have been rejected in Europe’ containing proposals on return policies, based on the idea that the credibility of a removal system and an asylum system is fundamentally undermined if it fails to protect those in need of international protection. The paper focuses on European asylum systems and return policies, obstacles and alternatives to return, increased efforts to enforce return and follow-up on returns. The European Commission is expected to publish a proposal for a Directive on Minimum Standards on Return this summer.

The publication will soon be available on ECRE’s website. Meanwhile, a copy can be obtained by sending an email to: euecre@ecre.be


·      More calls for participation in INTI projects

The two organizations below are looking for partners for a project submission in the framework of INTI-EU funding program for preparatory actions promoting the integration of third country nationals. 

For more info, contact Adeline Mazier, forim@free.fr - tel: +33-1-44 72 02 88 

For more information, contact Adela Pospichalova, tel: +420 226 200 444 - adela.pospichalova@infoservis.net


·      Economic Migration and the Lisbon Agenda: Bridging the Gap

On 29 June, the EPC (European Policy Centre) and the King Baudouin Foundation organized a Policy Dialogue to discuss the role of labour migration in achieving the European Union's economic policy goals. Labour migration was a phenomenon that resulted from the changing demands of an internal, interdependent market.

Read the report of the meeting (English only)


·      Statements made at the 11th Session of the UN Working Group on Minorities - June 2005

Minority Rights Group International (MRG) in cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) held its annual training event prior to the UN Working Group on Minorities (30 May - 03 June 05). This year the training was attended by over 35 minority participants from every continent. The minority rights and advocacy training helped minority representatives to raise their issues directly to their government delegations, expert members and others attending the Working Group, enabling them to make a vital and substantial contribution to this forum. The interventions made by MRG/OHCHR participants in the training are now available on the MRG website.




·      Amnesty International press release: Albanian Roma in Greece targeted for evictions and attacks

1 July 2005 - Roma have been evicted, their homes demolished by the Greek authorities and attacks against Romani communities have not been investigated in Patras, Western Greece. Roma who have migrated from Albania have been particularly targeted. Amnesty International is seeking assurances from the Greek authorities that no further evictions or demolitions will be carried out until the organization's concerns are resolved, and procedures to safeguard the human rights of Roma of Greek and other nationalities are put in place.

Read more in English and in French


·      Two rulings by European Court of Human Rights on racial discrimination against Roma

Read the European Roma Rights Centre’s (ERRC) press release on the ruling.

For more on the case and the text of the ruling (English only).

Further information is available from ERRC Legal Director Dianne Post: dianne.post@errc.org


·      Concerns about human rights situation of Roma in Slovenia

The ERRC submitted a summary of concerns to the United Nations Human Rights Committee pertaining to the human rights situation of Roma in Slovenia, for consideration by the Committee when reviewing Slovenia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights at its 84th session, 11-29 July 2005. The 7-page letter can be obtained from ERRC: office@errc.org




·      FORUM 2005: Reconciling labour flexibility and social cohesion

Date & venue: 17-18 November 2005 at the Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg   

Through this event, the Council of Europe’s Directorate General of Social Cohesion aims to highlight the key issues raised by the debate concerning a possible reconciliation. This "reconciliation" may be governed by the rules of global market competition or by the principles of social cohesion and the need to ensure equal access to well-being. It accordingly concerns policy choices and power relations that must be rebalanced or brought under control.   

Programme details and the registration form: in English // in French


·      European Social Housing Week

Date & venue: 10–14 October 2005, Brussels

CECODHAS, the European Liaison Committee for Social Housing, announced the organization of the first ever “European Social Housing Week”, dedicated to the present and future role of Social Housing in Europe. The cornerstone of the week will be an exhibition in the European Parliament, illustrating how social housing actors contribute to social cohesion, sustainable development of cities, integration of the most vulnerable and access to decent housing for all.

Read more on the CECODHAS website, or contact the Secretariat for a preliminary program in English or French: sorcha.edwards@cecodhas.org


·      International Congress on intercultural and interreligious dialogue

Date & venue: 11-13 December 2005, Bilbao (Spain)

The promotion of dialogue among different communities and civilizations is, at present, a priority for the international community. It is only in dialogue that communities can truly meet and understand one another. Read more


·      General Discussion Day on “Protecting the rights of all migrant workers as a tool to enhance development”

Date & venue: 15 December 2005, Third Session of the UN Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW), Geneva

This discussion will enable the CMW to make a contribution to the High Level Dialogue of the General Assembly in 2006 on the relationship between international migration and development (A/RES/58/208) and to highlight the human rights approach in this respect. The discussions will be public and Government representatives as well as UN bodies and specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs and individual experts are welcome to participate.

Details can be found on the CMW website (in English only).




·      International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights: Annual Report 2005

This report covers human rights issues in the OSCE Region (Europe, Central Asia and North America) in the year 2004.

Read the Summary or the full Report (documents available in English only)


·      Participation in Economic Life: An Advocacy Guide for Minorities in South-East Europe

Minorities across South-East Europe are vulnerable to poverty and economic exclusion and have little information about their rights to economic participation, or about advocating for their effective participation in economic life. This participation requires and includes such things as full, equal and meaningful access to education, employment and housing, as well as access to credit and development programmes. This Minority Rights Group (MRG) 81-page guide seeks to empower minorities to advocate for, and bring about, change in policies, practice, attitudes and approaches to minority rights in South-East Europe. Download the guide (only available in English)