ENAR Weekly Mail 20

11 November 2005



      Press release: Urgent need to combat social exclusion and discrimination in Europe

In relation to recent events in Birmingham (UK) and several cities in France, ENAR called on the European Union to strengthen the fight against discrimination and promote social inclusion. Racism, discrimination, poverty and exclusion are inextricably linked. Europe has a key role to play in overcoming the cycles of deprivation and disadvantage facing many ethnic minority communities. Read the Press Release: in English // in French




      France riots

After the first death during the ongoing riots in Franceís impoverished banlieues, European politicians are discussing the risk of similar incidents in other EU countries. A EurActiv article on the issue includes several links to main press articles (in English, French and German)


      UK: Disturbances in Birmingham

Birmingham City Council have washed their hands of any responsibility for the recent disturbances and blamed African-Caribbean and Asian communities for the riots despite the council being warned by the Birmingham Stephen Lawrence Commission in 2001 that racial division was storing up future conflict and that failure to tackle economic deprivation and different communities living apart would allow racial 'apartheid' to develop. Read more


      Malta: Jesuits warn against calling racism by another name

The Jesuits have underlined the need for an intensive nationwide educational campaign to stem or at least control the ìworryingî rise of racism in Malta. The convenient excuse of posing under the emotional banner of patriotism to express racist and xenophobic sentiments was a very dangerous development, Jesuit provincial Fr Paul Chetcuti warned on 3 November. Read more


      European football stands united against racism

ÿ    Over the past month, fans and players at all levels of the game have come together to take a defiant stand against racism and discrimination. This huge series of events was part of the FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) Action Week. The Action Week has proven to be a resounding successful with more than a thousand activities happening in 32 European countries, reaching millions with a strong anti- racism message. Read more

ÿ    RSC Anderlecht forward Nenad Jeötrović has been banned for three UEFA competition matches following his sending-off in the UEFA Champions League tie against Liverpool FC on 1 November. UEFA's Control and Disciplinary Committee found that the Anderlecht player had used a racially-motivated insult during an angry exchange with Liverpool midfielder Mohamed Sissoko in the 75th minute of the game at Anfield. It is the first known case of a player being sent off for racial abuse. Read more: FARE - UEFA


      Bulgariaís ethnic relations at risk 

Bulgarian President Georgi Purvanov has issued a strongly-worded warning that ultra-nationalism could put ethnic tolerance in Bulgaria at risk. He made the remarks at a conference on ìNational Interests, National Identity, and European Integrationî on 31 October. Read more


      United Kingdom: Don't play politics with right to liberty

The right to liberty is not a matter which can or should be the subject of political bargaining, said Amnesty International on 3 November. It welcomed the fact that the UK government agreed to review the draft provision of the Terrorism Bill 2005 (which would allow detention of a person suspected of involvement in terrorism without charge for up to 90 days in police custody), but urged it to ensure that all provisions of the Bill should be consistent with UK's obligations under international and domestic human rights law. Read the press release: in English // in French

On 10 November, MPs (including 49 Labour rebels) voted down plans to detain terror suspects for up to 90 days without charge, but later backed a proposal to extend the detention time limit to 28 days from the current 14 days. Read more


      Religion, culture, diversity and tolerance - shaping the new Europe

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, addressed a European Policy Centre (EPC) Briefing on ìReligion, culture, diversity and tolerance - shaping the new Europeî. The briefing was chaired by John Palmer, EPC Political Director. A question and answer session followed. Read more




      How is the EU upholding the principle of cultural diversity?

The EU stretches over the continent of Europe from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean Sea and from the west coast of Ireland to the eastern borders of Latvia. With its rich tapestry of traditions, cultures and languages, how does the EU guarantee respect for cultural diversity? Read more: in English // in French


      Commission views on (illegal) immigration & asylum

ÿ    In a speech on 3 November, EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Franco Frattini said he intends to strengthen existing measures on immigration and asylum by proposing a ìpolicy plan on legal immigrationî by the end of the year. Frattini said the paper would be based on the results of the consultation process on the Green paper on economic migration. Read the speech (English only)

ÿ    Speaking at a conference on 7 November, Frattini declared that combating illegal migration is to be a key priority for the EU and announced that the EC will present its views on the future priorities of the EU in the field of illegal immigration in March 2006. He described illegal immigration as ìa global problem that calls for global responsesî. The aim of the communication will be twofold: to review the progress made in the fight against illegal immigration since the last annual report in October 2004 (SEC (2004) 1349); and, on that basis, to suggest a number of future political priorities. Read more (English only)




      27 January designated as Annual International Day of Commemoration to honour Holocaust victims

The General Assembly on 1 November decided that the United Nations will designate 27 January ñ the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp ñ as an annual International Day of Commemoration to honour the Victims of the Holocaust, and urged Member States to develop educational programmes to instil the memory of the tragedy in future generations to prevent genocide from occurring again. Read more: in English // in French




      ERIO: Is a Kristallnacht against Roma possible?

Widespread ignorance, defensive reactions and sometimes open denial are the main trends among the majority population not just in Romania but in Europe when it comes to the Roma victims of the Holocaust. Read more


      German policeman suspended over Gypsy slur

A German police officer was suspended and facing disciplinary action last week after publishing a text saying Gypsies in Germany were living like parasites. Read more




      Re-Imagining Equality: A Vision for the Future

Date and venue: 12 December 2005, London (UK)

The 2005 Conference of the Discrimination Law Association (DLA) in the UK has been planned to coincide with the UK governmentís review of discrimination law. The conference aims to stimulate thinking amongst practising and academic lawyers, advice workers, trade unions and equality activists about what new equality legislation should look like. Read more




      Tackling the roots of racism: lessons for success

Thirty years after the Race Relations Act, racism remains endemic in British society. How successful have policy measures been in addressing the causes of racism? What lessons can we learn from countries outside Britain? This book reviews the evidence and asks ëwhat really works?í. Drawing on the literature from a wide range of disciplines, the book makes direct links between the causes of racism and the successful interventions to combat it. It particularly highlights the need to understand micro ëeverydayí racisms in order to tackle the macro structural roots of racism.

Authors: Reena Bhavnani, Heidi Mirza and Veena Meetoo (Middlesex University). Published by The Policy Press in association with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, November 2005; ISBN 86134 774 X. To read more and order


      Back to the Future? The Implementation Reports on the National Action Plans on Social Inclusion ñ an EAPN Assessment (October 2005)

This report by EAPN, the European Anti Poverty Network, concerns the Implementation and Update Reports prepared by Member States on the National Action Plans on Social Inclusion 2003-2005 (NAPs inclusion). It assesses the added value of these NAPs inclusion Reports and of the overall NAPs inclusion process for combating poverty and social exclusion. It also contains common recommendations from the EAPN national networks. Read more: in English // in French


      Labour Migration and Employment Rights

This report by the Institute of Employment Rights (IER) examines present immigration and employment law and policy affecting migrant labour and concludes they are failing to protect the most vulnerable workers in the UK.

Ed: Bernard Ryan. Published by the Institute for Employment Rights, September 2005; ISBN 0 9547562 4 X.


      Migration, Borders & Asylum ñ Trends and Vulnerabilities in EU Policy 

Authors Thierry Balzacq and Sergio Carrera undertake a critical analysis of the most recent policy developments in this politically sensitive domain. They investigate persistent barriers to harmonisation and suggest how the EU may achieve policy optimalisation. Their work progressively develops a set of recommendations, aimed at overcoming current vulnerabilities in policy approximation and achieving the most appropriate action to ensure equal treatment and social cohesion in the EU.

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