ENAR Weekly Mail 16

14 October 2005



      Vacancies: Campaigns and Networking Officer and Secretary

ENAR is recruiting two more staff members for its Secretariat based in Brussels: a part time secretary and a full time Campaigns and Networking Officer.

Please find job descriptions and application requirements on the ENAR website (English only)

Application deadlines: 20 October 2005 for the Secretary position and 1 November for the Campaigns and Networking Officer.




      Larache Declaration

Early October, more than 200 representatives of Moroccan, Spanish and French NGOs met in Larache (Morocco) to analyse the situation of migrations. In view of the recent serious events at the borders of Melilla and Ceuta, this meeting was very timely. Among the outcomes of the meeting is the so-called ìDeclaration of Laracheî, in which the signatories condemn and denounce the current situation.

Read the Declaration (in Spanish and French) on the website of APDHA (AsociaciÛn Pro Derechos Humanos de AndalucÌa ñ Association for Human Rights in Andalucia).

You can also sign the Declaration.


      France: Seminar ìDiscriminations: un mal Èvitable?î (Discriminations: an avoidable evil?)

This seminar is organised by CIEMI and ENAR France (Centre díInformation et díEtudes sur les Migrations Internationales) on 15 October in the CIEMI offices in Paris. The seminar starts with a debate on some basic questions such as what discrimination is, what its link is with nation-state building and what states have done to counter discriminatory practices. This will be followed by a discussion on current events in France and Europe. For more details, consult the agenda of the conference (French only)



      UK: controversy around speech of CRE Chair Trevor Phillips

The latest comments by the Chair of the Commission for Racial Equality at the Conservative Party conference caused anger and dismay amongst anti-racist campaigners in the UK, as he appeared to give the go-ahead for white Britain to use the word ëcolouredí. Read the speech and reactions by BLINK (Black Information Network) and NAAR (National Assembly Against Racism).


      Immigrants - a challenge for European health care systems

The 2005 European Health Forum says that immigrants have become the biggest problem group in public health care systems and refers to the health of immigrants as an indicator of successful integration. Read more


      Run for Diversity

Over 8,200 runners have already committed their run ìFor Diversity. Against Discriminationî. The success of Run for Diversity continued in September, with 1315 diversity runners taking part in the Rotterdam on Wheels half marathon in the Netherlands and the International Wachau Marathon in Austria.

For more info on Run for Diversity: in English // in French


      Hungary: Training to check companies on discriminatory practices

On 29 September the For Diversity. Against Discrimination campaign organised a workshop in cooperation with the Hungarian Equality Authority and NEKI (an organisation giving legal advice for victims of discrimination). In a full day training course, 24 NGO representatives, including members of the Hungarian National Working Group for the EU-campaign, were taught brand-new methods of examining the recruitment practices of Hungarian companies.

Read more about the training in the Campaignís October newsletter (soon on-line). More information on the campaignís activities in Hungary (in Hungarian only)




      Anti-Discrimination Website - User Survey

The European Commission is currently conducting a short survey to find out what users think about its anti-discrimination website. The website provides information on EU anti-discrimination legislation, individualsí rights and obligations, and activities carried out under the Community Action Programme to combat discrimination. The survey also gives readers of the publication series ëEqual Rights in Practiceí and the Commissionís anti-discrimination email alerts service a chance to give their feedback.

Please take a few moments to fill out the survey: in English // in French


      An EU approach to economic immigration?

Immigrants contribute to the prosperity of Member States, they have a beneficial effect on the EU labour market and they should be granted similar rights to EU citizens, the Civil Liberties Committee said on 5 October in a hotly contested report aimed at defining for the first time an EU strategy on economic migration. The committee heavily amended the original text by Ewa Klamt (EPP-ED, DE) in an effort to place more emphasis on the integration of legal immigrants. Read more: in English // in French


      EU calls on Morocco to sign up to immigrant deal

The European Commission has urged Morocco to sign an agreement with the EU on repatriation of illegal immigrants before the end of November. The Commission says a repatriation agreement with Morocco, a country from which most Sub-Saharan Africans reach Spain in boats through the straits of Gibraltar, or by climbing the tall fences that surround the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, is important in order to prevent ìtragic eventsî like the recent storming of the enclaves. Read more

On this issue, see also the Larache Declaration above (under ëFrom ENAR membersí), and read a reaction by Statewatch: Spain/Morocco: Migrants shot dead at the border fence, Spain deploys army


      States fail to meet family reunification directive transposition deadline

The European Commission has announced that only six Member States (Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia) have notified their implementing measures of the family reunion directive (03/86/CE) to the Commission by the 3 October deadline for transposition. Three Member States (Denmark, Ireland and United Kingdom) are not bound by its provisions; the other 16 Member States have not notified any implementing measures yet and the Commission has indicated it will begin the process of infringement procedures. Read more: in English // in French


      LIBE Committee Discusses Refugee Funds

On 4 October rapporteur Barbara Kudrycka, MEP presented her initial reaction to LIBE (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) on the Commission proposals for the establishment of a refugee fund, the creation of a fund for the external borders, the creation of a European fund for the integration of nationals from third countries and a returns fund. These proposals come under Commissionís Framework Programme entitled ìSolidarity and control of migration flowsî (COM (2005)123). Mrs Kudrycka said that ìexpectations are metî and that the proposals are ìsustainable and balancedî. She said that the EU needed to be sufficiently funded to address the problems of trafficking and deaths of migrants at sea. A Commission representative said it would initiate discussions on the funding proposals in October and hoped to reach a compromise in December. Download the 243-page Framework Programme: in English // in French


      2008 to be the ëEuropean year of intercultural dialogueí

On 5 October the Commission adopted a proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council to declare 2008 ìEuropean Year of Intercultural Dialogueî. This idea had initially been put forward by the European Commissioner with responsibility for culture, J·n Figel. With an overall budget of Ä 10 million, the Year will draw on the wealth and diversity of a series of specific projects to be implemented during 2008 through programmes and other Community actions. Culture, education, youth, sport and citizenship will be the main areas concerned. Read more: in English // in French

Download the proposal: in English // in French




ÿ    Gypsies fight for their human rights

Gypsies from all over the UK met to form an organisation to fight for their basic human rights: a place to live and education for their children. Representatives of a dozen groups decided to set up a permanent umbrella organisation. As a first step, the meeting elected a chairman and delegates to the new European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF). Read more




      SEEM: Services for Elders from Ethnic Minorities - ëGiving Minority Ethnic Elders a Voiceí

The SEEM project seeks to develop and promote solutions to improve health and social care service delivery for minority ethnic elders, a group which is at a triple risk of being socially excluded, through racism as well as age and poverty. SEEM has produced a booklet entitled ëGiving Minority Ethnic Elders a Voiceí, which details examples of good practice from across Europe, and a checklist to help in the establishment of a more complete offer of services. The documents will be launched at a conference in Brussels on 8 and 9 November 2005. Minority ethnic elders will be present at the conference to tell their stories and share their experiences of the services available to them. Read more about the project (English only)




      Television across Europe: regulation, policy and independence

The report, produced by the Open Society Institute, Budapest, covers 20 European countries - EU members, candidates and potential candidates - from the UK to Turkey, and from Romania to France. At 1662 pages, it is the largest ever comparative survey of its kind. The report analyses broadcasting across the continent and addresses policy recommendations to national and international authorities and groups. Download the full text of the report. To request paper copies, use the publication order form


      Newsletter PEER Review Programme

This is issue 2/2005 of the Newsletter of the Peer Review Programme in the Field of Social Inclusion Policies, which is a key instrument of the Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities). The Newsletter is available in English, French and German




      Special events within the framework of a European Union democracy campaign following the 60th anniversary of the liberation from fascism

Deadline: 15.11.2005 

Projects under this call will have to contribute to encourage European citizens to engage in building a democratic Europe further, so that it can become a continent free from violence, racism and discrimination. All projects shall therefore:

ÿ    involve citizens actively in the reflection on European values and achievements and in the building of the EU;

ÿ    involve citizens, especially young people, directly;

ÿ    encourage trans-national partnerships and exchanges.

Read more: in English // in French