ENAR Weekly Mail 14

30 September 2005



      Fact Sheet 23: Commission communication on non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all ñ A framework strategy

Five years after the adoption of the anti-discrimination legislation, the European Commission issued a new framework strategy for EU action on anti-discrimination. The strategy is designed to ensure ìthat discrimination is effectively tackled, diversity is celebrated and equal opportunities for all are promoted.î ENAR issued a Fact Sheet which provides an overview of the main characteristics of the strategy. To download the Fact Sheet: in English // in French


      Statement: Fight against racism in Europe must go on

This statement highlights some of the major ideas of the opening speeches of ENARís 22nd Board meeting, on 16 September 2005. Read the statement: in English // in French




      Commission for Racial Equality: Britain 'Sleepwalking to Segregation'

In a lecture delivered in Manchester on 22 September Trevor Phillips, Chair of the CRE, argued that Britain is moving towards segregation, adding urgency to the need to push forward with the process of integration. Mr Phillips emphasised the importance of building an integrated society, which has three essential features: equality, participation and interaction. Read the full text of the speech and full press release Following his speech, it was announced that an official ìcommission on integrationî, involving all faith groups, is to be set up. Read more


      Luxemburg: a new start after 796 days of delay

After many delays, about two weeks ago the Luxemburg government established a task force to transpose the European directives for national law. On 22 September, the Government Council adopted a draft law, in follow-up to the two European anti-discrimination directives. Read the press release by ENAR member ASTI. (French only)





      9 November 2005 - International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism

ëBlow Fascism Away!í - Under this heading anti-fascist and anti-racist organisations throughout Europe commemorate the victims of the 'Kristallnacht' (9 November 1938) and Hitlerís fatal policy of mass murder. UNITED for Intercultural Action is a pan-European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees and connects over 560 organisations from 46 European countries. It coordinates the European campaign on the International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism, and provides attractive campaign material free of charge to all active groups. The focus of this yearís campaign around the 9 November is to join forces and build a strong movement capable of fighting fascism in all its forms.

For more campaign information: (under 'new' or 'campaigns').


      EU regional protection programs: Enhancing protection in the region or barring access to the EU territory?

The Amnesty International EU Office issued this 3-page article on the EY regional protection programmes. Read more




      EUMC: Police need to do more to tackle racist crime in Europe

On 29 September, the EUMC (European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia) released a new comparative analysis of police responses to racist crime and violence in the European Union. The 52-page report finds that only a few Member States have procedures and mechanisms in place that allow for the police forces to deal with racist crime effectively. The EUMC suggests a number of initiatives at EU and Member State level to ensure that victims of racism receive the adequate support from the police and that racist crime does not go unpunished.

Read the press release in: in English // in French

Download the report (English only)


      Stop Discrimination Campaign - National Information flyers

National Information Flyers were produced by the EC Stop Discrimination Campaign for each of the 25 EU member states, informing people about anti-discrimination issues in their country. Together with the national working groups, information was compiled on national anti-discrimination legislation, examples of discrimination and useful information on how to contact organisations offering support to victims of discrimination. 

Download the flyers or order copies from stop-discrimination@media-consulta.com


      New website for the European Parliament

The European Parliament has just launched a new website under the slogan ì457 million citizens @ one addressî. Available in 20 languages, this new site is a more dynamic and attractive information tool than its predecessor. It has been designed to facilitate navigation and access to information. Site content, geared mainly to the wider public, also includes more in-depth material for European affairs experts such as journalists, lobbyists and researchers. Access the site: in English // in French


      MEPs work on plans to revive EU constitution

With the EU constitution on the political backburner, some MEPs are trying to ensure that the European Parliament seizes the initiative and comes up with concrete proposals on what to do next. Two MEPs charged with drawing up a report on the matter already have some preliminary ideas on how to get the EU out of its impasse, following the rejection of the constitution in France and the Netherlands before the summer. Read more


      European Commission to publish calendar of NGOs

The EC intends to publish a calendar related to seminars/debates/panels organised by civil society organisations in the Member States, candidate countries and adherent countries. Organisations are invited to send ariane.moret@cec.eu.int the details of conferences they intend to organise, including the following details: title of the conference / contact person / name of the organisation / website / participants / date and venue of the conference.


      European Parliament approves resolution on asylum procedures directive

On 27 September, the EP called for stricter minimum standards in the EU Member States for granting or refusing refugee status. MEPs adopted a report by MEP Wolfgang Kreissl-Dorfler which proposed over a hundred amendments to a Commission draft directive, with the aim of anchoring refugees' rights more firmly and stressing that the directive must respect the Geneva Convention at all stages. The final vote was very tight (305 in favour, 302 against and 33 abstentions). The main point at issue is the concept of ìsuper safe countriesî, by which EU states would be allowed to draw up a list of third countries which are deemed definitely safe so they can deny refugee status to all applicants from these countries. MEPs rejected this provision saying it is unfair to citizens of those countries as it does not require an individual assessment and goes against the Geneva Convention's non-refoulement principle (by which governments may not turn refugees away without hearing their case). For more information: in English // in French - To read the report: in English // in French



      New Roma guide by Children's Society launches to help practitioners across the UK

On 20 September, the Children's Society launched a new report entitled ìThat's who I amî. The report comprises a guide for practitioners such as teachers, the police, health care professionals and social workers, and a video filmed by young Roma, which shows first hand what life is like for them and their hopes and fears. Read more


      Overcoming Exclusion: The Roma Decade - Part II: "Reflecting on Social Impact: Employment and Gender"

Last month, EUMAP published a first round of papers by independent contributors on the merits and flaws of the Decade for Roma Inclusion so far. It now presents four more articles that assess lessons to learn, opportunities to seize and pitfalls to avoid. The focus is on two particular subjects: employment and gender. Read the articles


      Meeting to focus on concrete follow-up on Decade of Roma Inclusion

Progress achieved since the launch of the Decade of Roma Inclusion seven months ago was the focus of a meeting in Washington, D.C. on 23 September. The meeting brought together government representatives from the eight countries that signed on to the Decade in Sofia, Bulgaria in February 2005 and their international partners. Read more


      Romany as official language in Spain? 

On 27 September, the Catalonian Republican Party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) proposed to the Spanish Parliament to adopt Romany as one of the official language of Spain. Read more


      Roma women suffer double discrimination in Bulgaria

Forced into a subordinate role in their own community, Roma women also have to put up with blatant ethnic discrimination from Bulgarians. Read the article by Boryana Dzhambazova


      Slovak Roma continue to demand asylum in the Czech Republic 

Czech Television has broadcast a report on the increasing number of Roma from Slovakia demanding asylum in the Czech Republic. According to the report, 500 Slovak Roma demanded asylum in the Czech Republic due to their poor economic situation within last three months. Read more




      European Youth in Action for Diversity and Tolerance

Date and venue: 6-9 November 2005, Berlin
This youth conference is part of a general European strategy against racism and discrimination. It is a follow-up of a European youth conference for tolerance and democracy held in 2001 and has as objectives: to evaluate the progress since 2001; to facilitate the exchange of information on good practices; to support the creation of an active network in Europe: to develop a final political declaration for policy-makers; to plan activities and actions. Throughout the conference, a project market will offer the opportunity to gather information, exchange experiences, discuss and network.
For more information, participation criteria and application form, contact the national agency for the European Youth Programme in your country. Addresses or write to IJAB/JFE, Bettina Wissing, wissing@ijab.de

Application deadline: 30 September 2005




      Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Access to Education and Employment in Romania

EUMAP and the Mental Health Initiative of the Open Society Institute presented the first of a series of fourteen country reports on the rights of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe. The report reveals how people with intellectual disabilities in Romania face limited education and employment opportunities. Read more and download the report


      CEPS: The EU's Fight against International Terrorism Security Problems, Insecure Solutions

Investigations into the London attacks of 7/7 have yet to clarify the intricate storyline of the bombings. Yet the EU has already proposed specific measures to fight against international terrorism through policies that, unfortunately, compound the difficulty of addressing the challenge. This CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) Policy Brief critically examines these measures following the EU Councilís 13 July Declaration on the EU Response to the London Bombings. It argues that if the freedom and justice dimensions are not set at the centre of EU policies developing an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, human rights and civil liberties may be endangered and finally lost to the exceptional security demands. Read more (English only)




      Promotion of Active European Citizenship - Support to NGOs, associations and federations of European interest

This call for proposals supports initiatives by NGOs and associations and federations of European interest participating in European dialogue, where these initiatives focus on specific themes of the programme to promote active European citizenship. Among the activities eligible for funding are ìencouraging the implementation of European projects favouring specifically pluralism, tolerance, respect for diversity, non-discrimination and solidarity, especially towards disadvantaged groups (such as the disabled, the elderly, young people in difficulty), in the context of European integration.î Deadline for applications: 30 November 2005. Read more




      PICUM is recruiting a Director

PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants) is looking for a full time director to head its office in Brussels, preferably to start by 15 December. The main task of the director is to maintain and develop PICUM's role as a leading organisation regarding the protection of human rights of undocumented migrants in Europe, based on PICUM's mission statement. More details

If interested, send a cover letter and CV in English by 23 October 2005 to: administration@picum.org.