Issue 96, 31 July 2006





  1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention
  2. International Platform (IPMWC)
  3. European Platform (EPMWR)
  4. UN News
  5. Regional News
  6. December 18
  7. Latest Articles, Publications, Press-releases and Statements






1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention


The fifth session of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (UN CMW) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 30 October to 3 November 2006. The Committee will examine the report of Mexico, on the basis of the list of issues it has prepared following its last session in April 2006. The list of issues can be found on this page (Spanish only) and the initial report from Mexico here. The Committee members prepared the list of issues after receiving information from the ILO, IOM, UNHCR, the Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos de México and NGOs such as the Foro Migraciones (Mexico), the National Employment Law Project (USA) and the International Catholic Migration Commission (Switzerland). To view their contributions to the Committee, click here.


The Committee will also start the examination of the initial report of Egypt, available on this page. At the next session, the Committee will prepare the list of issues.


It is also expected that the Committee will discuss the outcome document of the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, as well as the Treaty Body reform.


Organisations that wish to submit information on Mexico and/or Egypt to the UN CMW can do so by contacting the CMW Secretariat at CMW@ohchr.org. It is important to note that, at its last session in April 2006, the Committee adopted a new rule of procedure for the participation of non-governmental organisations: it decided to allow for a 1-hour exchange with NGOs during the plenary session, before the examination of the state’s report, in order to get updated information by NGOs. This was not the case so far as NGOs were only heard during the preparation of the list-of-issues. Practically, this means that NGOs can continue to submit written information regarding a State Party at any time of the report-examination process, and can now participate in the formal session of the Committee and give an oral presentation for both the elaboration of the list of issues and the examination of the report.





2. International Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC)


As usual, the IPMWC will hold a meeting at the time of the next CMW session. This meeting is scheduled for Monday 30 October 2006. The exact time and venue will be communicated later. The IPMWC members and other regular affiliate organisations are expected to attend. Any organisation willing to participate in this meeting is welcome to contact the IPMWC Secretariat at: ipmwc@december18.net. This meeting will help prepare for the NGO input into the next CMW session, about, i.e.: Mexican report, Egyptian report, High-Level Dialogue outcome and Treaty Monitoring Body reform. It will also look at some internal matters.


Information on the IPMWC and minutes of former meetings can be found on December 18 website. Please click here.





3. European Platform on the Migrant Workers’ rights (EPMWR)


December 18 successfully submitted a funding proposal to the Network of European Foundations. The grant under the European Programme for Integration and Migration will allow us to build a more stable platform, including the expansion of the membership and the adoption of a strategic action plan. The Platform will also publish five (pilot) shadow reports on migration and integration, covering the following 5 EU member states: Denmark, Estonia, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom.


For more information on the EPMWR contact rene@december18.net.





4. UN News


High-Level Dialogue

The High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (HLD) will take place on 14 and 15 September 2006 in New York at UN Headquarters. In preparation of this event, the UN Secretary-General published his Report on International Migration and Development (A/60/871). Detailed information about the High-Level Dialogue can be found on the following UN site and on the December 18 website.


The event will consist of four interactive round tables:


Round table 1: Effects of international migration on economic and social development.

Round table 2: Measures to ensure respect for and protection of the human rights of all migrants, and to prevent and combat smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons.

Round table 3: Multidimensional aspects of international migration and development, including remittances.

Round table 4: Promoting the building of partnerships and capacity building and the sharing of best practices at all levels, including the bilateral and regional levels, for the benefit of countries and migrants alike.


An informal hearing with representatives of non-governmental organizations, civil-society organizations and the private sector took place on 12 July 2006 at the United Nations in New York. December 18 was one of the organizations that were selected to participate in this meeting. Our contribution can be found here. For statements submitted by other organizations click here.


“Ensuring that every migrant around the world is afforded basic human rights regardless of status” is the overarching message that dozens of NGOs and trade unions wanted the UN and its member states to take away from these hearings.

Treaty Event 2006

Consistent with the UN’s objective of consolidating and advancing the international rule of law, and consistent with the High-Level Dialogue on international migration and related issues, the theme for the 2006 Treaty Event will be "Crossing Borders". For the list of Treaties covered, click here. This is an excellent opportunity to lobby governments to sign the Migrant Workers Convention, especially since the event will take place parallel to the HLD meeting in New York.


Human Rights Council

The new Human Rights Council held its first session from 19 to 30 June in Geneva, Switzerland. Of its 45 members, 17 have either ratified or signed the UN Migrant Workers Convention. See the full list of members. The Mexican Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Mr. Luis Alfonso de Alba, was elected President of the Council.


During its first session, the Council focused on 5 urgent matters, among which was the topic of migration and development. On 30 June, the new Human Rights Council adopted several resolutions on these urgent matters, but none on the migration/development nexus. However, the attention given by the Council and by other UN Member States to the issue indicates that it interests many states and is currently central to the UN’s work.


See December 18 page on the Human Rights Council.


Treaty Body Reform

In his report “In Larger Freedom”, from March 2005, the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Anan, called for the harmonization of the UN Treaty Body system. The reform process really started last year when the High Commissioner on Human Rights presented the project for a unified treaty body in her statement to the 4th Inter-Committee meeting. A consultation process was then initiated between the OHCHR, Governments and NGOs. The basis for the discussions will now follow the High Commissioner’s concept paper on the unified Treaty Body she has just finalised.


See the OHCHR page on the Treaty Body reform.





5. Regional News



The European Commission launched a package of measures to “reinforce solidarity between Member States and the fight against illegal immigration”. The package adopted on 19 July comprises of a Communication on the policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals, a proposal for a Regulation establishing a Community Code on visas for short-stays and a proposal for a Regulation on the powers and the financing of rapid reaction teams of border guards from Member States who are seconded to another Member State in order to provide technical and operational assistance.


The European ¨Parliament adopted a resolution on strategies and means for the integration of immigrants in the European Union.


A report by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) has found that in 2005 racism was on the increase and that more extreme forms of racism are coming to the fore. The report Racism in Europe draws on 20 national shadow reports prepared by ENAR members across the European Union. The reports present an overview of recent political and legislative developments as well as of manifestations of racism in employment, housing, education health, policing, racist violence, access to goods and services, and the media.



The Euro-African Ministerial Conference on Migration and Development in the Moroccan capital of Rabat aimed to launch a renewed cooperation between Africa and Europe. The Rabat Declaration, Euro-African Partnership for migration and development, and an Action Plan were adopted.


Prior to the official Conference, civil society organizations organized their own gathering and adopted the following declaration (in French only).



The Organization of American States (OAS) is drafting the future Inter-American Convention against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance. A preliminary draft can be found here.




6. December 18


Radio Project


Our Radio 18-12 project to celebrate the International Migrant’s Day on 18 December 2006 is developing! It will be the first-ever global one-day radio marathon connecting migrant communities worldwide to highlight their concerns and celebrate their achievements. Kicking off with broadcasts in Australia, programming on the issue will move across time zones to reach the west coast of the Americas. It intends to involve migrant communities; migrants’ rights defenders; local, national and international radios and broadcasters around the world.


If you are interested, please contact radio-info@december18.net. For more information, please see www.radio18-12.net



II World Social Migrations Forum – Madrid – 22-24 June 2006


The Second World Social Forum on Migrations took place in Rivas Vaciamadrid, Spain, from 22 to 24 June 2006. The WSFM was an opportunity for democratic debate of ideas, reflection and launching of proposals. It also constituted an opportunity to exchange experiences and establish social movements, networks, NGOs and other civil society organizations opposed to neo-liberal globalization. To go to the official website of the Forum, click here.


Among the various activities that were organised, a seminar on the UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families took place on Thursday 22 June. The following organisations gave presentations about their experiences with this Convention: Amnesty International, Asociación Española para el Desarrollo y la Aplicación del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, December 18, Unión Sindical Obrera and Xarxa 18 de desembre-Catalunya. They presented complementary arguments for the universal ratification of the Convention, in particular by receiving States. To see these presentations, go to this page.


The final Declaration of the II WSFM does demand States to ratify the Convention (in Spanish only).





7. Latest Articles, Publications, Press Releases and Statements


A grasp from the latest articles, press releases, newsletters and statements…


Swept under the rug: abuses against domestic workers around the world. (27/07/2006)
The report synthesizes Human Rights Watch research since 2001 on abuses against women and child domestic workers originating from or working in El Salvador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Morocco, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Togo, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States.


Protecting undocumented workers in Europe: successes and strategies (26/07/2006) (PDF)
This report is an overview of the contributions made by keynote speakers in the plenary sessions and workshops of the conference on the protection of undocumented migrant workers held by the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), with the support of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) on 23 March 2006 in Brussels, Belgium.


EU package of measures on the fight against illegal immigration. (19/07/2006)
The package includes a Communication on the policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals, a proposal for a Regulation establishing a Community Code on visas for short-stays and a proposal for a Regulation on the powers and the financing of rapid reaction teams of border guards from Member States who are seconded to another Member State in order to provide technical and operational assistance.


The Euro-African migration conference: Africa sells out to Europe. (14/07/2006)
The Rabat gathering’s "plan of action" to control migration flows from south to north is based on a faulty diagnosis and will not succeed even in its own terms, writes the author.


NGO responses to the UN Secretary-General's Report on International Migration and Development. (12/07/2006) (PDF)
NGLS has now released a compilation document, based on the constructive feedback that was received, in the hopes that it will provide an overview that reflects the overall thrust of the commentaries and that it will also support a constructive exchange.


The Bounderies of Belonging: Reflections on Migration Policies into the 21st Century. (15/06/2006) (PDF)
Because of the who and the how, migration policy is a justice issue. Indeed, it is one of the most pressing justice issues of our time, and requires the consolidated and coordinated attention of all of us concerned with issues of human rights and social justice. It cannot be ignored.


More articles can be found in our content database that is updated on a daily basis. To add your articles, papers and press releases on the human rights of migrants please forward the text and/or URL to info@december18.net


To access the archives, click on the links below:


English:                        http://www.december18.net/web/papers/search.php?menuID=46&lang=EN

Spanish:          http://www.december18.net/web/papers/search.php?menuID=46&lang=ES

French:            http://www.december18.net/web/papers/search.php?menuID=46&lang=FR

Italian:              http://www.december18.net/web/papers/search.php?menuID=46&lang=IT




Published by December 18 vzw


Editors: Marie d’Auchamp and René Plaetevoet


Contact: info@december18.net


The Spanish, Italian, and French versions are available upon request.


Spanish version translated by Elisa Starkof, December 18, Argentina

French version translated by Catherine Thomas, December 18, France

Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani, December 18, Italy