Issue 94, 08 March 2006





  1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention
  2. International Platform (IPMWC)
  3. Latest Articles, Press-releases and Statements
  4. Events




1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention


The fourth session of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (UN CMW) will be held from 24 to 28 April 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland. The first meeting of the session will be convened on Monday, 24 April at 10 a.m.


The meeting will examine the initial report submitted by Mali under Article 73 of the Convention on 25 April 2006. It will also prepare for the examination of the initial report submitted by Mexico and adopt the list of issues for the government of Mexico. There will be a meeting with IGOs and NGOs to hear their input on Mexico in the morning of 26 April. The examination of Mexico's report is likely to take place at the Committee's fifth session, in October-November 2006.


The report of Mali and the list of issues can be found by clicking here (in English, French and Spanish).

The report of Mexico can be found by clicking here (in English, French and Spanish).

The Foro Migraciones – a network of Mexican NGOs working on the issue of migration- has prepared a shadow report, currently available in Spanish and in French. An English version should be ready soon.


Besides the consideration of reports, the Committee will also adopt its written contribution to the General Assembly’s High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development to be held on 14-15 September 2006 and deal with administrative matters, such as the solemn declaration by the newly elected members of the Committee; the election of the officers -Chairperson, three Vice-Chairpersons and a Rapporteur- for a term of two years; and the adoption of the annual report to the General Assembly.


The provisional agenda can be found here.


Non-governmental organisations are encouraged to attend and provide written contributions on Mexico to the CMW Secretariat at CMW@ohchr.org


Information about the Committee and their working procedure and about NGO access can be obtained from the CMW website.








2. International Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC)


The IPMWC will hold a meeting on Monday 24 April 2006 in Geneva in preparation of the NGO input to the MWC concerning notably the report of Mexico. The IPMWC would encourage any organisation with an in-depth knowledge about migrants’ rights in Mexico or the situation of Mexican nationals abroad that could be interested to make a contribution to the Committee and to participate at the April session to contact the IPMWC at isabelle@december18.net.


For information and the agenda, please write to: isabelle@december18.net.


Information on the IPMWC can be found on December 18 website, please click here




3. Latest Articles, Press Releases and Statements.


A grasp from the latest articles, press releases, newsletters and statements…


·       More, but not always better jobs for women in Latin America

English: http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-928402-4

08/03/2006 - With 33 million women joining the labour market between 1990 and 2004, women now represent 40 per cent of the economically active population in urban areas in Latin America. A recent detailed ILO study.


·       Continue the militant struggle for women’s emancipation!

English: http://www.december18.net/web/papers/view.php?paperID=3586&menuID=41&lang=EN

08/03/2006 – The National Alliance of Philippines Women in Canada pays tribute to the women who participated in the revolutionary struggle against Spanish colonialism and to those who continue today the unfinished revolution against US imperialism and local reaction in the Philippines.


·       Immigrant women suffer in silence

English http://www.indypressny.org/article.php3?ArticleID=2515

08/03/2006 - Family abuse is a big social issue among immigrant families and it can have very serious consequences.


·       Immigration illégale:mesures récentes et futures


07/03/2006 – Audition au Sénat Français de Franco FRATTINI, Commissaire européen responsable de la Justice, Liberté et Sécurité.


·       Informe alternativo México sobre la Convención de Trabajadores Migratorios (PDF)

07/03/2006 - Informe alternativo elaborado por el Foro Migraciones de México sobre la implementación en México de la Convención de Trabajadores Migratorios de Naciones Unidas.


·       EU-Morocco: Migrants, Refugees, Human rights defenders, Truth commission (PDF)
English: http://www.amnesty-eu.org/static/documents/2006/b533_EU_Morocco_letter_to_Solana.pdf

06/03/2006 - Open letter by Amnesty International to Mr Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union in light of his upcoming meeting with Moroccan Prime Minister Driss Jettou.


·       Une circulaire monstrueuse sur les interpellations d'étrangers
Français - http://contreimmigrationjetable.org/article.php3?id_article=124

02/03/2006 - Circulaire NOR :JUSD0630020C & CRIM.06.5/EI-21.02.2006 du Ministre de la justice et du Ministre de l’intérieur, datée du 21 février 2006, relative aux "conditions de l’interpellation d’un étranger en France.


·       Programme de "contrôle de l'immigration clandestine à l'origine" avec financement européen et collaboration marocaine.
Français: http://www.avmaroc.com/actualite/programme-contr-244-a18686.html


02/03/2006 - L'Union Européenne lancera un programme de lutte contre l'immigration clandestine à l'origine, dont la mise en oeuvre à été confiée à l'Espagne, en collaboration avec des pays émetteurs et de transit.


·       Andalucía Acoge y Derechos Humanos instan al gobierno a reconocer el derecho al voto a los inmigrantes.
Español : http://www.apdha.org/

23/02/2006 - Andalucía Acoge y la Asociación Pro-Derechos Humanos de Andalucía (Apdha) destacan nuevamente la necesidad de que los inmigrantes tengan derecho a ejercer el voto como camino para la plena integración.


·       Invisibili. I diritti umani dei minori migranti e richiedenti asilo detenuti all’arrivo alla frontiera marittima italiana (PDF)
Italiano : http://www.amnesty.it/campagne/invisibili/ricerca_invisibili.pdf

23/02/2006 - Ogni anno centinaia di minori arrivano in Italia attraversando il Mediterraneo su piccole barche insicure, insieme a più ampi gruppi di adulti, in fuga dalla violenza e dalla povertà.


·       Migranti, persone (PDF)

Italiano : http://www.lunaria.org/mat/Migranti persone.pdf

12/02/2006 - La pubblicazione a cura dell'associazione Lunaria è frutto di un lavoro collettivo di persone e associazioni che si battono da anni per la garanzia dei diritti di cittadinanza per tutti.



More articles can be found in our content database that is updated on a daily basis. To add your articles, papers and press releases on the human rights of migrants please forward the text and/or URL to info@december18.net


To access the archives, click on the links below:


English: http://www.december18.net/web/papers/start.php?menuID=41&lang=EN

Spanish: http://www.december18.net/web/papers/start.php?menuID=41&lang=ES

French: http://www.december18.net/f-papers.htm

Italian: http://www.december18.net/web/papers/start.php?menuID=41&lang=IT





4. Events


A selection from our international calendar. If you wish to add your activity, please send detailed information to info@december18.net.


·       Woman, Migration and Human Rights”, organized by The Refugee, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration Center in the framework of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Network, 07/03 - 09/03/06, Amman - Jordan.


·       Twenty-Ninth Annual National Legal Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policy”, conference organized by the Center for Migration Studies of New York, 13/03-14/03/2006, New York – USA.

·       “Fighting everyday racism”, events organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 15/03 - 20/03/06, Geneva – Switzerland.

·       Migrations, droits humains et développement”, seminar organized by Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales de l’Université Mohamed 1er d’Oujda, Cellule d'Etudes des relations Internationales du Maroc (CERIM), The Refugee Studies Center at the University of Oxford, The British Council Higher Education Link Scheme and Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales de Marrakech, 16/03-17/03/2006,Oujda – Morocco.

·       23ème Festival des migrations, des cultures et de la citoyenneté”, organized by Comité de Liaison et d'Action des Etrangers, 17/03/2006, Luxembourg.


·       Speak out ! Against racism. European-wide Action Week Against Racism”, 18/03-26/03/06.


·       Population and Development in Asia: Critical Issues for a Sustainable Future”, organized by Asian Meta Center for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis, 20/03 - 22/03/06
Phuket – Thailand.


·      “Protecting Undocumented Workers in Europe: Successes and Strategies”, ETUC and PICUM event, 23/03/2006, Brussels- Belgium.


·       “II World Social Forum on Migrations”, organized by CEAR, SPM and Grito de los Excluidos, 22-24/06/2006, Madrid - Spain.


To access the calendar, click on the link below:






Published by December 18 vzw

Editors: Isabelle Slinckx and René Plaetevoet


Contact: info@december18.net


The Spanish, Italian, and French versions are available upon request.


Spanish version translated by Elisa Starkof, December 18, Argentina

French version translated by Catherine Thomas, December 18, France

Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani, December 18, Italy