Issue 97, November 2006





  1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention
  2. International Platform (IPMWC)
  3. European Platform (EPMWR)
  4. UN News
  5. Radio 18-12 has started!
  6. About December 18
  7. International Migrant’s Day 2006




1. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention


The fifth session of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (UN CMW) took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 30 October to 3 November 2006. The Committee welcomed the Mexican delegation with which it had a constructive dialogue about the report of Mexico on the implementation of the Migrant Workers’ Convention. In a one-hour exchange with NGOs during the plenary session, the Committee received additional information from the Foro Migraciones, a Mexican civil society network working on migration issues. This information had been prepared on the basis of the alternative report the Foro submitted in April 2006 (see a summary in English), the list of issues the Committee adopted in April 2006, and the written replies from the Mexican Government. These documents can be found on the CMW page. After the interactive dialogue, the Committee adopted concluding observations about the implementation of the Convention by the Mexican Government.


The Committee also started the examination of the initial report of Egypt and adopted a list of issues the Government will have to reply to. To access the list of issues, go here. During a morning session of the Committee, the International Catholic Migration Commission, as well as the ILO and the IOM, gave a presentation on some issues of concern about migrants’ rights in Egypt. See ICMC’s oral presentation here.


The Committee received the initial report of Ecuador recently (in Spanish only). The examination of this report will start in April 2007. NGOs that have information for the Committee about the situation of migrant workers in Egypt and/or Ecuador should contact the Secretariat of the Committee: CMW@ohchr.org. To have more information on the work of the Committee or to get technical support, NGOs can also contact the coordinator of the International NGO Platform on the Migrant Workers Convention (IPMWC) at ipmwc@december18.net.


During its fifth session, the Committee decided to organise a second Day of General Discussion at its seventh session in November 2007. As it has not yet decided on the theme of that discussion, the Committee welcomes suggestions from NGOs. The Committee also discussed the outcome document of the High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, as well as the Treaty Body reform process.







2. International Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC)


The IPMWC held its seventh meeting in preparation of the CMW session, on Monday 30 October 2006. You can consult the minutes of this meeting. The Platform also held a strategy meeting on Tuesday 31 October to discuss its future work.


Information on the IPMWC and minutes of former meetings can be found on December 18 website (click here) or by contacting the IPMWC coordinator at ipmwc@december18.net. .





3. European Platform on Migrant Workers’ Rights (EPMWR)


The European Platform is currently carrying out a mapping exercise on actions and positions taken on the UN Migrant Workers Convention across the EU Member States.


For more information on the EPMWR please write to epmwr@december18.net




4. UN News


Follow up to the High Level Dialogue

The High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (HLD) took place on 14 and 15 September 2006 in New York at UN Headquarters. The outcome of this Dialogue was a Chairman’s summary. This document does mention the human rights of migrant workers, but does not call for the ratification of the Migrant Workers’ Convention. However, during the informal interactive hearings that took place in July 2006, NGOs did emphasize the central place human rights should take in these discussions. See the summary of the hearings and the various NGO presentations.


A parallel NGO event to the HLD was organised in New York by the Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA), Migrants Rights International (MRI) and the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR).


See also the December 18 page on the High Level Dialogue.


At the HLD meeting in New York, Belgium proposed to hold the first annual Forum on International Migration and Development. This follow up meeting to the HLD is scheduled to take place in Brussels on 10-11 July 2007. A civil society event will take place the day before the official Forum.


Global Migration Group

The Geneva Migration Group (GMG) has been renamed Global Migration Group. The GMG is an inter-agency group bringing together heads of agencies which seeks to promote the wider application of all relevant international and regional instruments and norms relating to migration, and to encourage the adoption of more coherent, comprehensive and better coordinated approaches to the issue of international migration. It now includes the UNDESA, UNDP, UNFPA and the World Bank. To see a description of each agency’s mandate within the GMG and the GMG’s terms of reference, click here.


Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council will hold its third session from 27 November to 8 December 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland. The following session will take place from 12 March to 6 April 2007. It is hoped for that at this session, the Human Rights Council will adopt a resolution on migration. See the main webpage of the Council.


See also the December 18 page on the Human Rights Council.


The Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants

The Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Prof. Jorge Bustamante from Mexico, was appointed to this mandate in August 2005. He replaces Ms. Gabriela Rodriguez Pizarro, from Costa Rica, who held this mandate for six years before that. In his report to the UN General Assembly, he presented his intentions for the three years of his mandate.


The Special Rapporteur has requested the invitation from several states to visit their countries in 2007. For the time being the following country visits are planned:

-        From 4 to 12 December 2006: visit to South Korea

-        From 12 to 21 December 2006: visit to Indonesia


NGOs that would like to meet with the Special Rapporteur during his visits, or find out more about them or any other aspects of the mandate, should contact Ms. Sepideh Mohadjer at smohadjer@ohchr.org. For more information on previous country visits undertaken by the Special Rapporteur, visit this page.




5. Radio 18-12 has started!


The Radio 18-12 website is now online: www.radio1812.net. Visit it and listen to radio files, make comments, react to blogs and create your own content!


Migrant groups: Make sure you are part of this unique radio show: we need you on board to make migrants' voices heard! See the action list to find out how you can get involved. And fill in this form if you intend to organise an event on 18 December 2006. Your contact person is: Marie d’Auchamp, at marie@december18.net.


For general information or if you want to suggest radio stations that we should get in touch with, please contact radio-info@december18.net


If you want to stay up to date on the latest developments regarding this global radio marathon, you should subscribe to our special mailing list here.




6. About December 18


December 18 has a new office in Belgium. Contact details are as follows:


December 18 vzw

Rue Gaucheret 164

1030 Brussels


Tel: +32-2-2741435

Fax: +32-2-2741438






7. International Migrant’s Day 2006


Please send us your information on the activities you are planning for this year’s celebration of International Migrant’s Day. They will be included in our international calendar.


As usual, we will also publish your IMD press releases and statements on our web site. So please send them to us by writing to rene@december18.net

To access the calendar, click on the link below:






Published by December 18 vzw

Editors: Marie d’Auchamp and René Plaetevoet


Contact: info@december18.net


The Spanish, Italian, and French versions are available upon request.


Spanish version translated by Paula Canavesi

French version translated by Catherine Thomas

Italian version translated by Eny Giambastiani