Recommendation 1768 (2006)1
image of asylum seekers, migrants and refugees in the
1. European history is strongly characterised
by both emigration and immigration within and outside Europe.
According to the International Organization for Migration,
there are approximately 33 million migrants in Europe. This
figure will continue to rise as Europe remains a destination
of choice for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees;
furthermore, Europe will need greater numbers of migrants to
fill empty jobs and counterbalance declining fertility
2. Many of these migrants, asylum seekers and
refugees, from within and outside of Europe, will remain in
Europe, thus contributing to cultural diversity whilst also
making an important economic contribution to European society.
3. Their integration poses a challenge, both
for the individuals concerned and for society as a whole. One
of the obstacles to this integration is the hostility and
xenophobia prevalent in certain parts of society, arising from
fears fed by populist beliefs that Europe is being overwhelmed
by migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Other common fears
are that they take jobs away from nationals, contribute to
rising criminality and pose a terrorist threat. Another
obstacle to integration is the lack of information on the
integration process for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees,
as well as a misreading or misunderstanding of the process and
what it entails.
4. The Parliamentary Assembly recognises the
essential role of freedom of expression in a democratic
society and reaffirms its profound commitment to this right
outlined in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human
Rights (ETS No. 5). In its
Resolution 1510 (2006) on freedom of expression and
respect for religious beliefs, the Assembly confirmed that
ćfreedom of expression should not be further restricted to
meet increasing sensitivities of certain religious
5. The media plays an essential role in
ensuring that issues linked to migration, refugees and asylum
are portrayed in a fair and balanced way. It is therefore the
mediaās responsibility to also reflect the positive
contribution to society made by these persons, and to protect
them from negative stereotyping. It is also important that
media professionals among the migrants and asylum seekers
represent their communities in the media, and that their
views, and issues of interest to them and concerning them, be
reflected in the media.
6. The Assembly has already expressed concern
about the portrayal of migrants and ethnic minorities in the
media in its
Recommendation 1277 (1995) on migrants, ethnic minorities
and media. Since this recommendation was adopted, the Council
of Europe has taken major steps to tackle issues of racism and
intolerance, including in the media. Noteworthy in this
respect has been the ongoing work of the European Commission
against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) and the adoption of two
important recommendations of the Committee of Ministers,
namely Recommendation No. R (97) 20 on ćhate speechä and
Recommendation No. R (97) 21 on the media and the
promotion of a culture of tolerance.
7. The Assembly considers that the fight
against racism, discrimination and every form of intolerance
requires the constant vigilance of the Council of Europe and
that the media, supported by member states, plays an essential
role in this fight.
8. The Assembly therefore recommends that the
Committee of Ministers:
8.1. invite the Steering Committee on the
Media and New Communication Services (CDMC) to examine and
make recommendations on the operation and functioning of
media complaints procedures and media complaints bodies
established in member states, taking into account any
difficulties faced by individuals and groups affected by
statements in the media to obtain redress through these
8.2. provide full support and adequate
resources for ECRI to carry out its important monitoring
work on racism and intolerance, and invites it to:
8.2.1. pay particular attention to the
legislation and policy in member states impacting on
racism and intolerance in the media;
8.2.2. carry out a media watch study,
reporting on xenophobia, racism and intolerance in the
8.2.3. prepare a report on the
effectiveness of legislation prohibiting incitement to
8.3. promote, through the Eurimages Fund
and the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production
(ETS No. 147), the production of films dealing with issues
relevant to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and
produced by persons coming from these groups;
8.4. invite the member states of the
Council of Europe to:
8.4.1. ensure the protection of freedom
of expression in conformity with Article 10 of the
European Convention on Human Rights;
8.4.2. adopt and implement legislation
prohibiting incitement to hatred, violence or
discrimination where this is lacking, and enforce such
legislation where it exists;
8.4.3. adopt and implement penal
legislation against, inter alia, the public
dissemination or public distribution, or the production or
storage of material with a racist content or purpose, and
also to adopt and implement legislation penalising leaders
of groups promoting racism, and suppress public financing
of organisations carrying out or supporting such
8.4.4. ensure that legislation is adopted
and implemented in member states to prevent excessive
media concentrations, which pose a threat to quality,
pluralism and diversity in the media;
8.4.5. sign and ratify, where this has
not already been done, the European Convention on
Transfrontier Television (ETS No. 132);
8.4.6. sign and ratify, where this has
not already been done, the Convention on Cybercrime (ETS
No. 185) and the Additional Protocol to the Convention on
Cybercrime concerning the criminalisation of acts of a
racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer
systems (ETS No. 189);
8.4.7. urge all democratic political
parties to adopt or reaffirm the Charter of European
Political Parties for a Non-Racist Society;
8.5. invite the media to:
8.5.1. adopt, in so far as they have not
already done so, codes of conduct laying down the ethical
principles that should guide the work of their
8.5.2. supplement media codes of conduct,
by drawing up guidelines to tackle particular challenges
for the media, such as avoiding the stereotyping of
migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, and avoiding
anti-Semitism, anti-Christianism, Islamophobia,
anti-Gypsyism and other forms of intolerance;
8.5.3. negotiate conscience clauses in
contracts for media professionals, allowing reporters and
journalists to refuse to produce reports on materials that
they feel would be in breach of ethical commitments;
8.5.4. establish national complaints
procedures to investigate, inter alia, complaints
about media materials that foster intolerant, racist or
xenophobic attitudes towards migrants, asylum seekers or
refugees, and provide effective remedies where complaints
are upheld;
8.5.5. obtain consent from refugees or
asylum seekers prior to using information or images which
may identify their status as refugees or asylum
8.5.6. refrain from revealing the ethnic
origin or nationality of migrants, asylum seekers or
refugees when arrested or convicted of crimes where such
information is irrelevant;
8.6. invite member states of the Council of
Europe and the media to:
8.6.1. encourage the employment of
migrants and refugees in the media, including through the
provision of specialised training programmes for persons
belonging to these groups;
8.6.2. facilitate, fund and encourage the
training and sensitisation of media professionals to
issues linked with multiculturalism, pluralism and the
importance of tolerance, integration and equality for
8.6.3. provide backing and support,
including financial support, for national and European
competitions and prizes for media professionals who
contribute to the fight against racism and intolerance and
promote a fair and balanced portrayal of migrants, asylum
seekers and refugees in the media;
8.6.4. promote and subsidise the
production and broadcasting of programmes for and by
migrants and refugees, including in their own languages,
as well as promote the visibility of migrants and refugees
in society by their inclusion in mainstream television
programmes and at peak viewing times;
8.6.5. enhance the role of local media as
a means of promoting the integration and acceptance of
migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the communities
in which they live;
8.6.6. encourage youth and media to work
together to promote awareness of the multicultural and
pluralistic dimension of European societies, as well as
the importance of tolerance, integration and equality for
1. Assembly debate on 5
October 2006 (30th Sitting) (see Doc.
11011, report of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and
Population, rapporteur: Mrs de Zulueta). Text adopted by
the Assembly on 5 October 2006 (30th Sitting). |