Issue 101, February 2008





  1. MIGRANT.NEWS Questionnaire
  2. News on the Migrant Workers’ Convention
  3. International Platform (IPMWC)
  4. UN News
  5. Regional News
  6. News from December 18
  7. Latest Articles, Publications and Press Releases
  8. Events





1. MIGRANT.NEWS Questionnaire



Dear readers of MIGRANT.NEWS,


This is the 101st edition of our newsletter. To celebrate the 100th edition, you saw that we re-designed the format and welcomed a special contribution from Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam, Chairman of the UN Committee on Migrant Workers.


Back in 2000, we started with MIGRANT.NEWS, a multilingual electronic newsletter with a focus on the UN Migrant Workers Convention. We also brought you regular updates on what happened within the UN with respect to labour migration issues and provided you with brief overviews on the December 18 website.


A lot happened over these many years and we feel it is time to evaluate our work and see how we could improve our services. For this, we need your input and would therefore very much appreciate it if you could in a short online survey which you can access by clicking here


Your answers will help us assess the relevance and the quality of the information we give you through this newsletter, which we hope to make it an even better tool for YOUR work. We hope that you will enjoy the exercise, and that you will contribute with honest and detailed comments. Your suggestions are also most welcome.





2. News on the Migrant Workers Convention


Committee on Migrant Workers


The eighth session of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (UN CMW) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 14 to 25 April 2008. For the first time, the Committee will meet for two weeks. It will start the examination of reports from El Salvador, Azerbaijan and Colombia, and will adopt lists of issues on these countries. The Committee will also adopt Concluding Observations on Bolivia and Syria. See this page. Please note that the examination of the report from Bosnia & Herzegovina is postponed to the next session of the Committee, in November 2008. In April, the Committee will also hold a Day of Celebration of the Convention on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Migrant Workers’ Convention.


If you would like to submit information to the Committee on Migrant Workers on the following countries, Syria, Bolivia, El Salvador, Azerbaijan and Colombia, please contact the Secretariat of the Committee, Ms. Carla Edelenbos, at You can also consult the Web page of the International NGO Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention to find more information on the way to submit information to the CMW.




3. International Platform on the Migrant Workers Convention (IPMWC)


The IPMWC will meet in April 2008 to adopt new Statutes under Swiss law, and prepare for the next session of the CMW. Recently, the Guide for non governmental organisations on the implementation of the UN Migrant Workers' Convention has been updated. It is available in English, French and Spanish on this page.


Information on the IPMWC and minutes of former meetings can be found on December 18 website (click here). If you are interested in the work of the IPMWC or want to join its 17 members, or if you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the IPMWC coordinator at




4. UN News


Human Rights Council


The Human Rights Council will hold its 7th session from 3 to 28 March 2008 in Geneva. Meetings in the regular schedule will take place from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00 every weekday, at the Palais de Nations, Room XVII. NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC can submit written statements, accredit representatives to attend the Council sessions and organise parallel event.


On Friday 7 March, in the morning session, there will be an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Prof. Bustamante. Accredited NGO representatives have an opportunity to ask questions or provide information to the Special Rapporteur by registering on the list of speakers.


Other Treaty Monitoring Bodies


The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has met for the first time in 25 years in Geneva. Before, it was based and was meeting in New York. From now on, it will meet in Geneva and be fully served by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. To read more, see this page.


The Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants


The Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Prof. Jorge Bustamante, will undertake two country visits in March: from 9 to 15 in Mexico and from 24 to 28 in Guatemala. In addition, he will present his (annual) report to the Human Rights Council on 7 March in Geneva. An interactive dialogue will follow his presentation.






5. Regional news




6. News from December 18



In 2007 our years of working at the international level gained additional recognition because December 18 is now an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.


Radio 1812/2007

Launched in 2006, Radio 1812 is a global one-day radio show connecting migrant communities worldwide, to highlight their concerns and celebrate their achievements. It aims to bring together radios from around the world over one day to produce, broadcast and share at least one programme on migration to celebrate International Migrants Day.


With over 150 radio stations from 34 countries, and 1800 visitors to the site on the day, the 2007 edition of this global event was clearly a success. Participation more than doubled with content produced and/or broadcast from Australia to Peru, and this in more than 15 languages. For this edition, special contributions were made by Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights and by Jean Lambert, Member of the European Parliament.


December 18 produced a special set of thematic briefings, dealing with such issues as gender and migration, migration and the MDGs, remittances, and undocumented migrants. They are available on the Radio 1812 website:


To further facilitate, sustain and expand the participation of radios in the marathon as well as to encourage collaboration between them, a first regional workshop was organised on 5th December 2007 in Brussels, bringing together 16 journalists from Belgium, Italy, France, Spain and the Netherlands.



7. Latest Articles, Publications and Press Releases


A grasp from the latest articles, publications, press releases, newsletters and statements…



More articles can be found in our content database that is updated on a daily basis. To add your articles, papers and press releases on the human rights of migrants please forward the text and/or URL to


To access the archives, click on the languages below:









8. Upcoming Events


A selection from our international calendar. If you wish to add your activity, please send detailed information to



To access the calendar, click here




Published by December 18 vzw


Editors: Marie d’Auchamp and René Plaetevoet




The Spanish, Italian, and French versions are available upon request.



Contacting December 18


Main Office                                           Geneva Liaison Office

164 Gaucheretstraat                            Rue de Varembé 1

1030 Brussels                                      PO Box 96

CH-1211 Geneva 20

Belgium                                                Switzerland

Tel: +32-2-2741435                             Tel: +41-22-9191042  

Fax: +32-2-2741438                            Fax: +41-22-9191048

Email:               Email: