SPS and LAW Workshop

Should and Does Race or Ethnic ORIGIN Count in Fighting Discrimination?

11-12 June 2008, European University Institute, Florence

Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia






An interdisciplinary group of researchers from the Social & Political Science and Law Departments of the European University Institute of Florence are studying issues relating to racial discrimination and anti-discrimination policy in countries of immigration. In particular, there is an increasing awareness that nowadays any in-depth analysis in the area involves necessarily the intervention from experts coming from both the legal and political and social sciences arena, as well as from different geographical locations. Therefore, the Anti-Discrimination Discussion Group wishes to organize a workshop, bringing together legal and political/social science experts along with practitioners, dealing with the theoretical and pragmatic implications of racial discrimination and anti-discrimination policy.


The workshop is entitled Should and does race or ethnic origin count in fighting discrimination ? The basic questions which are being asked are (i) whether constructed categories such as race and ethnic origin should matter when tackling discrimination; (ii) at which level a race/colour conscious policy should intervene and which policy instruments might be the most effective for fighting discrimination in countries of immigration; and (iii) how racial/ethnic categories are used in the EU framework and whether the implementation of such framework really work.


These questions correspond in the same order to three panels, which will broadly deal with the theoretical arguments in favour or against the use of race or ethnicity as a normative category (Panel I); with governance issues relating to race/colour-conscious policies in different experiences around the globe and at different levels (Panel II); and with the practical aspects relating to the implementation of anti-discrimination instruments at the level of EU member states (Panel III).



Please register with Ms. Annick Bulckaen at: annick.bulckaen@eui.eu







11 June 2008


9.15  Workshop opening: Bruno DE WITTE (EUI)


9.30 Panel I:  Should Race/Ethnic Origin Matter? Normative Questions and Answers

Chair: Bruno DE WITTE


9.45 Kendall THOMAS (Columbia Law School, NY)

 On a Comparison between the US and EU Approach to Categorization and Discrimination  


10.15 Mathias MSCHEL (EUI)

 The Absence of a Colour-conscious Jurisprudence in Europe


10.45 Coffee break


11.15 Daniel SABBAGH (CERI, Paris)

 Justifying Affirmative Action: The Third Way


11.45 Discussant: Rainer BAUBCK (EUI)


12.00 General debate


12.45 Lunch


14.15 Panel II:  Is Categorisation Effective when Implementing Anti-Discrimination Policy towards Groups at Risk of Discrimination in the EU?

Chair: Rainer BAUBCK


14.15 Costanza HERMANIN (EUI)

 What Europeanization of anti-discrimination policy? The implementation of the Racial Equality Directive in two member states


14.45 Virginie GUIRAUDON (Universit de Lille)

 A French perspective on European monitoring: The controversy over measuring discrimination


15.15 Coffee break


15.45 Emanuela Ignatoiu-Sora (EUI)

 What the anti-discrimination discourse adds to the protection for the Roma people? An analysis of the anti-discrimination tools used for the Roma in Europe


16. 15 Katrin Wladasch  (ZARA, Vienna)

 The implementation of the Racial Equality Directive in Austria


16.45 Discussant: Moritz JESSE (EUI)

17.00 General discussion



20.30 Conference Dinner


12 June 2008

(Morning only)


Panel III:  Race and Policy-Making in Immigration Countries: LEVELS OF INTERVENTION AND DIFFERING EXPERIENCES

Chair: Daniel SABBAGH


9.15 Michele GRIGOLO (EUI)

 Human rights and anti-discrimination policies at the city level: the case of race and ethnicity 


9.45 Mara Beln OLMOS GIUPPONI (EUI – Max Weber Programme)

 World experiences of categorization and anti-discrimination policy: Argentina


10.15 Coffee break


10.45 Julie RINGELHEIM (Universit Catholique de Louvain)

 Ethnic categorization in European human rights law


11.15 John WRENCH (EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna)

 Ethnic statistics and the political desire for comparability in discrimination data


11.45 Discussant: Nadine EL-ENANY (EUI)

12.00 General discussion and conclusions