Country |
Mandate received |
First Round |
Agreement signed |
Entry into force |
Coupled with Visa
Facilitation Agreement |
Hong Kong |
April 2001 |
October 2001 |
27 November 2002 |
1 March 2004 |
No |
Macao |
April 2001 |
October 2001 |
13 October 2003 |
1 June 2004 |
No |
Sri Lanka |
September 2000 |
July 2001 |
4 June 2004 |
1 May 2005 |
No |
Albania |
November 2002 |
May 2003 |
14 April 2005 |
1 May 2006 |
Russia |
September 2000 |
January 2003 |
25 May 2006 |
1 June 2007 |
Ukraine |
June 2002 |
18 November 2002 |
18 June 2007 |
1 January 2008 |
November 2006 |
1 December 2006 |
18 September 2007 |
1 January 2008 |
Yes |
Bosnia&Herzegovina |
November 2006 |
20 December 2006 |
18 September 2007 |
1 January 2008 |
Yes |
Montenegro |
November 2006 |
15 December 2006 |
18 September 2007 |
1 January 2008 |
Yes |
Serbia |
November 2006 |
4 December 2006 |
18 September 2007 |
1 January 2008 |
Yes |
Moldova |
December 2006 |
9 February 2007 |
10 October 2007 |
1 January 2008 |
Yes |
Country |
Mandate received |
First Round |
Last Round |
Current situation/Outlook |
Coupled with Visa
Facilitation Agreement |
Pakistan |
September 2000 |
April 2004 |
Round No. 7 on 17 September 2007 in Brussels |
The Agreement was signed on 26 October 2009 and
the Agreement is now being ratified by both sides. LIBE will vote on the
draft report, which recommends approval of the agreement, on 13 July. Vote in
Plenary foreseen for September. |
No |
Country |
Mandate received |
First Round |
Last Round |
Current situation/Outlook |
Coupled with Visa
Facilitation Agreement |
Georgia |
November 2008 |
2 April 2009 |
3rd formal round on 25 August in Brussels |
The Agreement was initialled on 26 November 2009.
Commission has adopted the draft Council Decisions for signature and
conclusion of the agreement on 5 May 2010. Council now first needs to adopt
the signature decision but that will be delayed due to the UK and IE three
month opt-in delays. This means that signature decision cannot be adopted
before 5 August. In the mean time, a first presentation by Cion of the
Agreement has taken place in the EP/LIBE. |
Yes |
Country |
Mandate received |
First Round |
Last round to date |
Current situation/Outlook |
Coupled with Visa
Facilitation Agreement |
Morocco |
September 2000 |
April 2003 |
15th formal round on 10 May 2010 in
Brussels |
After the January 2009 round followed by MS
consultations in the Council, three major points are still open: (1) time
delays (2) means of evidence for TCN in the Protocol (3) relationship between
the EC agreement and the MS – Morocco bilateral readmission arrangements
in place. On the occasion of an informal meeting between the negotiators held
in July 2009, MOR hinted additionally to some language regarding the
financial assistance which it would like to see introduced in the agreement
(currently in the form of a mere declaration). The abovementioned points set
the perimeter of talks now. Both Parties should now exchange their respective
positions and possible flexibility on the outstanding points. Following that,
the next round of negotiations will be prepared. |
No |
Turkey |
November 2002 |
May 2005 |
7th formal round on 17 May 2010 in
Brussels |
After significant efforts undertaken by the EU
side, the negotiations were formally re-launched on 19 February 2010 at
Director-General's level. After three rounds of negotiations the text was
cleared between the chief negotiators. Subsequent consultations of the MS
within the Council took place in particular in COREPER of 27 May and JHA
Council of 3-4 June. Concerns were raised regarding the border region definition
and the so called "best efforts" clause. The Commission is working
closely with the most concerned MS in order to find agreeable solutions to
these issues. Once agreed with the MS and if necessary, the Commission will
contact Turkey in order to finalise the text. |
No |
Cape Verde |
June 2009 |
13 July 2009 |
13 July 2009 |
The first exploratory meeting between the
negotiators took place 13 July 2009. The main preoccupation of CV seems to be
the clause of readmission of third country nationals due to CV's limited
capacity of both reception and effective control of its vast territorial
waters. Technical meeting organised on 4 February 2010 did not bring many
developments. The next round of talks is in preparation. |
Yes |
Country |
Mandate received |
Current situation |
Coupled with Visa
Facilitation Agreement |
China |
November 2002 |
China wants visa facilitation agreement in return
for readmission. A draft Migration Article to be included in the PCA with
China which has been prepared by DG HOME, and which includes both substantial
readmission provisions as well as some conditional visa facilitation
measures, has been transmitted to DG Relex and has subsequently been
presented to Chinese side. Chinese side seemed open to discuss this EU draft –DG
HOME will now have to follow this up with Chinese at technical or formal
level. |
No (but 'Current Situation' explanation to be
noted) |
Algeria |
November 2002 |
Several formal exchanges of views on readmission
took place in context of JLS Sub-Ctte meetings. Algeria flatly refuses to
negotiate EU readmission Agreement if EU does not offer visa facilitation in
parallel. During the last meeting of the Association Council with Algeria
held in June, COM again stressed the crucial importance of readmission talks
for relations between both Parties. Algeria still declines to start
negotiations until the visa facilitation talks are also ongoing. COM intends
to further insist (including on political level) on opening the negotiations. |
No |