ASIM 84 FRONT 108 COMIX 482 |
In order to fulfil the responsibilities of the COSI Committee regarding the implementation of five of the Council Conclusions on 29 measures aimed at strengthening the protection of external borders and combating illegal migration, the Spanish National Police Force (General Commissariat for Aliens and Borders) would like to inform delegations that it is possible to carry out the task with regard to Conclusion 16 concerning “the encouragement of Member States to improve the sharing of information concerning the new modus operandi of networks involved in illegal immigration, trafficking in human beings and falsification of documents, and to improve the use of existing databases, including the False and Authentic Documents Online (FADO), thus promoting early detection of those criminal activities at borders and the exchange of best practices”.
Combating illegal immigration, trafficking in human beings and falsification of documents are important parts of the common immigration policy of the European Union (EU). In November 2001 the Commission adopted a communication on a common policy on illegal immigration; this included an improvement in the exchange of statistics and an intensification of the fight against trafficking in human beings.
As regards the possible lead role in the above-mentioned measure 16, it is necessary to point out that the Spanish National Police Force, represented by the Central Unit against Networks of Illegal Immigration and Falsification of Documents of the Commissariat General of Aliens and Borders, presented in the framework of the EU Working Group of Borders / and Falsification of Documents, held in Brussels on June 2, 2010, a proposal for the exchange of information on the modus operandi of the organized groups involved in the falsification of identity and travel documents. This would resolve the problem posed by the lack of a forum at the European level for the exchange of information on the modus operandi of those criminal organizations.
Therefore, and in view of this initiative of the Spanish National Police, Spain proposes to take the lead role in relation to the above-mentioned measure 16.
The tasks would be as follows:
- To encourage the creation of a Target Group (Working Group) to deal with the modus operandi of criminal organizations involved the falsification of documents, inside the Analysis Work File on Illegal Immigration in EUROPOL, ("AWF CHECKPOINT").
- To encourage information exchange between the Member States via contributions to the above-mentioned Target Group as well as to step up in general contributions of information to the “CHECKPOINT” file on illegal immigration and the “PHOENIX” file on trafficking in persons.
- To enhance the exchange of information on the use of false travel documents in order to ensure the effectiveness of the FADO system.
- To enhance operational coordination through EUROPOL of investigations into illegal immigration, falsification of documents and trafficking of human beings, carried out in any Member State, and that may concern other States, or actions that should be carried out in the territory of another Member state.
- To encourage the exchange of information and the cooperation between the immigration liaison officers seconded to countries which are the origin and transit countries for illegal immigration and the trafficking of human beings.
Spanish contact point:
General Commissariat for Aliens and Borders
Central UCRIF
e-mail: cged.0068@policia.es