Strasburgo 2 agosto 2010

In memoria della vittime Rom dell'Olocausto

Mentre a Strasburgo l'Europa ricorda le vittime dell'olocausto nazista dove il Popolo Rom ha pagato un tributo immane al mostro nazista

in Francia Nicolas Sarkozy

in Italia Silvio Berlusconi

ed il Ministro Razzista Roberto Maroni

i Sindaci Razzisti Gianni Alemanno (Roma), Matteo Renzi (Firenze), Gianni Gianassi (Sesto Fiorentino), Letizia Moratti (Milano)

proseguono nei loro programmi illegali di  Escusione sociale 

della Comunità Rom presente in Italia attraverso pratiche di deportazioni, espulsioni, rimpatri forzati, sgomberi sistematici.

Denunciamo che molte delle risorse impiegate dalla Eu per l'inclusione sociale in Italia dei cittadini Rom non vengono impiegate correttamente e finiscono nelle mani di speculatori, mafie e camorre.

Siamo a denunciare come Razziste le Politiche di Esclusione Sociale 

Chiediamo le immediate dimissione dei “protagonisti” della recente campagna di odio razziale scatenata contro il Popolo Rom e Sinti.

Denunciamo il  Razzismo come reato penale 

da perseguire a norma di legge.

Fuori i Razzisti dalle Istituzioni Repubblicane

Costruiamo legalità ed inclusione sociale per tutti

Solidarietà con il Popolo Rom che in Italia ed in Francia continuano a subire veri e propri Pogrum

Opera Nomadi Toscana

Pharrajimos Remembrance Day in Strasbourg

Roma Holocaust/Pharrajimos Remembrance Day in Strasbourg

Strasbourg, 2 August 2010: 

With a minute of silence being held at noon beside the Holocaust memorial stone in front of the Palais de l’Europe in Strasbourg, the ERTF remembered more than 3,000 Roma exterminated by the German Nazis during the night of 2-3 August 1944 in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

We are present here because the Holocaust has left an indelible mark on our world. We are different as a result of what took place in the death camps. Because of them, we approach life with fewer illusions – with hope, to be sure, but with sobriety, as well. We recall that the fire that consumed so much of civilization in the last century was ignited initially by small and seemingly unimportant racist remarks, hateful expressions and stereotyped prejudices and which finally led to monumental, crimes.” 

said Mr Kawczynski, President of the European Roma and Travellers Forum,in his key address to the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, staff members of the Council of Europe and the citizens of Strasbourg.

With the adoption of the Charter on the Rights of the Roma, ERTF has reinforced its commitments to raise awareness of Pharrajimos, which is less well recognised, and frequently separated from that of the Jewish experience, especially in the teaching of the history of this period. The Holocaust commemoration also has a role in combating anti-Tziganism and other forms of intolerance. The ERTF therefore calls upon those working to promote the rights of all Roma, Travellers and related groups throughout the world to organise their own events every 2nd August to ensure maximum visibility of this horrendous crime.

As we light these candles in remembrance of the events of 2-3 August 1944, let us now observe a minute of silence to reflect on those who perished in the Holocaust and in the hope of a better future for all humanity” stated Mr. Kawczynski in his concluding remarks.