Commission decisions on migration and visa issues

EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström presented today three documents in the field of asylum and migration: a proposal to amend the EU regulation on visas; a Communication on a dialogue for migration, mobility and security with the Southern Mediterranean countries; and the Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum for 2010.
"Some of my most beautiful experiences so far as Commissioner is engaging with those people who do no longer have to queue up in humiliating bureaucracies for a visa, but who can go to Europe and visit friends and relatives without a visa. This is a true achievement by the EU, a significant development and a clear demonstration of what we can achieve through sustained and joint efforts and through cooperation with third countries", said Cecilia Malmström during today's press conference where she explained the content of the proposals.
The Commission's proposal to amend the current visa code by introducing a safeguard clause is to be used only as a last resort, in exceptional and well-defined circumstances in case the visa rules are being abused. Cecilia Malmström stated during the press conference that she hopes this clause will never be used, but also stressed that it is needed in order to ensure the integrity of EU visa policy, and to prepare the ground for further visa free regimes in the future.
Read the press release and the memo on the proposal for amended visa regulations. Read also the memo on the other two migration-related issues decided on by the Commission today – the annual asylum and migration report and the communication on dialogues on migration, mobility and security with the countries of North Africa. You can also watch today's press conference in full.
Read the Commission's proposal for amending the visa regulations, the Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum, and the Communication on Dialogues with the Southern Mediterranean countries in full on the website of the Directorate-General for Home Affairs.
Back from Russia
EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström is back in Brussels after two days in St Petersburg where she went together with the Hungarian EU Presidency to meet with Russia's Ministers for Justice and the Interior. She also participated in the event International Legal Forum together with Russia's President Medvedev.
On the agenda for the ministerial meeting was the fight against human trafficking and other forms of organised crime, problems with narcotics in Afghanistan, judicial cooperation, migration, asylum, and visa issues. Visa cooperation has been on the agenda in EU-Russia discussions for years, and several measures of visa facilitation have been introduced since 2003. After the meeting Cecilia Malmström concluded that there are still remaining issues in order to get full visa liberalisation, and said that EU and Russia are getting closer to a common understanding of the remaining measures needed.
"From the EU side, we are also concerned about the shortages in the Russian justice system. I brought up the issue that journalists and human rights activists have been murdered and that no one has been tried for the murders. I also mentioned the mysterious Magnitsky case and asked the Minister for Justice to make sure they get some clarity on that", said Cecilia Malmström.
On Friday Cecilia Malmström attended the event International Legal Forum, which was organised for the first time and inaugurated by President Medvedev. The event is a forum to discuss important principles of law and better coordination of justice systems internationally. In her speech Cecilia Malmström spoke about corruption. She underlined that corruption exists everywhere – within the EU as well as in Russia, and she welcomed President Medvedev's intervention on the need to improve the Russian investment climate. Read Cecilia Malmström's speech in full.
Meetings in St Petersburg
Today EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström meets with Russia's Minister for Justice at the EU-Russia meeting on justice and home affairs. On the agenda are visa issues, migration, and the fight against corruption, narcotics, and cross-border crime. The meeting between the EU and Russia on this policy area is held twice yearly and is now taking place for the 14th time.
During her visit in St Petersburg Cecilia Malmström is also participating, together with justice and interior ministers from a large number of countries, in a conference on the rule of law and legal governance. Russia's President Medvedev will open the conference. Read more on
Malmström pleads for more solidarity

Tomorrow EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström meets with the EU's Interior Ministers at an extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council to discuss migration issues in light of recent events in North Africa. In addition to the meeting, a ministerial conference will take place. Commissioner Malmström has invited the ministers with the hope of more countries offering to take in the refugees who are stranded in North Africa and those who have come to the smallest EU Member State Malta and are in need of protection.
- Some thousands of people are in desperate need of assistance and international protection, and the EU should do everything in our power to help them. Some of these people have already come to Europe, but most of them are stranded in Egypt or Tunisia without anywhere to go; Somalis, Eritreans, Sudanese, and others who already once fled from conflicts in their own home countries and now once again have had to flee from the war in Libya. In light of the recent reports on the even more difficult situation in Libya, we are facing an emergency. It is time to give proof of European leadership and European solidarity, says Cecilia Malmström.
Many Member States have already said that they will take in refugees from the region. At the same time, the 2010 Malta pilot project of relocation of people, in other Member States, in need of international protection is now being prolonged due to the disproportionately large number of refugees who have come to Malta recently. Cecilia Malmström is hoping for solidarity also in this case, and urges Member States to show generosity towards both the people in need and with Malta, who due to its small size has difficulties dealing with the situation on its own.
Read more on the Communication on migration which Cecilia Malmström presented last week, and which will be the basis for tomorrow's discussions among the ministers. Read more about tomorrow's Council Meeting and read the Commission's Memo outlining the issues on the agenda.
Commission Communication on migration

The Communication on migration adopted by the Commission on the 4 of May includes initiatives for a more structured, comprehensive, rapid-response approach from the EU to the challenges and opportunities of migration, not least in view of the current developments in the Mediterranean.
"It is clear that the EU needs a strong common asylum and migration policy. This has only become more evident in recent months, in view of the historic events taking place in North Africa. It is also clear that the EU would benefit from some targeted labour immigration in order to help address expected labour shortages in many sectors, and to redress the projected decline in Europe's working age population in the coming years. But migration must at the same time be properly managed – this means ensuring effective border control. ", said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner responsible for Home Affairs.
The Communication cover various aspects of migration: including strengthened border control and Schengen governance, completion of the Common European Asylum System, and a more targeted legal migration. Read the communication in full, watch the press conference. For more information also see the speech from the press conference or read more on Cecilia Malmström's blog.
Commission evaluates Data Retention Directive
Today the Commission adopted an evaluation report of the Data Retention Directive. EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström presents the report at a press conference in Brussels at 14.30.
Watch the press conference live, read the press release, read the frequently asked questions and answers, and read the report in full.
Cybercrime and security in Budapest
EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström was in Budapest to speak at the International Conference on Counteraction to Cybercrime.
"Our way of living and our societies are dependent on a well-functioning and open Internet. It is our job to make sure it stays open and safe", said Cecilia Malmström. Read the speech in full.
She also took parti in the EU-US JHA ministerial meeting with the US Attorney General Eric Holder and US State Secretary of Homeland Janet Napolitano. The fight against terrorism, organised crime and cybercrime, exchange of information and migration dialogue were discussed during the meeting. Read more on Cecilia Malmström's blog.
Focussing on criminals' assets
The Commission adopted today a report on the functioning of 'Asset Recovery Offices' set up in Member States to identify illegally acquired assets on their territory and deprive criminals from their criminal profits. The report shows that the offices are important in fighting organised crime, but at the same time more needs to be done to get hold of the substantial amounts that are acquired through illegal activities within the EU.
"As criminal groups operate without borders and increasingly acquire assets in other Member States than their own, we must step up our efforts within the EU to hurt them where it hurts the most, by going after their money", said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström.
The report shows that the offices have an important role, but also that more needs to be done across the EU to acquire and confiscate criminals' assets.
"I intend to take the next step in this important work later this year, by proposing measures to improve the capacity of Member States' authorities to freeze, seize, and re-use illicitly acquired assets and other crime related property", said Cecilia Malmström.
The measures Commissioner Malmström mentions are part of the Internal Security Strategy that was adopted by the Commission last fall. Read more on the Internal Security Strategy, read the press release on today's report, and read the report in full.