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Slovak government wants to go back to toleration of dual citizenship
Thursday, 27 January 2011 14:20

By EUDO CITIZENSHIP expert Dagmar Kusa, 25 January 2011

The voluntary acquisition of another citizenship should no longer result in the loss of the Slovak citizenship -- according to the bill amending the Law on Citizenship that the Slovak government has approved on 25 January 2011 and which will be scheduled for discussion in the National Council of the Slovak Republic in February. The bill seeks to reverse the amendments passed on 26 May 2010 that entered into force on 17 July 2010. This earlier legislation had been proposed by the previous Prime Minister Robert Fico and was a reaction to the simultaneously passed Hungarian Law on Citizenship. In order to enable ethnic Hungarians in neighbouring countries to acquire Hungarian nationality, Hungary has removed the requirement of residence in Hungary as a condition for naturalisation.

Some of the Slovak coalition MPs have, however, indicated reservations and may introduce some further amendments, which are not yet known. It seems that some state employees may lose their positions if they are holders of two citizenships unless they can demonstrate that they have given up or taken steps towards renouncing their second citizenship.  The Ministry of Interior plans to work on a more thorough amendment of the Act on Citizenship reflecting recent changes in legislation and experience from practice, which may take more time to prepare. The Ministry has still recommended that the current bill be passed now.

Read a background report by EurActive