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2013 UNHCR country operations profile - Rwanda

Working environment

The context

Rwanda enjoys a relatively stable political environment, but the country has felt the reverberations of the violence in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Violent clashes fuelled by ethnic tensions and conflicts over land in the DRC's North and South Kivu provinces at the start of 2012 had by September pushed some 20,000 new refugees into Rwanda.

Of the new arrivals, more than 14,000 have been relocated to a newly established camp in Kigeme. Another 6,000 have either returned of their own accord to the DRC or become part of the Rwandan communities along the border, leaving only a few individuals still in the Nkamira transit centre awaiting their transfer to the camp in Kigeme.

In addition to the new arrivals, Rwanda hosts another 43,000 refugees, more than 99 per cent of whom are also from the DRC. The majority of these refugees live in three camps, in Gihembe, Kiziba and Nyabiheke, with a small number residing in the capital, Kigali. This brings the total of refugees and asylum-seekers in Rwanda to more than 57,600. The worsening security situation in the DRC limits these refugees' prospects for return.

On 31 December, 2011, UNHCR issued a memorandum on the implementation of the comprehensive strategy for the Rwandan refugee situation. The key recommendations were that States progressively implement all aspects of cessation of refugee status (including exemption procedures) for Rwandan refugees who had fled Rwanda up to and during the year 1998. The aim is to close the book on the Rwandan refugee situation by June 2013 at the latest.

UNHCR has been assisting the voluntary repatriation of Rwandan refugees, and looking for solutions for those who may not be able to return. For its part, the Government of Rwanda continues advocating for Rwandan refugees in neighbouring countries to return home voluntarily. It is also seeking to implement tripartite agreements with the various countries hosting Rwandan refugees. In 2011, some 7,600 Rwandan refugees, mainly from the DRC, returned home with UNHCR's assistance. In 2012, by end of August more than 8,000 Rwandans had returned.

The needs

Refugee households in Rwanda remain highly dependent on the protection and assistance provided by UNHCR. The lack of land (including for agriculture) and income-generating activities, limits on access to education and low skill levels all hinder self-reliance. Harsh living conditions in the camps are exacerbated by poor soil, erosion-prone hillsides, inclement weather and crowded shelters. The lack of cultivable land around the camps makes it impossible for refugees to supplement their food rations by growing their own food.

The average area per refugee for the old camps is 16.2 square metres, significantly lower than the standard of 45 square metres. With the camp populations growing by some 30 births a month, sanitation and hygiene problems have arisen. Such substandard conditions have far-reaching consequences, providing fertile ground for sexual and gender-related violence (SGBV), HIV and AIDS, early pregnancies and high school-dropout rates for girls, prostitution and survival sex, and psychosocial risks for children and other vulnerable individuals. The site for the new camp in Kigeme is hilly and requires costly land preparation. Terracing and construction of drainage canals will be carried out to avoid landslides during the rainy season, and to make it suitable to host an estimated 25,000 arrivals by the end of 2012. Essential and basic services, such as water (now at a rate of 8 litres per person per day), sanitation and health facilities meeting UNHCR standards, are urgently needed for the new camp.

All camp-based refugees receive food assistance, even though the standard of 2,100 kcal per day is not always met due to temporary shortages of some food items. Water supplies are variable. Indeed, while supplies are tight in Gihembe and Nyabiheke camps, where they range from 7-14 litres per person per day, in Kiziba residents get more than 20 litres per person per day.

Returnees to Rwanda receive three-month food rations as well as basic non-food items (NFIs) before proceeding to their districts of origin. Between the beginning of 2012 and the end of August, more than 8,000 returnees had been received and assisted by UNHCR.

However, in order to sustain their reintegration there is also a need for skills training, income-generation and livelihood activities. Returnees face extreme poverty and a lack of land, shelter and medical coverage. There are few job opportunities, and many have to walk long distances in search of water.

UNHCR 2013 planning figures for Rwanda
Total 79,370 79,370 101,780 101,780
Refugees Burundi 430 430 430 430
Chad 10 10 10 10
DRC 68,440 68,440 70,840 70,840
Various 20 20 30 30
Asylum-seekers Burundi 40 40 40 40
DRC 320 320 320 320
Various 10 10 10 10
Returnees (refugees) Rwanda 10,000 10,000 30,000 30,000
Others of concern DRC 70 70 70 70
Rwanda 20 20 20 20
Somalia 10 10 10 10

Main objectives and targets for 2013

Fair protection processes and documentation

Registration and the provision of civil-status documentation are improved.

  • All children under 12 months of age are registered.

  • All people of concern have birth certificates issued by the authorities.

The provision of individual documentation is increased.

  • All people of concern have valid identity documents.

Security from violence and exploitation

The risk of gender-based violence is reduced and the quality of the response to it is improved.

  • Some 90 per cent of known victims of SGBV receive support.

The protection of children is strengthened.

  • All out-of-school adolescents participate in targeted programmes.

  • A best interest determination (BID) process has been initiated or completed for all unaccompanied and separated children.

Basic needs and essential services

Shelter and infrastructure are established, improved and maintained.

  • Some 95 per cent of households live in adequate dwellings.

The supply of potable water is increased or maintained.

  • An average of 20 litres of potable water per person per day is made available.

The population lives in sufficiently sanitary and hygienic conditions.

  • All camp-based refugees have adequate sanitation.

The population has optimal access to education.

  • Some 20,000 refugees, or all those of concern aged 6-11, are enrolled in primary school.

The health of the population of concern is improved.

  • The under-5 mortality rate is no more than 1 per 1,000 people per month.

The nutritional well-being of people of concern is improved.

  • The prevalence of global acute malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months is kept below 5 per cent in all camps.

Durable solutions

The potential for resettlement is realized.

  • Some 2,400 individuals, out of an estimated 13,000 identified, are submitted for resettlement.

  • All identified individuals whose cases are submitted depart for resettlement.

Strategy and activities in 2013

In line with the Global Strategic Priorities, the goal of UNHCR in Rwanda is to improve the well-being of refugees, asylum-seekers and returnees through the provision of basic needs and essential services. The construction of a new refugee camp in Kigeme, which began in 2012, will continue in 2013 and provide basic services and facilities that meet UNHCR's standards. Furthermore, UNHCR will improve child protection by providing secondary school education, preventing and addressing SGBV, and developing skills training and self-reliance projects for refugees.

Voluntary repatriation will be facilitated, depending on the security situation in the DRC. However, owing to the political instability in the Great Lakes Region, voluntary repatriation on a large scale is not envisaged in 2013. Other durable solutions such as local integration and resettlement will also be pursued, despite their limited prospects. Resettlement will also be used as a protection tool for vulnerable refugees and refugees identified as having limited or no prospects for local integration after more than 14 years in Rwanda.

UNHCR will maintain partnerships with other humanitarian agencies and facilitate the reintegration of Rwandan returnees by monitoring the returnees and the implementation of the joint UNHCR/UN Country Team multi-year reintegration programme.

Communications with countries of asylum on protection-related issues affecting returnees will be improved. UNHCR will also ensure that the needs of all people of concern are reflected in the next United Nations Development Assistance Framework, covering the period 2013-2017.


The growth of the refugee population due to the birthrate and the absence of voluntary repatriation to the DRC have led to congestion in the camps.

The scarcity of land around the camps hampers efforts to expand them in order to improve living conditions. Moreover, the lack of land for agricultural purposes deprives the refugees of livelihood opportunities, hinders their efforts at self-sufficiency and hampers their prospects for local integration. Preparing the land for the new camp in Kigeme so that it is stable and less prone to landslides will be particularly costly.

Organization and implementation


UNHCR works with the Government of Rwanda and several international NGOs in the country. It collaborates with WFP to provide food rations in the camps and transit centres and with UNICEF on child protection. New operational and implementing partners have come on board as a result of the emergency in 2012.

Financial information

UNHCR's comprehensive budget for Rwanda for 2013 amounts to USD 29.8 million. It will be further reviewed to address additional needs related to the emergency in eastern DRC, which could not be assessed at the time this budget was approved.

Source: UNHCR Global Appeal 2013 Update



Statistical Snapshot*
* As at January 2013
  1. Country or territory of asylum or residence. In the absence of Government estimates, UNHCR has estimated the refugee population in most industrialized countries based on 10 years of asylum-seekers recognition.
  2. Persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the UNHCR Statute, persons granted a complementary form of protection and those granted temporary protection. It also includes persons in a refugee-like situation whose status has not yet been verified.
  3. Persons whose application for asylum or refugee status is pending at any stage in the procedure.
  4. Refugees who have returned to their place of origin during the calendar year. Source: Country of origin and asylum.
  5. Persons who are displaced within their country and to whom UNHCR extends protection and/or assistance. It also includes persons who are in an IDP-like situation.
  6. IDPs protected/assisted by UNHCR who have returned to their place of origin during the calendar year.
  7. Refers to persons under UNHCR's statelessness mandate.
  8. Persons of concern to UNHCR not included in the previous columns but to whom UNHCR extends protection and/or assistance.
  9. The category of people in a refugee-like situation is descriptive in nature and includes groups of people who are outside their country of origin and who face protection risks similar to those of refugees, but for whom refugee status has, for practical or other reasons, not been ascertained.
The data are generally provided by Governments, based on their own definitions and methods of data collection.
A dash (-) indicates that the value is zero, not available or not applicable.

Source: UNHCR/Governments.
Compiled by: UNHCR, FICSS.
Residing in Rwanda [1]
Refugees [2] 58,212
Asylum Seekers [3] 1,477
Returned Refugees [4] 11,249
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) [5] 0
Returned IDPs [6] 0
Stateless Persons [7] 0
Various [8] 89
Total Population of Concern 71,027
Originating from Rwanda [1]
Refugees [2] 97,471
Asylum Seekers [3] 10,239
Returned Refugees [4] 11,249
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) [5] 0
Returned IDPs [6] 0
Various [8] 89
Total Population of Concern 119,048
Government Contributions to UNHCR
Contributions since 2000
2013 0
2012 0
2011 0
2010 0
2009 0
2008 0
2007 0
2006 0
2005 0
2004 0
2003 0
2002 0
2001 0
2000 11,849

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Rwanda Fact Sheet

UNHCR Operation in Rwanda, Nov-Dec 2012

2013 UNHCR partners in Rwanda
Implementing partners
Government agencies: Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs (MIDIMAR); District partners
NGOs: Adventist Development Relief Agency; Africa Humanitarian Action; American Refugee Committee
Operational partners
Government agencies: Directorate of Immigration and Emigration; Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs; Ministry of Local Government
NGOs: Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale; Care International; Concern Worldwide; Deseret International Charities; Oxfam UK; Rwandan Red Cross; Salvation Army; Save the Children; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; World Vision Rwanda

Congolese Refugees flee to Rwanda

In the first ten days of May 2012, more than 6,500 refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo crossed into Rwanda, fleeing fighting between the Congolese army and renegade soldiers. UNHCR and its UN partners worked with the Rwandan government to provide the refugees with humanitarian assistance in the early stages of the crisis, and to find solutions until it is safe for them to return.

Some of the refugees walked for days before reaching the Goma-Gisenyi border crossing between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. They came with their belongings, including mattresses, clothing, perhaps a few toys for the children. The images are from the border and from the Nkamira Transit Centre, located 22 kilometres inside Rwanda. Accommodation at Nkamira is poor: the centre can only host up to 5,400 individuals. It is only temporary shelter, but numbers continue to swell as hundreds cross the border every day.

Congolese Refugees flee to Rwanda

Kigeme: A home carved from the hills for Congolese refugees

The Kigeme refugee camp in Rwanda's Southern province was reopened in June 2012 after thousands of Congolese civilians started fleeing across the border when fighting erupted in late April between Democratic Republic of the Congo government forces and fighters of the rebel M23 movement. Built on terraced hills, it currently houses more than 14,000 refugees but was not significantly affected by the latest fighting in eastern Congo, which saw the M23 capture the North Kivu provincial capital, Goma, before withdrawing. While many of the adults long for lasting peace in their home region, the younger refugees are determined to resume their education. Hundreds enrolled in special classes to help them prepare for the Rwandan curriculum in local primary and secondary schools, including learning different languages. In a camp where more than 60 per cent of the population are aged under 18 years, the catch-up classes help traumatized children to move forward, learn and make friends.

Kigeme: A home carved from the hills for Congolese refugees

Keeping Busy in Rwanda's Kiziba Camp

Rwanda's Kiziba Camp was opened in December 1996, after the start of civil war in neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The facility was constructed to help cope with the influx of tens of thousands of Congolese refugees at that time. Some of the refugees have since returned to their homes in eastern DRC, but about 16,000 remain at the remote hilltop camp located in the Western province of Rwanda. Fresh violence last year in DRC's North Kivu province did not affect the camp because new arrivals were accommodated in the reopened Kigeme Camp in Rwanda's Southern province. Most of the refugees in Kiziba have said they do not want to return, but the prospects of local integration is limited by factors such as a lack of land and limited access to employment. In the meantime, people try to lead as normal a life as possible, learning new skills and running small businesses to help them become self-sufficient. For the youth, access to sports and education is very important to ensure that they do not become sidetracked by negative influences as well as to keep up their spirits and hopes for the future.

Keeping Busy in Rwanda's Kiziba Camp

The suffering and strength of displaced Congolese women

During the ceaseless cycle of violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, it is the vulnerable who suffer the most, especially women and children. The issue of widespread sexual and gender-based violence is a major concern for UNHCR, but it never goes away. The refugee agency has received dozens of reports of rape and assault of women during the latest wave of fighting between government forces and rebel troops as well as militia groups in North and South Kivu provinces. It is an area where rape is used as a weapon of war.

The fear of sexual and physical violence forces thousands of women to seek refuge away from their homes or across the border in countries such as Rwanda and Uganda. Often their menfolk remain behind and women become the heads of household, looking after young children. They are the bedrock of society, yet they are often the first to suffer when instability comes to their home areas.

The following images were taken recently in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda by Frédèric Noy. They depict Congolese women who have fled their homes, leaving almost everything behind, and sought shelter in a place they hope will be better than where they came from. In many ways they have become inured to hardship, but so many of them continue to retain hope for themselves and their children. And that is an inspiration to those who help them.

The suffering and strength of displaced Congolese women