Text Box: Family Reunification- a barrier or facilitator of integration?

Launch of the transnational report comparing family reunification procedures across six* EU Member States.
(*Austria, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, and United Kingdom)

Date: 20 February 2013
Venue: Room P1CO51, Paul-Henri Spaak Building, European Parliament.
Time: 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Lunch will be available outside the room from 12.30 -1.00pm.


o	Opening Remarks
Claude Moraes, MEP, S&D LIBE Coordinator.

o	Introduction to the Family Reunification Project 
Denise Charlton, CEO, Immigrant Council of Ireland.

o	Findings of the Family Reunification Project
Tineke Strik, Centre for Migration Law, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
o	A Practical Perspective from a participating Member State
Hilkka Becker, Senior Solicitor, Immigrant Council of Ireland.

o	The relationship between family reunification and integration? Theoretical considerations.
N.N, ICMPD, Austria.

o	Questions and Answers

Please RSVP to events@immigrantcouncil.ie or +353 1 6740202 by 12 Feb. 2013 including your name, date of birth and identification number.
Lunchtime refreshments will be served 
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