Date: 2:40 PM 4/1/98 +0200

From: Sergio Briguglio

Subject: Frisullo (26)


Cari amici,

vi mando la scheda su Dino nella versione inglese preparata da Annamaria

Dupre' (a partire da un'analogo documento stilato - credo - da Annamaria

Rivera) e utilizzata per i contatti con alcuni organismi europei. Forse

puo' esservi utile.

Cordiali saluti

sergio briguglio




Dino Frisullo is an expert in Human Rights, peace, immigration, asylum,

racisma and minority issues.   He is a  consultant on these themes to

Members of Parliament, Governmental Institutions and civil servants. He

also is a reference point to Italian NGOs and Migrant associations.

Actually he is the General Secretary  of the association "Senzaconfine" and

the spokesperson of the association "Rete Antirazzista".

He went to Turkey with a delegation of Italian pacifists. The delegation

was composed by 25 persons: representatives of catholic and non religious

pacifist movements, journalists, photo reporters, lawyers, some members of

local administrative bodies and 2 Italian Members of Parliament (W.De

Cesaris, L.Cangemi). Aim of the mission,  agreed on by delegations of

various European countries,  was to participate at the feast of Newroz, the

New Year’s feast of the Kurds, to collect information on their living

conditions, to testify eventually on Human Rights violations.


On Saturday 21st March, the delegation was in  Diyarbakir/Turkish

Kurdistan, where there was going on one of  the various street feasts in

occasion of the New Year. Many  people were participating.

At the end of the feast  a spontenous procession came together, which was

dispersed  by the Police with violent attacks: there were many injured

people, also women and children. Also the photo reporter of the delegation,

Paolo Pellegrin, was injured and his camera was destroied. 3 Italian

citizens were taken by the Police to a military barrack. 2 of themhave been

later released and expelled. Only Dino Frisullo was taken to a  high

security prison in Diyarbakir. He was kept in isolation and accused , as

far as we could find out, of instigation to violence and propaganda against

the integrity of the State. He will be put in front of the Court for State

Security. The proof, as far as we could get informed, is material of

propaganda  for the Kurdish issue, which the  authorithies declare  they

found  in Frisullo's case.

Frisullo seems to be known to the Turkish authorities because of his

activities in Italy, denouncing Human Rights violations. He also

participated last year  to a journey in a peace train , with which many

pacifists, Members of Parliament and diplomats from various countries

reached the Kurdish area  last September.


The Italian Government  took  very energic actions, nevertheless on the

30th March 1998 Frisullo was denied  to be released from prison, paying a

caution, as his lawyer had requested.